Zoloft muscle tension (best ways to reduce it) 

In this article, we will talk about zoloft induced muscle tension. It is commonly experienced by people using zoloft. This is why we will learn the best possible ways to reduce muscle tension and make them relaxed. 

Zoloft induced muscle tension 

Zoloft can cause muscle tension. This tension can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue. One theory suggests that zoloft may disturb sodium and chloride levels in your blood, which can result in muscle tension. 

Usually, zoloft induced side effects begin to subside within a few weeks of treatment. If your symptoms persist or are pretty intense, then reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as you can. 

Stretch to reduce your muscle tension 

Either medication induced or caused by heinous exercise, muscle tension is quite disturbing and painful. Stretching is crucial in order to release muscle tension. 

It is a way of making your muscles breathe. Following are a few ways to stretch that can help you relieve some of your muscle tension:

Hamstring stretch

Hamstring stretch is a great way to relax your calves. You can try it during your yoga session or simply when you wake up. You can also do this before you go to bed, in order to release all the tension that has been building up throughout the day. 

This is how you do it:

  • Stand straight with your arms by your side. 
  • Bend over until your hands reach your feet. 
  • Touch your ankles or you can grab them for support and hold this position for a minute or two.

Tricep stretch

Tricep stretch is used to relax your arm muscles. Try doing it at least 2 to 3 days a week. 

This is how you do it:

  • Stand up or sit down, whatever is best for you. 
  • Move your hands up your head and try to grab your elbows of opposite arms
  • Put pressure on one elbow to deepen the stretch 
  • Hold this position for 2-3 minutes.
  • Repeat on the other side

Frog stretch 

This move can help relax your lower back muscles. Frog stretch is considered one of the best exercises to fix your posture. 

This is how you do it

  • Get down on all fours
  • Widen your knees outwards until they become wider than your shoulders. 
  • If you think this doesn’t provide enough stretch, you can widen your knees as much as you can painlessly. 
  • Rest your forearms on the ground
  • Hold this position for 2 to 3 minutes, or as long as you can.

Shoulder stretch 

This move can help relax your upper back muscles. It targets large muscle groups on your shoulders and back so I’m pretty sure it will feel great. Try it. 

This is how you do it:

  • Sit down in a yoga pose. Make sure your back is straight 
  • Move your hands behind your back and hold them. 
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and stretch outwards. 
  • Hold this position for 1-2 minutes. 

Next stretch 

This helps you release tension from your neck muscles. It’s pretty easy to do and you don’t have to be in a certain position to do it. You can do it while sitting on your bed. 

This is how you do it:

  • Sit down on your bed or a chair.
  • Make sure your posture is straight 
  • Start rotating your neck slowly in all directions, clockwise and anticlockwise.
  • Continue this movement for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Use natural muscle relaxers 

Nature has sources for pretty much everything. Following are the sources which can serve as natural muscle relaxers:


Chamomile tea is best known for relaxing your muscles and making it easier for you to fall asleep. It contains many flavonoids which possess anti-inflammatory properties. 

You can try drinking chamomile tea or you can also try massaging with chamomile essential oil which can provide relief to your affected muscles. 


A study shows that eating Blueberries can help facilitate the recovery of affected muscles. It also reduces muscle tension. Blueberries are known to have antioxidants and it’s anti-inflammatory in nature. You can either consume them the way they are or make a delicious smoothie.


Consuming cherries is another delicious way to get rid of muscle tension. Studies have revealed that drinking cherry juice relaxes your muscles and can relieve your muscle pain after running or jogging. 

The fruit has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe your muscles naturally. 

Vitamin D

If you have vitamin D deficiency, you’re more likely to suffer from zoloft induced muscle tension. Make sure you add vitamin D rich foods in your diet, like oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel, red meat, liver, egg yolks etc.

It is also present in fortified foods, such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals. If your vitamin D level is extremely low, diet alone can not fix it. Your healthcare provider will recommend using supplements. 


Magnesium is an important mineral for muscle health. It maintains normal muscle function and is also necessary for your nerve health. Common sources of magnesium include legumes, bananas, rice, almonds etc. 

In case of magnesium deficiency, your healthcare provider may prescribe you a supplement to replenish magnesium, as natural sources can help maintain it but for deficiency, you need something stronger.


Calcium is an important element associated with muscle contraction. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the daily recommended amount of calcium is given below:

Age groups Daily recommended amounts in milligrams
Young adults1000
Women over 50 years1200
Men over 70 years1200

Common sources of calcium include milk and other dairy foods, rice and almond milk, soy milk, fortified orange juice and salmon etc. 

Other medications which can increase muscle tension 

Following are medications other than antidepressants, which can increase muscle tension and cause muscle pain:

  • Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium)
  • Glucophage (metformin)
  • Klonopin (clonazepam)
  • Ambien (zolpidem)
  • Xanax (alprazolam)
  • Ultram (tramadol)
  • Omeprazole
  • Famotidine 
  • Erectile dysfunction medications
  • Migraine medications
  • HIV medications

Make sure you are not using any of the above mentioned medications along with zoloft. Always discuss with your healthcare provider before using two or more medications together. 


  • It’s necessary to inform your doctor if you’re allergic to zoloft or any other medication, or if you’ve been allergic to any other inactive ingredient in the past. 
  • It is also mandatory to tell your healthcare provider your medical history or any pre-existing health condition, especially if you suffer from bipolar disorder, kidney disease, liver disease, glaucoma etc. 
  • Always tell your doctor your medication history. Discuss all the medicines you use, even over-the-counter meds before you start using zoloft. 
  • Zoloft can cause QT prolongation so discuss it with your cardiologist if you have a heart condition. 
  • Do not suggest medications, unless you are a healthcare professional yourself. Do not share medications. You might think your conditions match but oftentimes they don’t. It’s actually pretty dangerous.
  • If you fail to understand how to use the drug properly or have any other question, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  • In case of overdose, immediately reach out to the hospital. Make sure you properly guide them about how much drug you have taken and when. 
  • If you experience unusual side effects, immediately contact your healthcare provider.
  • The liquid form of zoloft usually contains alcohol. Consult your healthcare provider if you have diabetes, alcoholism, or some liver disease. 
  • Elderly people and children are more susceptible to side effects
  • Using zoloft in the third trimester can cause rare side effects in babies like breathing difficulties, seizures etc. 
  • It can also pass into the breastmilk. Consult your doctor if you are a nursing mother. 


In this blog, we learned about zoloft induced muscle tension. This is the most commonly reported side effect. It usually goes away within the first few weeks of your treatment but if your symptoms persist, make sure you consult your healthcare provider.

Do not stop zoloft abruptly thinking that your side effects will go away if you just stop taking it because that won’t happen. Instead. you’ll just end up opening your doors for withdrawal symptoms. Always consult your healthcare provider before you start or stop using any medication.

In this blog, we have also discussed the natural sources which can act as muscle relaxers. Make sure you incorporate chamomile, blueberries, cherries, vitamin D rich foods, magnesium and calcium in your diet. 

Take rest when you feel your muscles being tensed. We have also discussed some ways to stretch that can help you in releasing some of that muscle tension as well. 

FAQs: zoloft muscle tension

Does Zoloft cause muscle tension?

Yes, zoloft can cause muscle tension associated with muscle cramps and fatigue. Make sure you inform your healthcare provider if your symptoms persist. 

Does Zoloft cause aches and pains?

Yes, zoloft can cause pain in your stomach and your muscles. 

Can you take muscle relaxers with Zoloft?

Always consult your healthcare provider before using two or more different kinds of medications together. You can also try using natural muscle relaxers like chamomile, cherries, blueberries, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D etc. Make sure you stretch to relax your muscles. 

Do Zoloft side effects go away?

The side effects of zoloft stay until your body gets used to the medication. Once it adapts to the presence of zoloft, the side effects begin to fade away. It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks, depending on how your body reacts to the med. 

Can you take Robaxin with Zoloft?

Using sertraline together with robaxin may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Geriatric population is more susceptible to these side effects. 

What is serotonin syndrome?

Serotonin Syndrome occurs when your body has too much serotonin. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include:

  • Excessive sweating 
  • Restlessness and fatigue
  • Headache, which often feels like your head is pounding
  • Changes in blood pressure and/or temperature
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bradycardia
  • Tremors
  • Muscle twitching and muscle pain
  • Shivering and goosebumps

In severe cases, serotonin syndrome can be life-threatening. These include:

  • High fever
  • Seizures
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Passing out


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