What to do if you’re not losing weight on Wellbutrin XL? (3+ points)
In this blog post, we are going to answer the question, “What to do if you’re not losing weight on Wellbutrin XL?”. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant which is used for the management and treatment of depression, anxiety, and several other mental health conditions.
However, some people may try to use this medication for the purpose of weight loss. This blog will cover all there is to know about Wellbutrin and weight loss. We will also discuss what one should do if Wellbutrin is not working for weight loss.
What to do if you’re not losing weight on Wellbutrin XL?
If you’re not losing weight on Wellbutrin XL, there are a few things you need to understand:
- Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill
- It is not prescribed for weight loss
- It does not cause weight loss in every other individual
- It can make some people gain weight
Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill
Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill. It is an atypical antidepressant. It is also known as a dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
It works by actively inhibiting the reuptake of two excitatory monoamine neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine by blocking their transporters which are supposed to send the chemicals back to the presynaptic neuron.
This way more dopamine and norepinephrine are available in the synaptic cleft to bind to their respective receptors. The excess excitatory chemicals compensate for the deficiencies of such chemicals which are mainly associated with depression.
This is how Wellbutrin actively counteracts the symptoms associated with depression and other mental health conditions. This is the most important thing you need to know about Wellbutrin.
It is not prescribed for weight loss
As we have just discussed, Wellbutrin is an antidepressant. Yes, it can help you lose weight as there are a lot of clinical trials that have shown how this drug can significantly help you lose weight, but this is not the primary use of Wellbutrin.
It is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the purpose of weight loss and it will never be. This is because Wellbutrin can treat your depression, anxiety, and several other mental health conditions.
It has nothing to do with your metabolism or your fat-burning process. It can help people with eating disorders or those people who have depression comorbid with obesity, but if a normal weighing person takes Wellbutrin, he or she may never lose any weight.
Remember, the more weight you have, the more you will lose. Make sure you never use any medication for the sole purpose of weight loss without your doctor’s approval.
Wellbutrin has a number of side effects and it should never be used for weight loss. If your healthcare provider believes that you can gain some benefits from this antidepressant, he or she will prescribe you on their own.

It does not cause weight loss in every other individual
Yes, you read that right. There are a number of studies that have shown the variable effects of Wellbutrin. Although the drug is known to cause weight loss to some extent, it may not work like that for every single individual.
There is one important thing that you need to understand. Every single human body is different. We all have different kinds of physiological make-up.
Some people can’t even tolerate Wellbutrin well and the continuation of treatment with this antidepressant is not possible for them because of the side effects. Even if they end up reacting well to it in terms of the antidepressant effect, it still may not help them lose weight.
This is why this medication is prescribed properly. Not everyone can bear it. If your doctor thinks that there’s a better match for your condition other than Wellbutrin then that antidepressant would be prescribed. Weighing out the pros and cons should be the basic step before starting to use any type of antidepressant.
It can make some people gain weight
Several research studies have indicated that Wellbutrin may cause weight gain in some people. However, this effect of Wellbutrin depends on various factors. We all are aware of the fact that depression affects people differently.
Some people may develop an eating disorder, while others can become anorexic. People who suffer from anorexia comorbid with depression can become extremely underweight because of their mental health illness.
When Wellbutrin is prescribed to such a person, they start to eat more because the drug provides relief to their anorexia symptoms. They begin to consume more calories as they slowly move toward the normal eating pattern.
This can make them gain weight. No medication is prescribed blindly. There are a lot of factors that can affect your treatment plan and there are a number of antidepressants available.
Your healthcare provider will most likely prescribe the one that fits better according to your condition, gender, age, genes, and basic physiological composition.
This is why you should never start taking any medication without your doctor’s approval. You should always stick to your doctor’s recommended dose and frequency of dose administration.
How can you accelerate your weight loss while being on Wellbutrin?
There are some tips that may help you lose some weight while being on Wellbutrin. These include:
Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape, no matter what medication you are taking. When you’re mentally depressed, you do feel like you have no energy to even move, but if you do some exercise while feeling that way, you will notice a surge in your energy levels.
It not only helps you lose weight but working out also helps you out with your depression symptoms by releasing happy chemicals in your brain. Several studies have indicated that the use of Wellbutrin as an antidepressant can help increase your energy levels.
You don’t have to spend hours doing so. If you are not a beginner, you can simply engage in a 10-minutes high-intensity interval training session, which will help you burn calories for the next 48 hours.
Even if you are a beginner, you can search online for beginner-friendly workouts and do them for 15 to 20 minutes. Just make sure you move enough during the day. Sedentarism can make you gain a tremendous amount of weight.
Eat the right foods.
“You are what you eat”, there’s a reason why they say that. If you don’t take good care of your diet and continue to consume unhealthy food, it doesn’t even matter which meds you’re taking as you sure as hell will gain weight. This is why you need to eat the right kinds of food.
This doesn’t necessarily mean to stop eating what you love. You can still enjoy eating fast or junk food, but only if you know how to maintain a balance. If you continue to intake unhealthy kinds of food, you will continue to gain weight, irrespective of your prescription.
Make sure you add lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water to your diet.
Try Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is a kind of irregular fasting where you can eat whatever you want to, but just during a specific time window. This can help balance the number of calories you intake and can also help you lose weight.
Several research studies have indicated that IF can make you lose weight much earlier than conventional weight loss methods, without even changing much in your diet.
Cut back on excess sugar
White sugar, which is one of the most commonly used sugars, is considered an enemy when it comes to your health. It is the biggest culprit behind weight gain and it is addictive in so many ways.
The excess intake of sugar not only makes you gain weight but also harms your physical health in other ways. Several researchers have revealed that comparative studies have shown how sugar can make you feel sick.
This is because this sweetener can cause a huge decline in your energy levels, yes. It can make you lethargic and lazy. Excessive sugar intake can make you not want to work out or even move much. It also weakens your bones and endurance.
This is why people who are addicted to white sugar start to gain a tremendous amount of weight because they’re not just gaining weight because of the sugar, but they’re not moving enough to burn those extra calories.
In this blog post, we have discussed what one should do if he or she is not gaining weight on Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill. It is an atypical antidepressant. It is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the purpose of weight loss and it will never be.
This is because Wellbutrin can treat your depression, anxiety, and several other mental health conditions. It has nothing to do with your metabolism or your fat burning process.
This is why you should never start taking any medication without your doctor’s approval. You should always stick to your doctor’s recommended dose and frequency of dose administration.
FAQs: not losing weight on Wellbutrin xl
How long does it take to lose weight on Wellbutrin XL?
You can lose up to 5-10 pounds in about 8-12 weeks while being on Wellbutrin. However, this can vary from person to person. Some people have only lost 10 pounds after using Wellbutrin for a year or two. One important thing to bear in mind is that Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill. It is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the purpose of weight loss and it will never be.
Does Wellbutrin make it hard to lose weight?
Several research studies have indicated that Wellbutrin may cause weight gain in some people. However, this effect of Wellbutrin depends on various factors. We all are aware of the fact that depression affects people differently. Some people may develop an eating disorder, while others can become anorexic. People who suffer from anorexia comorbid with depression can become extremely underweight because of their mental health illness.
How fast do you lose weight on bupropion?
You can lose up to 5-10 pounds in about 8 to 12 weeks while on Wellbutrin. However, this can vary from person to person. Some people have only lost 10 pounds after using Wellbutrin for a year or two. One important thing to bear in mind is that Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill. It is an antidepressant that makes you lose weight as a side effect. Yes, it can help some people with their eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, which obviously helps them shed some extra pounds.
What antidepressant medications make you lose weight?
The best antidepressant for weight loss is Wellbutrin (Bupropion). Bupropion can significantly help manage your weight, especially if you suffer from depression comorbid with an eating disorder. The distinct mechanism of action of this antidepressant is the reason why it stands out from the other antidepressants when it comes to weight management.
How long does it take for Wellbutrin to leave your system?
Wellbutrin has a half-life of about 30-33 hours. It means that the concentration of the drug is reduced to half after this time period. The remaining amount is further reduced to half in the next 30-33 hours. This process keeps on ongoing until the drug is completely washed out from your body.
- Dr James W. Anderson, Frank L Greenway (2012) – Bupropion SR Enhances Weight Loss: A 48-Week Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Trial https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/oby.2002.86
- K M Gadde et al. Obes Res. (2001) – Bupropion for weight loss: an investigation of efficacy and tolerability in overweight and obese women https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11557835/
- Wellbutrin weight loss: how effective is bupropion for weight loss? https://ro.co/health-guide/wellbutrin-for-weight-loss/