Which personality disorders are in MBTI personality types?

In this blog post, we will answer the question “which personality disorders are in MBTI personality types?” and have an in-depth look at the 16 personality types (including the 8 personality traits), personality disorders and finally how to cope with and manage personality disorder.

The personality disorders in MBTI personality types are:

  • Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Histrionic personality disorder 
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder
  • Paranoid personality disorder

What is personality?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA) personality “refers to individual differences in patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.” We can therefore conclude that personality comprises three major elements. That is unique thought patterns (cognitions), emotions, and behaviours.

What are personality disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by long-lasting maladaptive patterns of behaviour, cognition and mood experiences. Personality disorders are further grouped into clusters A, B and C, which are further sub-categorized into different groups. 

Before we delve further into personality disorders, let us look at Myers-Briggs type indicator personalities.

The 8 personality traits, according to Myers Briggs.

If you have taken a Myers-Briggs personality test before, you will have received your results as a letter combination. For example, ESTP-A. So what exactly do these letters represent? Keep reading to find out.

According to Myers Briggs, personality types comprise the following personality preferences;

  • Extraversion or introversion. Refers to the direction of energy toward people or ideas.
  • Sensing and intuition. Refers to the processing of information.
  • Thinking or feeling. Refers to types of decision-making.
  • Judgment or perception. Refers to types of lifestyles.

Extraversion (E)

Extraversion, according to MBTI, is the direction of energy towards events, situations, activities and social interactions. In summary, an extrovert spends time with people in different social settings.

Introversion (I)

Introversion is the direction of energy towards ideas, information, belief systems, and detailed explanations. In summary, an introvert spends time away from social settings and prefers to spend time with themselves and in their thoughts.

Sensing (S)

Sensing refers to the deriving and processing of information from facts, use of logic and tangible evidence. If sensing is your preferred mode of deriving information, you are more likely to go after facts, logical ideas, and evidence before you adopt a concept.

Intuition (N)

Intuition refers to deriving and processing information from vague ideas, concepts, endless possibilities, and anticipation. Intuition is represented by the letter N since “I” represents introversion.

Thinking (T)

Thinking represents a decision-making style in which you seek facts, logical thinking, tangible evidence and data analysis before arriving at a certain decision. A thinker, therefore, seeks clarity in order to decide.

Feeling (F)

Feeling represents the decision-making style in which you use values and beliefs to arrive at a certain decision. When using feelings as a decision-making style, facts and logic are not given priority.

Judgment (J)

Represents a lifestyle in which individuals prefer ‌a well-planned life. This includes planning daily tasks, work schedules, and planned leisure time. Order is key here and is given maximum priority.

Perception (P)

Perception represents the type of lifestyle in which individuals are flexible, and make choices and decisions as they go with the flow. In summary, individuals who are perceptive are not bound to strict rules, guidelines and well-structured plans.

Personalities according to MBTI are therefore derived from combining the following personality preferences in order to arrive at a certain personality type, for example, ESTP.

Since you have learnt about the meaning of each letter, ‌let us now interpret the following personality types according to personality preferences. INFJ, INSP, ENFJ.

What are the 16 personality types according to Myers Briggs?

To help you comprehend the 16 personality types better, we will divide them into two groups. Eight introverted personality types and eight extroverted personality types.

Eight introverted personalities

Introverted people prefer to spend time with themselves while pondering various ideas. They may find social interactions emotionally and physically draining. They are also sensitive to their environments and can be overstimulated by colours, smells and sounds.


People with this personality type are logical and creative thinkers. They love spending time on their own while pondering different ideas and theories. Logic, knowledge and competence are highly valued by them.

They are neither interested in leadership roles nor being followers,


People with this personality type prefer to spend time alone reflecting and pondering on ideas. Values are highly treasured and they strive to live by them. They care about others, are loyal, dependable and adaptable to various situations.


People with this personality type are considered being serious individuals who can also be kind and sensitive to the plights of others. They are open-minded and are therefore likely to be very creative.

They like to have their space and work on their own schedules. They are also mindful and thus are in touch with the present.


People with this personality type are considered to be reserved and interested in learning about how things work. As a result, they are highly skilled in mechanical work. They are quiet observers who are flexible and can tolerate various environments.

They are ‌detached or aloof. They, however, love facts and finding solutions to problems.


Persons with this personality trait are independent of thought and action. They are also very analytical and are brilliant planners who see tasks and duties through. They are, therefore, very reliable individuals.

They ‌ subject themselves and others to high standards of performance and are thus natural leaders who can also compromise to be followers of diligent leaders.


Persons with this personality type are highly organized and value well-structured plans. They treasure value and are committed to them. They are curious about the motives of others and thus have a great insight into other people.


Persons with this personality type are usually quiet and kind. They are dependable and responsible people who tend to value the needs of others above their own. They are committed to values and are interested in learning how they can be of service to others.


They are considered being serious and quiet people. They love the sense of peace and security around them. They value logic, practicability, and commitment to tasks and duties. They are therefore highly responsible and dependable people.

They also treasure order and well-structured systems in their lives.

8 extroverted personalities.

Extroverted people like spending time with people in various situations and social settings. They are charming and refresh others.


We consider people with this personality trait to be straightforward, problem-solvers, and natural leaders who are well knowledgeable and informed about ideas. They can be forceful in nature by which they present their ideas.


Persons with this personality type are considered to have great social and people skills. They are also empathetic and responsible. They dislike spending time on their own because of maladaptive thoughts.

They have an eye for potential in others and are loyal companions.


People with this personality type love people and their company. They have a strong desire to be liked and appreciated for the things they do. They love having a good time and making others feel good. ESFJs set their values according to the surrounding people.


They are considered to be natural leaders who value laws, rules, and traditions. They are very practical and love organizing duties and people in order to get things done. 


ENTPs value ideas, are ‌outspoken and love having conversations with others. They love coming up with new ideas instead of implementing them. Mundane and routine staff bore them and therefore like to work on their own.


ENTPs are considered jolly people who are kind and warm to others. They can be very imaginative and have full potential. They excel in things that they are interested in and are very confident in things that they are well informed about.


They are considered to be loving, outgoing and friendly people. They like working in partnership with others and are full of potential. They love exploring new opportunities and being spontaneous and positive. 

They dislike and struggle with negativity and tend to be overwhelmed by negative possibilities.


ESTPs are love events, activities and social settings. They love taking energetic action to solve problems while producing immediate results. They have great social skills and are keen on other people’s personalities and feelings.

9 personality disorders associated with some personality traits.

ESTP and ENFJ can suffer from Histrionic personality disorder, a disorder in which individuals crave attention, are dramatic, have unstable emotions, think they are closer to people than they really are, and have strong opinions. This is a result of their strong desire to be liked and be the centre of attention.

ESFP and ENTJ can suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. These two are goal-oriented, value rules, being organized and well-structured plans. As a result, they can suffer from an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, a disorder characterized by excessive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism and control, therefore impairing the ability to complete tasks.

ISTP and INFJ can suffer from Schizoid Personality Disorder. Because of their dislike for social settings and people, these two can suffer from a schizoid personality disorder, a disorder characterized by inhibited emotional expression, avoiding social activities and interactions with others, including family.

ISFP and INTJ can suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder. 

Because of their love for ideas and theories, especially conspiracy theories, they can suffer from a paranoid personality disorder, a disorder characterized by distrust and suspicion of others without sufficient reasons. They believe people are out to harm, embarrass and threaten them.

ENTP and ESFJ can suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder

These two types, if maladaptive, can become manipulative and hence the reason why they can suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder, a disorder characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a strong desire for attention and to be desired while lacking empathy for others.


On this page, we provide you with a Myer Briggs personality article which we hope helped you learn more about personality traits and personality disorders that can affect unique personality traits. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions: Myers-Briggs personality disorders

Which MBTI personalities are prone to mental disorders?

ESFP, ENTJ, ISTPs and INFJs can have anxiety and depression disorders as a result of social withdrawal and the need for perfectionism.

Which MBTI personality worries the most?

INFJs since they have a tendency to overthink and second guess themselves.

What are INFJs afraid of?

They are typically afraid of being abandoned as well as opening up to others.


Shenck, K. 8 extroverted personality types. Mindfulness muse. Retrieved from https://www.mindfulnessmuse.com/individual-differences/myers-briggs-8-extroverted-personality-types#:~:text=Extroverted%20individuals%20tend%20to%20derive,energizing%20other%20people%20around%20them.

Shenck, K. * introverted personality types. Mindfulness muse. Retrieved from https://www.mindfulnessmuse.com/individual-differences/myers-briggs-8-introverted-personality-types

Jung, C.G. (1921), Psychological Types, (London: Routledge, 1971)

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