How to use the anxiety sigil?

This post answers: How to use the stress and anxiety sigil? What are the benefits of anxiety sigil? What are some ways to manage anxiety? What are the therapy options for anxiety?

How to use the stress and anxiety sigil?

An anxiety sigil can be used in any way that makes sense to an individual. Some ideas of using the anxiety sigil are to inscribe them in places that are most visible and accessible to an individual such as on a piece of paper, wallet, tattoo, cupboard, or even on the sand when you are planting or gardening.

These anxiety sigils can also be used for rituals to help with crises in general. Anxiety sigils are most effective when it is used in conjunction with real-world actions.

What are the intentions of the anxiety sigil?

The intensions of the above anxiety sigil are:

Peace and calmness

An anxiety sigil is considered to radiate peace and calmness which helps to calm down an individual helping them become more equipped to deal with stressful situations whether acute or prolonged. It’s believed to strengthen one’s faith in their ability to navigate out of the challenges that one faces.

The circles represent calm and clarity while the wavy lines represent the ability to come out of the challenges without being traumatized by them.


Anxiety sigil helps to provide a sense of hope in individuals such that they are able to see a fruitful end to their current problems and also motivate them to take steps to facilitate that favorable ending.

The heart over here represents kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. It also represents positivity and good health.


This anxiety sigil also indicates a sense of acceptance where one acknowledges the fact that persisting difficulties are just a function of certain circumstances. 

These difficulties will exist whether we want them or not. when individuals accept their situations, they feel and deal with them in a more efficient manner.

The + in this sigil represents the ability to rearrange your perspective and shift to a more self-supportive frame of mind.

Ability to relax

The anxiety sigil above also represents the ability to relax which helps individuals to unwind their emotional blockage. Unwinding is considered essential to stop the vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. 

The opening spiral represents relaxation and unwinding in the above sigil. It opens both directions so that people find peace and relaxation in various areas of life.

Restful sleep

Stress and anxiety might have a negative impact on an individual’s sleep in turn deteriorating their health. Good sleep helps individuals to have a good start to the day and makes them feel calmer and more composed. The crescent moon in the sigil symbolizes sleep.

Concentration and focus

Anxiety and stress can make it difficult for people to concentrate on their work. It drives them into a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety which distracts them from their goals and tasks. The bullseye in the center of this signal represents concentration and focus.

Concentration and focus on the current movement help individuals to regulate their anxiousness and stay put on their current tasks and goals.

Accept help

It can be very difficult to face prolonged anxiety alone leading to overwhelming feelings It is necessary to ask for help in such situations activity or when offered. Seeking help Ken motivate individuals to regulate their emotions and feelings by sharing it with a person who can help them with the process. The+ is for allowing individuals to aid themselves.

There are many anxiety and stress management sigils with different patterns and meanings. Individuals can also come up with their own patterns to form an anxiety sigil that they relate to.

What are some ways to manage anxiety?

Identify and acknowledge the triggers

The most significant strategy that can be used to control one’s anxiety is by identifying and acknowledging those triggers.

Being able to recognize what makes an individual anxious makes them better equipped to take action.

Relaxation techniques


Even though anxiety can be bought under an individual’s control it cannot be predicted. In such situations, it is necessary that an individual actively carries out relaxation techniques.

These might include meditation, yoga, and deep breathing which helps to reduce the intensity of anxiety within a short period.



A key to reducing the frequency and intensity of anxiety attacks could be spending time with close family and friends.

The kind of emotional and practical support provided by these social and personal groups help the person feel connected and aid in distracting one’s mind from negative and recurring thoughts that lead to anxiety.

Apart from friends and families, individuals can also consider speaking to groups of people that are experiencing similar problems.

Set realistic goals

When an individual is feeling overwhelmed, setting goals and targets keeping in mind priorities can help resolve overwhelming feelings of fear or panic.

Setting goals provides structure and routine to an individual’s life reducing space for uncertainty which can be a major trigger for anxiety in many cases.

Take up new challenges

Apart from doing activities that an individual is usually fond of and has expertise in, trying new and challenging activities that put an individual outside their comfort zone in a healthy manner may help reduce the stress and anger temporarily.

Signing up for new activities also provides a path to meeting people with similar stories and concerns.

Lifestyle changes

An individual’s lifestyle plays a major role in their experience of anxiety. An unhealthy and busy lifestyle usually leads to unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, lack of adequate sleep.

A combination of a well-set diet, exercise, and sleep can help to regulate an individual’s mood and equip them with a favorable coping mechanism.

These coping mechanisms in turn help to get control over once anxiety concerns in a more adaptable manner.

lack of proper diet, sleep, and exercise can make an individual sluggish, dependent, moody and vulnerable to anxiety attacks.

Making journal entries

Last but not least having a journal to write down how a person is feeling and thinking when they are anxious helps them to reflect upon their thoughts and feelings.

Putting down one’s thoughts and feelings onto a paper helps to provide a sense of temporary relief.

In the case of journal entry, a person does not even have to fear being judged by another person regarding their thoughts and feelings.

What are the therapy options for anxiety?

Cognitive-behavioural therapy

Cognitive-behavioural therapy helps an individual to control their anxiety by using strategies like relaxation and breathing. It works on the principles of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy is a kind of therapy in which an individual is exposed to a particular stimulus that they usually fear or are anxious about in a graded order.

As and when the individual gets comfortable with the situation or stimulus introduced or exposed to them with each session, individuals get more comfortable with a real-life situation that might have otherwise been a source for triggering anxiety.

Group therapy


It is based on the principle that when an individual interacts with other people who are suffering from the same fears they might not feel left alone or isolated. Group therapy usually involves a group of individuals who are experiencing similar symptoms and problems.


Anxiety can also be treated with the help of medication prescribed by a health care professional.

Though medication alone cannot help in reducing persistent anxiety it can help in restoring a sense of control and bring temporary relief. 

Online therapy  

In cases where reaching out physically to a professional is impossible or discomforting an individual can opt to seek help through the online medium. 

In this, the therapy sessions are carried out one-to-one over a video or audio call. Some individuals also prefer interacting with the therapist through text as well due to various reasons. One of the most common is the fear of being judged by the therapist or some personal hesitation. 

Online therapy can help individuals to regulate some aspects of their anxiety that aids individuals in carrying out a stress-free life over time


Individuals must understand that this sigil alone cannot help reduce individuals’ anxiety and give them the power to deal with their challenges. Individuals must consider other self-help strategies and therapy options for holistic healing.


Stress and Anxiety Management Sigil

Anxiety is not an excuse?

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