What do you do when you can’t study anymore (10+ useful tips)

In this article, we will provide useful techniques and tips on What do you do when you can’t study anymore.

You want to study, but you can’t even think directly. You feel overpowered. It doesn’t feel like you’re going to hold on much longer. You’ll never learn a foreign language if you don’t learn to cope with the unpleasant interactions that annoy you during your language learning. You can keep trying, but again and again, the same thing will happen. That is a pattern. All excited, you start your studies, but once the excitement wears off, you’re in the middle of reality. And the truth is harsh. Now, if you planned anything properly, and if you taught yourself what it takes to learn a foreign language, a significant portion of the frustration will already be resolved. But each new session brings its difficulties, and therefore negative feelings, with it.

Tips on what do you do when you can’t study anymore

Here are some tips on what do you do when you can’t study anymore:

  • Have short study sessions
  • Don’t worry about the result
  • Find moments for yourself
  • Accept the negative emotions 
  • Change your study area
  • Have a fixed study system
  • Step outside for a while
  • Take one subject at a time
  • Clean your surroundings
  • Just begin to study
  • Break your study material into small chunks
  • Reward yourself for studying 
  • Create mind maps to help remember 
  • Try and understand the topic than rote learning it

Have short study sessions

The most significant one—and that’s for a reason—is to “write papers for me” during a research session. Whether you feel irritated or overwhelmed, it’s hard to stick it out if you have two more hours to go. However, if you have just 15 minutes left before your next break, the world immediately looks a whole lot brighter. If you don’t restrict your session time, all the other strategies would be a lot less effective. Psychologists now claim that you learn best while learning in small chunks of time. Limit your session time to 30 minutes per session, followed by a brief break, to maximize efficiency for writing papers.

Don’t worry about the result

In a negative state, you are in pain. This is not the time to assess yourself or your success in language-learning. In this session, do not demand change. Simply complete it. That’s your target. Keep at it until the time is up. You will arrive at unrealistically pessimistic results if you make the mistake of judging your success when you are upset. Try not too hard. Don’t worry about the conclusions. Outcomes come slowly. It takes time.

Find moments for yourself

You close your eyes, and you are reminded of:

  • Truths about learning a language (such as we can’t learn without a challenge)
  • What are you doing it all for? (the goal of your study and your event-driven motive)
  • Inspirational Quotes

Before every session, remind yourself of them and every time you get stuck. Don’t discard this strategy as too ‘spacey’ to be. It’s not The Answer, it won’t make you speak a new language miraculously just by doing this. But it ensures that you start every session with the correct mindset.

Accept the negative emotions 

When you are overcome by your destructive inner powers, you need to embrace them. They will reduce their hold on you if you can do that. You’ll feel them less, and they don’t order you around anymore. Despite the unpleasant sensations, you can do what you want. Accept them, and encourage them to be.

Change your study area

Select a different place to sample. In the same old place, don’t keep learning your new language. Keep things new. It’s not just an excellent way to beat the blues of language study; if you do this, you can learn more. Alternating the space where your research simply increases memory retention.

Have a fixed study system

Generally, motivation is rather short-term. When it does not have a strong vision connected with it, it fades away in time. After watching a motivational video, you will not get the same adrenaline rush every day.

The video process is inefficient. Much like any other form of outside encouragement. The key is to build a system or routine that operates with a sense of duty and commitment. The routine feeds on your aspirations, visions, and everyday routines. You will not depend on a daily dose of inspiration once you develop a routine. Involve your routine with these habits.

Step outside for a while

When you’re tense about deadlines, tasks, and chapter completions, walking is an ecstatic experience. Running relaxes the brain and brings the release of creative juices. Other physical activities such as gym hitting and playing sports can also be done. We highlight walks because it is an activity that is equipment-free. With limited exhaustion, it is a mild physical movement. It helps the brain to relax for a while and think.

Take one subject at a time

This is an important habit in your lifestyle to inculcate. You will have multiple things to handle in a day as a student. Write them down patiently early in the morning. Prepare a to-do list of items to learn. Break up your research syllabus into assignments. Select one assignment at a time during the day. Decide which job you’re going to do at the moment. All your dedication to this work will be focused on you.

Clean your surroundings

It is a major no-no to research in a fucked up place. In such surroundings, you’ll feel clumsy. Before you begin the analysis of clear space and eliminate any distractions. Keep just the items required to complete the assignment. You will feel a sense of dedication and obligation for the upcoming study session as you clean up the room for studying. Naturally, you can bring greater effort into learning more from the study session. A significant routine habit to follow is cleaning your study room.

Just begin to study

Once you have cleaned up your research area and sat with your supplies on the study stage, do not hesitate to start. Only get going with your chapter or your assignment. Make a raw and unorganized start. You need any mental resistance or doubt to be eliminated.

So, do not think and wait to proceed with some awesome idea. Even before learning, you would most likely get demotivated. An imperfect start is better than a blank page. Developing a routine with habits like these would make you a student more accountable and controlled.

Break your study material into small chunks

A big cause of procrastination is that it appears daunting to have the job ahead. That’s when “chunk down” is appropriate for you. Split each assignment down into tiny pieces. Per day, delegate a certain number of those chunks to yourself. You’re not unexpectedly faced with a scary mission anymore, but rather a series of manageable chunks. A chunk could read three pages of your textbook, complete five questions of multiple-choice, or find three reference articles for your paper on the Internet.

Reward yourself for studying 

Reward yourself with a brief period of relaxation every time you complete one or two chunks. Your favorite smartphone game, a short walk, or playing the guitar could take five minutes. Rewarding yourself with short and enjoyable breaks is a key part of the “chunking down” technique.

Create mind maps to help remember 

If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve been taught to use lists to summarise information. A classic example is the to-do lists. As such, it may seem natural to use lists to summarise the information you’re studying. But there are times when mind maps are more effective than lists as a way of organizing information. Mind maps mimic how the brain works. When you create a mind map, you’re mapping out the way your brain has interpreted a certain subject. This makes getting a handle on the subject easier. When you need it, it will also make it easier for you to retrieve the information. 

Try and understand the topic than rote learning it

One of the keys to good research is to gain an understanding of a subject instead of only memorizing information. Rote memorization can be needed in certain cases. But, in general, the more years you spend in education, the more relationships and interactions between various concepts you would be required to learn. This would enable you to apply principles to a given set of facts or to draw conclusions from a given set of facts. It is much more satisfying to learn a subject than to memorize it. So not only is this approach to studying more effective, it will keep you motivated.

In this article, we provided useful techniques and tips on What do you do when you can’t study anymore.

FAQs: What do you do when you can’t study anymore

Why can’t I study like I used to?

It might be that the subjects you’re researching don’t interest you. It may be that your priorities have shifted, or that, as much as you used to, you don’t appreciate being the “top of the class.” It could be that you’re exhausted and that you need a rest.

Why do I not feel like studying?

Perhaps the explanation for not feeling like studying is the uncertainty that is perceived. Students tend to stop learning if the subject is too complicated. … For certain students, community research works well. You may want to give it a try and get your friends’ support in understanding difficult subjects.

Why is it so hard for me to study?

Perhaps only a few things need to be changed so that you, too, can begin to bloom. A lack of focus is one of the most important reasons why students find it hard to learn. It is important to remain focused once you begin studying and not let your thoughts wander.

How many hours should I study?

Rule of Thumb: 2 hours of study per 1 hour of class; that equals 24 hours of studying per week if you go full time (12 hours), AND do not neglect your part-time or full-time work! That could add up to more than 40 hours a week quickly!

What is the most hated subject?

They liked math, which ranked ahead of physical education and arts and crafts, a quarter of students (25.1 percent) said. On the other hand, at 24.0 percent, math was also the most disliked subject, followed by Japanese and physical education.

Is studying 3 hours a day enough?

The consensus among universities is that students should spend approximately 2-3 hours studying for every hour spent in class. … If your class is once a week for an hour, you need to study the material for 2-3 hours a day. Several experts suggest the best students spend about 50-60 hours a week studying.


9 Ways to Keep Studying Even When You Don’t Feel Like it


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