What do schizophrenics draw eyes?
This article will explain the reason why people with schizophrenia will often draw eyes. It will also show what schizophrenia is, and the forms to treat it.
What do schizophrenics draw eyes?
Schizophrenics will often draw eyes because they can constantly feel like they are being observed by others all the time, even when there is no one around.
Art is often known as a way to manifest what your feelings are deep inside, so a schizophrenic may draw so many eyes as a way of manifesting their sensation of being constantly observed.
For them, and many other people, it may be easier to manifest their thoughts through art, so instead of talking about how they feel, and the concerns that schizophrenic people can have, they can draw it, and externalize how they feel.
Drawing is also beneficial for them because when people use words to communicate their thoughts and feelings, it can sometimes be too binary, it leaves very little space for gray areas, which are common to people that have schizophrenia.
But it is important to know that it is not only eyes that a schizophrenic will usually draw. They can also draw faces, wave link-looking formations, and even scribbly patterns. Those are all manifestations of how it feels to have schizophrenia.
All those manifestations should be accepted since they can be a sign that the person is experiencing some of the symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations, or they are even delusional that they are being observed.
In drawing the person may be finding a way to express their hallucinations, and that can give them a sense of relief since it won’t feel as scary anymore.
But schizophrenia is a condition that has a lot of stigma in it. To understand it better, let’s explain what having schizophrenia means, and what are the best ways to treat it.
What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that causes the person to see reality differently from what it is. This rupture with reality can lead the person to experience hallucinations, become delusional, have a confusing line of thought, and the combination of all that can be debilitating.
The condition can have many symptoms, they can go from behavioral changes to problems in the person’s cognitive system and emotions. The delusion that comes with it will often lead the person to believe in something that is not real. Hallucination will make them hear or see things that are not there.
Aside from that, the condition can lead the person to speak incoherently, and this disorganized speech can make it difficult for the person to maintain a conversation. This can happen on many levels, the person can say sentences that don’t make sense, or even form words that have no meaning.
Their motor behavior can also change and at times they can be so agitated that it may be difficult for them to follow instructions, or they may even behave inappropriately. It is also possible that schizophrenia makes it difficult for the person to care for themselves, so their hygiene and self-care can often be left behind.
It is important to keep in mind that in lost cases schizophrenia begins to show its signs during the person’s 20s, and it is rare for it to be diagnosed in children, and people over 45. But the intensity of the symptoms and the severity of the condition can change over time.
As to what causes people to develop schizophrenia, it seems to be a combination of factors. It seems to be related to genetics, the chemistry in the person’s brain, and the environment they live in. It is also known that the nervous system of a person with schizophrenia is different from other people.
How to treat schizophrenia?
At first, it may be difficult for the person that is struggling with schizophrenia to understand that there is something serious going on with them, and in the early stages it may be that their friends and family will be the ones that are responsible for showing them the way to treatment.
The support network of the person with schizophrenia needs to know that you won’t be able to push them to treatment, but discussing what is happening, and your concerns can go a long way in this process.
To treat schizophrenia, the person going through it must know that this is a chronic condition and that there is no cure. But through treatment that often involves therapy, and medication you will be able to regain control over your thoughts, and feelings.
In cases of schizophrenia, the medication is extremely important since it will allow the person to maintain contact with reality. As for therapy, it will allow the person to organize their emotions, so they can deal with them better. Not allowing schizophrenia to affect their behavior so much.
Both lines of treatment are also powerful when trying to keep an eye on suicidal thoughts which can be extremely common in people dealing with schizophrenia. It can also help the person in other matters such as maintaining their social life, and their productivity at work, or in their line of study.
It is also important to highlight that the sooner the person with schizophrenia begins treatment, the better the result will be, which won’t allow the condition to become so debilitating.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): What do schizophrenics draw eyes?
Can schizophrenia affect the person’s eyes?
Schizophrenia can affect a person’s eyes in multiple ways. It can cause them to experience nystagmus, which causes the person’s eyes to moving from one side to the other, up and down, or even in a circular pattern. It can also cause smooth pursuit eye movement, which can alter how the person’s eyes follow objects.
People with schizophrenia can also have strabismus, which is also known as crossed eyes, impaired visual acuity, and increased blink rate. They can also have a higher temperature in their cornea, different traits in their retina, and even problems in processing images when they see them.
What are the types of schizophrenia?
There are four types of schizophrenia. There is paranoid schizophrenia which causes the person to become extremely paranoid, and in some extreme cases, people can even act on what the paranoia is making them believe. The paranoia can make them have inappropriate responses, and have little pleasure in life.
Catatonic schizophrenia is a form of condition that makes the person shut down emotionally, physically, and even mentally. When they are going through that, they can often seem paralyzed and will have no facial expression whatsoever.
It can be something that can last a short amount of time, but when it takes longer, like hours, it may be necessary for the person to be taken to the hospital.
There is also undifferentiated schizophrenia, which is a form of the condition in which the person expresses various vague symptoms. It will make it harder for the person to care for themselves, and they may not be bothered to speak to people about anything.
Finally, there is a schizoaffective disorder which can lead the person to have delusional thinking, and even other symptoms of schizophrenia, but along with that, the person can manifest symptoms of other mental health issues such as anxiety, and depression, mania, or hypomania.
How do doctors identify each type of schizophrenia?
Since there are different types of schizophrenia, the doctor needs to identify which of them their client is going through so they can get the proper treatment. To do that, the doctor will first talk to the patient, and try to understand what their behavior is like.
They will also try to define if there is any effect of alcohol or drugs on how they are acting and if they have a previous history of going through similar situations. For that, the doctor may conduct a conversation with the family of the patient.
The doctor will also try to identify if the patient is connected to reality, or if they have lost track of it. And in time, it may be easier to identify the symptoms of schizophrenia-like the fixed false beliefs, and hallucinations, if they are delusional, or even paranoid.
It is also important that doctors diagnose the proper type of schizophrenia so the patient can receive the proper treatment from their insurance.
What are the phases of schizophrenia?
When a person develops schizophrenia, it can manifest itself through phases. There are three of them: prodromal, active, and residual. This first phase is often not recognized as being important by the patient.
They can only recognize that it was something big once the illness has progressed. During this period the person may begin to experience the first symptoms of the condition. They will probably become more isolated, anxious, and have trouble focusing.
The person will likely lack motivation and have trouble making decisions. It can be that their routine will change, and they will neglect their self-care, as well as become more irritable, and have trouble with their sleeping patterns.
The second phase, active, is one in which the condition is most visible. That is when the signs of psychosis will appear and the person will have hallucinations, paranoid delusions, become confused and have trouble organizing themselves.
Their speech patterns will change, and their motor behavior will change. They can also show a flat face, and have trouble keeping eye contact with people around them.
The last phase of schizophrenia, which is called residual, is when the person has less apparent symptoms. At this moment the symptoms are similar to the first phase, and they can be isolated, don’t display emotion, have low energy levels, eccentric behavior, illogical thinking, and are extremely disorganized.
Why is the nighttime worse for people with schizophrenia?
It is quite common that people with schizophrenia will have a change in their sleeping patterns. Most commonly they will experience insomnia, and paranoia, which can make it harder for them to relax, and fall asleep. But that is not the only sleeping problem that a person with schizophrenia may have.
People with schizophrenia will also often experience nightmares which can make it harder for them to sleep through the night. Because of all this sleep disturbance, the person with the condition can have trouble functioning in their everyday life, which causes their symptoms to be even worse.
This article explained why schizophrenics will often see eyes. It also showed what it means to be a schizophrenic, and what are the best ways to treat it.
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