Why am I so attracted to the Moon? (Selenophilia)

In this blog post, we will answer the following questions: Why am I so attracted to the Moon? Is selenophilia a disorder? Should I worry about seeing the beauty of the Moon? What symptoms does it present? All of these questions will be answered throughout this article.

Selenophilia: Why am I so attracted to the Moon?

Selenophilia, that is, attraction to the Moon, is a word used by those who are fascinated by this nocturnal star, although, perhaps, unaware of the possible confusion that can be caused by using the ending ‘filia’ in the field of psychopathology.

Selenophilia (from the Greek ‘Selene’, Luna, and ‘philia’, love) is the reason why you are so attracted to the Moon. Although its name may imply that people who feel this particular attraction to the only satellite on Earth have some kind of sexual perversion, the truth is that it does not refer to a psychological disorder.

It should not be thought that Selenophilia and selenophilics should be classified in the same group as other rare types of attractions, such as paedophilia, zoophilia, and necrophilia. These three examples cited here are true paraphilic behaviours, and in all three, someone or something is harmed. 

In the case of Selenophilia, it is simply a certain intellectual and artistic attraction to the Moon, not a sexual desire for this satellite.

People who are attracted to the moon also get attached to stars or sky. They like staring at it, but don’t know the real reasons behind their attractions.


In no diagnostic manual does the word ‘selenophilia’ appear as if it were a paraphilic disorder. It does not have the characteristics to be considered a disorder of any kind and, if it is a matter of finding a symptom, you cannot see any particularly worrying. What it is possible to talk about is a series of characteristics that selenophilia people have.

Usually, people who are selenophilia use this label, using it to refer to themselves and only with the intention of differentiating themselves from other people who do not feel this special attraction to the Moon. 

Selenophiliacs are often bohemian people, who like to go to sleep late at night gazing at the dark sky lit by the pale star. Many of them consider themselves nymphophilic too, that is, attracted by the enveloping darkness of the night.

The Moon has always inspired, and there are not a few artistic works that have been dedicated to it. And, in fact, the selenophilics are people who tend to express themselves through art. 

To give just a few examples: From Earth to the Moon (1865), Jules Verne’s book, Moonlight (1801), Ludwig van Beethoven’s sonata or Fly me to the moon (1956), a song by Frank Sinatra and Neon Genesis Evangelion ending. The Moon, as we can see, has always been a beautiful star that has been the muse of great artists.

Although this cannot be fully assured, it is not uncommon to find that the people who feel this aesthetic desire for the Moon are rather introverted individuals, who prefer to contemplate the night sky in their solitude. They also consider themselves to be people with above-average intelligence and a deeper capacity for reflection.

Possible causes

As we have seen before, selenophilia is not a disorder, so it is not possible to speak of any pathological causes that explain it either. As the saying goes, for tastes, colours, and as for attraction to things, there is everything. Humans present individual differences, which give humanity a wide spectrum of variety, shown in the form of traits, opinions and, as in the case of selenophilia, tastes.

Of course, presenting certain personality traits can be related to this peculiar attraction to the Moon. In fact, as we have seen before, it seems that introverted people with a particular capacity for reflection feel this interest in the only satellite on Earth.

Also, although it is a lot to suppose, presenting intellectual capacities above the average seems to be related to selenophilia. What can be assured is that people with strong artistic interests are fascinated by how this star decorates the night sky.


Since it is a preference and not a disorder, it is difficult to find negative consequences of selenophilia.

However, it can be said that those people who stay up late in the morning looking at the Moon may be depriving themselves of sleep, which negatively affects their circadian cycles. 

Thus, by altering the normal sleep cycles, the individual could appear tired and irritated the next day, or fall asleep in broad daylight, being able to neglect tasks that must be done during daytime hours, such as work, dedicating time to their studies or taking care of their relationships with family and friends.

On the other hand, the fascination with the Moon has been something that has contributed significantly in art and culture, given that worldwide attention has been devoted, in one way or another, to this satellite. 

Also, from more philosophical and religious perspectives, he has dedicated himself to meditating on this satellite, allowing us to get closer to the nature of the world.

Does Selenophilia require treatment?

Since it is not a real paraphilic disorder, it does not require treatment either. As we were already commenting, philic is understood as all that attraction to something that involves a real pathological problem, that is, a type of sexual preference that involves harm either to the person who feels it or to the person who performs it, such as paedophilia.

The selenophilics are hardly going to see their life deteriorated by feeling a strong attraction to the Moon. They value more prominently than other people the beauty of the Moon, without rubbing against sexual desire or wanting to commit perversions against this star. There is no suffering for whoever presents selenophilia nor for the object of his attraction, the Moon.

What would require treatment are sleep disorders that may be caused by taking this fascination towards the Moon to the extreme. As we have seen, prioritizing observing the Moon at night and not going to sleep when convenient can negatively affect a person’s health. In this case, a professional should be consulted to treat this behaviour and, if necessary, take medication to readjust the circadian cycles.

FAQ on Why am I so attracted to the moon?

What does it mean when you are attracted to the moon?

People who are attracted to the Moon are often bohemian people, who like to go to sleep late at night gazing at the dark sky lit by the pale star. Many of them consider themselves nymphophilic too, that is, attracted by the enveloping darkness of the night.

Why do I feel a strong connection with the moon?

You feel a strong connection with the Moon if you are an introvert, who spends a lot of time reflecting and who finds that the best time to do this is during the night. Many artists are inspired by the Moon – considering their source of inspiration and creativity.

What does the moon symbolize spiritually?

Spiritually the Moon symbolizes the feminine energy, characterised by wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a spiritual connection.

Can the moon make you sick?

The Moon can cause headaches, confusion, fatigue, and sleeplessness. That is because our body can be influenced by gravitational forces and atmospheric pressure changes. 

What should you not do on a full moon?

On a full moon, you should not start something new, you should make important decisions and you should not lose your temper. It is best to keep calm and do many relaxing and self-care activities. 

Is a full moon good luck?

A full moon is considered good luck in some cultures, however, in most cases, the full moon is seen as bringing bad luck. Thus, you should be careful not to start anything new on a full moon, such as an important project or making a financial decision.


In this blog post, we answered the following questions: Why am I so attracted to the Moon? Is selenophilia a disorder? Should I worry about seeing the beauty of the Moon? What symptoms does it present? 

Selenophilia (from the Greek ‘Selene’, Luna, and ‘philia’, love) is the reason why you are so attracted to the Moon. Although its name may imply that people who feel this particular attraction to the only satellite on Earth have some kind of sexual perversion, the truth is that it does not refer to a psychological disorder.

The selenophilics are hardly going to see their life deteriorated by feeling a strong attraction to the Moon. They value more prominently than other people the beauty of the Moon, without rubbing against sexual desire or wanting to commit perversions against this star. There is no suffering for whoever presents selenophilia nor for the object of his attraction, the Moon.

If you’ve enjoyed the ”Why am I so attracted to the Moon?” mentioned above, I would recommend you to take a look at ”11 Randomly Inspired Acts” too.

Are you inexplicably attracted to the Moon? We’d love to know how you would describe this connection. So, do not hesitate and let us know if you have any comments or questions!


Casey, C. E. (1988). Selenophilia. Cambridge University Press. 47(1), 55 – 62.

Metro.co.uk – How does a full moon affect your mood?

Bbc.com – The mood-altering power of the Moon

Lawhimsy.com -Word Nerd: Selenophilia

Thesituationist.wordpress.com – The Moon and Your Emotions

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