Want To Stay In Bed All Day (7 reasons why)

In this article we will discuss why one feels the need to stay in bed all day, what is depression, its symptoms and treatment.

Want To Stay In Bed All Day

If you’re having trouble or are unable to get out of bed and it has been going on for some time with additional feelings of sadness, helplessness or hopelessness and drowsiness, it’s possible that you might be going through a depressive episode. The symptoms typically include being unable to carry out daily routines like bathing, isolation, loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed,  change in patterns of eating and sleeping, trouble concentrating in addition to the one’s already mentioned and many more, it’s advisable to seek professional help.

What is depression?

It is a state of persistent and intense feelings of sadness for a long period of time. It also leads to a loss of interest in activities that were once a source of pleasure and excitement and can negatively affect one’s ability to function at work or home. Sometimes it can be difficult to even carry out the most basic tasks related to hygiene such as bathing.

According to APA 1 in 15 people experience depression at any given point in a year and 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some point in their life. It is most common to experience a depressive episode during late teens or early 20s but anyone can be affected at any point in their life. Depression is also hereditary with first degree relatives suffering or having suffered from depression. Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression and one-third of women will experience one or more major depressive episode in their lifetime.

Depending on the time frame and severity there are various types of depression. As listed in the DSM V, these are-

·         Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

·         Major depressive disorder

·         Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

·         Premenstrual depressive disorder

·         Substance induces depressive disorder

·         Unspecified depressive disorder

·         Other specified depressive disorder

Symptoms of Depression

It is important to note that these mentioned symptoms must persist all day long, nearly every day and for at least 2 weeks. There should be a significant notable change in the level of functioning from before.

Some symptoms of depression include-

·         Feeling sad or empty

·         Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness

·         Loss of interest in activities one previously gained pleasure from.

·         Changed patterns of eating and sleeping; either excessively or very little.

·         Feeling low on energy and trouble concentrating.

·         Always feeling nervous or agitated, thoughts of death.

·         Suicidal thoughts or behaviours

·         Difficulty in concentrating

·         Feelings of irritability and increased fatigue

·         Experiencing trouble sleeping or too much sleeping

·         Insomnia or hypersomnia

Treatment for depression

Depression has the highest treatment rate with 80% people responding well to the treatments by overcoming and finding relief from some or most of their symptoms.


Anti-depressants are often prescribed to balance the absorption and secretion of certain brain chemicals or hormones necessary in the normal functioning of the brain. Improvement can be seen within 2 weeks of taking the medicine but it takes up to 2-3 months for the full benefits to show.

It’s important to not start or stop the medicine on one’s own even if you feel you’re all better. This can lead to a relapse and might just make things worse. It is recommended to continue the medication for at least 6 months after the condition of the symptoms has improved. This reduces the risk of recurrence of depressive episodes.



Another name for psychotherapy is talk therapy. It’s often used along with anti-depressant medication. Psychotherapy can be administered only to the individual or along with someone like a family member or partner. Group therapy is another way in which people with the same illness or experiences come together in a supportive environment to cope with their own respective problems and share them with others.

Treatment can take a few weeks, months or even years depending on the level of severity of depression. If the treatment is followed religiously, improvement can be felt in 10-15 sessions and 2-3 weeks in the case of medication.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a form of therapy which focuses on helping the person recognise the negative thinking with the goal of changing these thoughts or behaviour towards a more positive approach.

If one feels that there have been no improvements even after 2-3 weeks, they must let their doctor know.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Patients who are unable to respond to any other treatment and experience severe depression are subjected to ECT. The patient is under anaesthesia when brief electrical stimulations are administered to the brain.  A patient receives ECT 2-3 times a week for a total of 6-12 treatments. These treatments are administered under the supervision of train medical professionals.


There are many things one can practise to help reduce the symptoms of depression. Regular exercise can help release endorphins which can give your mood a boost and create positive feelings. Getting regular and required amount of sleep is essential for the mind as well as the body to rest itself and prepare for the next day. Not getting enough sleep can make a person cranky or easily irritable. A healthy diet with essential vitamins and minerals is also important for general health, and avoiding alcohol and drugs is important.

BetterHelp: A Better Alternative

Those who are seeking therapy online may also be interested in BetterHelp. BetterHelp offers plenty of formats of therapy, ranging from live chats, live audio sessions and live video sessions. In addition, unlimited messaging through texting, audio messages and even video messages are available here.

BetterHelp also offers couples therapy and therapy for teenagers in its platform. Furthermore, group sessions can also be found in this platform, covering more than twenty different topics related to mental health and mental illness. The pricing of BetterHelp is also pretty cost-effective, especially considering the fact that the platform offers financial aid to most users.


In this article we discussed why one feels the need to stay in bed all day, what is depression, its symptoms and treatment.

FAQ: want to stayin bed

What is it called when you want to stay in bed all day?

The desire to stay in bed all day is called dysania. It’s not a medical term or condition. It’s a behaviour seen in people suffering from major depressive disorder also known as clinical depression. The condition of dysania is chronic and not usual. The inability to leave the bed and the need to return to bed once left. It’s generally a symptom of a more serious problem like depression or chronic fatigue.

Does laying in bed with eyes closed count as sleep?

No, laying in bed with eyes closed does not count as sleeping. It’s more like resting. It’s definitely more beneficial for the body and mind to get sleep rather than just closed eyes. Sleeping helps one rest and reset their body and mind at a deeper level.

Should I stay up all night if I can’t sleep?

No, one should not stay up all night if they are not sleepy. Try moving around or doing something that requires concentration to tire your mind and body. Once you start feeling drowsy, then go to bed and relax your body to fall asleep.

What’s the longest a person go without sleep?

The longest a time recorded without sleep is 264 hours which is just over 11 days. Not getting enough sleep is harmful to the body and three to four nights without sleep can cause a person to start hallucinating. It is extremely harmful to the body and the mind if adequate is rest is not provided and can prove to be fatal.

How do I stop lying in bed all day?

Sometimes it can get difficult to get out of bed. Try motivating yourself by taking small steps such as doing the bare minimum like bathing or going to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee. Try to think about the good feeling that you experience when you indulge in your hobby and then maybe do it. Listen to some music to uplift the mood and focus on the good. Find someone close to you that can help you with the process and keep you motivated to keep going.






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