What does a Trazodone hangover feel like? (7+ disturbing symptoms)
In this blog post, we are going to answer the question, “What does a Trazodone hangover feel like?”. Trazodone is an antidepressant which can be used for the treatment and management of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and several other mental health-related problems.
However, overdosing on Trazodone may make you feel like you have had a hangover and this is all we are going to talk about in this blog.
What does a Trazodone hangover feel like?
Trazodone hangover feels a lot like an alcohol hangover. It is associated with symptoms like:
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Severe headache
- Inability to walk or stand up properly
- Ringing sounds in the ears
- Blurry vision
- Confusion
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Upset stomach
- Abdominal pain
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
- Low blood pressure or hypotension
- Loss of appetite
- Impaired mental alertness
- Palpitations
- Sinking-heart feeling
- Excessive sweating
All of these symptoms are common with Trazodone hangovers and may affect people differently. Some people suffer from much more prominent symptoms. It depends on two factors; how much extra Trazodone you have taken and how sensitive your body is to this medication.
People who are more sensitive to this medication may suffer from more serious hangover symptoms. Make sure you don’t drive or operate any machinery if your mental alertness is compromised. Don’t engage in any activity that requires your full concentration.
It is also important to make sure that you only take the dose that is preferred by your healthcare provider. Taking more than the prescribed dose can break havoc on your mental health. There are some ways through which you can avoid an accidental overdose.
If you have missed your dose, you can take it as soon as you remember. However, if a lot of time has passed and you’re already near to your next dose then do not take the missed dose.
Just take your next dose on time and try some ways to remember to take your Trazodone at the same time every day. This can help avoid the misuse or accidental overdose of the drug.
You can also set a reminder that can help you remember taking the med, or you can put your medicine bottle in your sight so that you’ll see it and remember taking a tablet.
If you couldn’t avoid an accidental overdose and you have taken it, immediately reach out to your healthcare provider. Inform your doctor how much extra medication you have taken and when.
This can help your doctor determine the best possible way to help you overcome the symptoms associated with Trazodone overdose.

How to manage a Trazodone hangover?
If you are suffering from the symptoms associated with Trazodone hangover, first you need to make sure whether or not your symptoms require medical attention. If they do or you pass out, you should be rushed to the hospital.
You don’t know and you can’t predict how your body will react once it is exposed to higher doses of Trazodone. This is why you need to seek medical attention.
However, if you are suffering from a mild hangover after taking your standard Trazodone dose or if you’re a new user, you don’t have to go to your doctor immediately. You can try some of the home remedies we are just about to discuss.
However, you still need to book an appointment with your doctor to discuss your hangover and what could be done to prevent that from happening again. Some of the tips to cure a hangover that you can try at home include:
Drink lemon water
This is one of the most commonly used tips to manage a hangover. This is because lemon has vitamin C or citric acid. This acid can help you counteract the symptoms associated with your hangover and it can cut down the sedative effects of Trazodone.
Hydration is also quite important for you at this moment because most hangovers are associated with excess sweating. This much loss of water and minerals from your body can make your head pound even more. It increases your dizziness and nausea.
This is why you should stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. You can add a little bit of honey to make your lemon drink a bit more refreshing. It will definitely make up for the lost hydration from your body and helps your affected organ a little by detoxifying some of the drugs from your body.
Take OTC painkillers
Most Trazodone hangovers are associated with terrible headaches. These headaches make this journey even more unbearable for you by disturbing you as much as they possibly can. Some people feel photosensitive and can’t even open their eyes in the presence of any kind of light.
Some have blurry vision and some feel like some constant hammer is hitting their head. Too much headache can trigger nausea and vomiting by affecting your enteric nervous system as well. So much headaches should definitely be controlled.
For that purpose, you can take OTC painkillers like NSAIDs. Particularly Naproxen and Aspirin are considered the common choices for treating a hangover headache. Acetaminophen is also used to control headaches and any possible pain in other parts of the body.
OTC anti-emetics
Over-the-counter antiemetics can be paired with your painkiller to control excessive nausea and vomiting. The combined use of these two has been found quite effective in the management of some hangover symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are extremely common with Trazodone hangovers.
Electrolyte replenishers
As we have just discussed, too much excessive sweating is a commonly reported symptom of Trazodone hangover. When you sweat too much, you not only lose water from your body but you lose electrolytes as well. These electrolytes are performing way too many functions in your body.
They are responsible for your muscle contraction, and not just skeletal muscles but cardiac muscles as well. As the electrolytes are making your heart work properly. They are also balancing your kidney functions and psychological functions as well.
This is why too much dehydration can not be recovered by drinking plain water only. You need an electrolyte replenisher to make up for the lost minerals and salts from your body that simply water can not compensate for.
In clinical practices, patients are given saline solution via intravenous administration to help replenish the lost electrolytes, especially sodium and potassium.
How should Trazodone be properly used for insomnia?
The proper use of Trazodone for insomnia is crucial to make sure that you’re not subjected to the disturbing symptoms associated with Trazodone hangover. The common doses that are prescribed for insomnia include:
- 25 mg
- 50 mg
- 100 mg
25 mg is the initial dose of Trazodone for the treatment and management of insomnia. If insomnia is comorbid with depression then a higher initial dose can be prescribed. However, lower doses are found more effective in the case of insomnia compared to higher doses.
This is why most people respond relatively well to the 25 mg initial dose and some stick with this dose for a long period of time. In some cases, the dose can be escalated to 50 mg or even 100 mg to cure and manage symptoms associated with insomnia.
However, the dose should exceed 100 mg per day for insomnia as it will be more harmful and less efficient. The best way to take Trazodone for insomnia is to take the med an hour before you go to bed to fall asleep.
After taking the med, make sure you don’t engage in any activity that may affect the quality of your sleep or the efficacy of your med. Avoid using your smartphone or other smart gadgets.
The light and rays coming out of these gadgets can increase your mental alertness and may affect your brain’s preparations to help you fall asleep. If you are an overthinker, you can try keeping a journal.
Studies have shown that keeping a journal can help you stop overthinking at night time. You just have to always remember to stick to your doctor’s recommended dose and avoid the possibility of an overdose as much as you can.
In this blog post, we have discussed what a Trazodone hangover feels like. We have learned some of the symptoms and we can conclude that Trazodone hangovers look a lot like alcohol hangovers.
The similarity between the effects of these two is probably the reason why Trazodone can be used for alcohol withdrawal. Ensuring the proper use of such meds is the only key to achieving safe and effective therapeutic outcomes.
If you continue to be careless in this aspect, you will keep experiencing unwanted side effects. You just have to always remember to stick to your doctor’s recommended dose and avoid the possibility of an overdose as much as you can.
FAQs: trazodone hangover
Can trazodone give you a hangover?
Yes, Trazodone can give you a hangover and it feels a lot like alcohol hangovers. It is associated with symptoms like:
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Severe headache
- Inability to walk or stand up properly
- Ringing sounds in the ears
- Blurry vision
- Confusion
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Upset stomach
- Abdominal pain
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
Why does trazodone make me groggy?
Trazodone can make you feel groggy because of its mechanism of action. Trazodone can alter the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters in your brain. This can give rise to a number of effects in different people and the funny thing is, you can never actually predict how your body will react once it is exposed to Trazodone. The only way to find out is to take the med.
How long does trazodone drowsiness last?
The sedative effects of Trazodone can last around 6 to 10 hours, depending on the time you take the med and the dose. Higher doses can cause longer sedation as compared to the lower doses. You may feel drowsy in the morning if you’re new to this medication or if you’re taking Trazodone late at night.
The best way to take Trazodone for insomnia is to take the med an hour before you go to bed to fall asleep. After taking the med, make sure you don’t engage in any activity that may affect the quality of your sleep or the efficacy of your med.
What are the most common side effects of trazodone?
The most common side effects of trazodone are:
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Headache
- Sleepiness
- Dizziness
- Excessive sweating
- Fatigue
- Nightmares
- Muscle twitching and pain
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Sexual side effects
What are the doses of Trazodone for insomnia?
The common doses that are prescribed for insomnia include:
- 25 mg
- 50 mg
- 100 mg
25 mg is the initial dose of Trazodone for the treatment and management of insomnia. If insomnia is comorbid with depression then a higher initial dose can be prescribed. However, lower doses are found more effective in the case of insomnia compared to higher doses.
- Side Effects Of Taking Trazodone For Sleep https://landmarkrecovery.com/side-effects-of-taking-trazodone-for-sleep/
- National Library of Medicine – Trazodone https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a681038.html
- Trazodone. A review of its pharmacology, therapeutic use in depression and therapeutic potential in other disorders https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8019056/