5 tips to deal with curling toes anxiety?

This blog answers: What are the tips to deal with curling toes anxiety? What are the different types of Curled Toes? What Causes Curled Toes?

What are the tips to deal with curling toes anxiety?

Th tips to deal with anxiety caused by a curling toe revolve around the management of the curling toe condition itself. These might include: 

Therapeutic exercise 

Therapeutic exercise for curled toes is the most effective, non-invasive treatment available. It works best when curled toes are the result of neurological injury like stroke.

Curled toe exercises help retrain the brain to properly send signals to the feet and toes. It works by activating neuroplasticity, the brain’s natural ability to rewire itself, through repetitive exercise.

The more you use your toe and foot muscles, the better your brain gets at controlling and relaxing those muscles. When beginning treatment of curled toes, rehab exercises are the best place to start.


Botox is a proven treatment for straightening curled toes after a stroke. It works as a nerve block to decrease spasticity, resulting in relaxed muscles that help the toes relax. Botox has a distinct effect on each stroke sufferer. To check if you’re a good fit, talk to your therapist.

Stimulation with electricity

You may experience better results if you combine electrical stimulation with other treatments like toe exercises and Botox. Electrical stimulation stimulates the brain and encourages the brain and toe muscles to reconnect. 

When curled toes are caused by a neurological lesion such as a stroke, this treatment is most successful.

Orthotics/Toe Separators 

If you’re seeing an occupational therapist for your curled toes, he or she may have previously advised an orthotic with toe crests. These orthotics can help straighten your feet and alleviate pain.

Orthotics, on the other hand, are a compensatory approach. While it may help to ease the ailment in the short term, further neglect of the foot muscles may exacerbate the problem.

If you’re going to utilize orthotics and you should if your OT recommends it make sure you do so in addition to practicing your toe exercises. That way, you’re also dealing with the source of the problem.

Shoes with lots of space

If you have curled toes as a result of wearing too-tight shoes for too long, obtaining shoes with larger toe boxes can help a lot. This will provide the essential “wiggle room” for the toes. Also, stay away from high heels, which put a lot of pressure on the toes and might make the issue worse.


If you’ve tried the majority of these therapies and they haven’t worked, your doctor may suggest surgery. Your doctor may need to relax parts of the muscular tendons in order to relax the toes, depending on the condition.

These operations, like other invasive surgeries, entail a lengthy recovery period and will require you to be off your feet for a considerable amount of time. Before undergoing any form of surgery, you should first try conservative treatment for your curled toes.

What are the different types of Curled Toes?

The following are the various varieties of curled toes:


Hammertoe occurs when the toe bends at the middle joint, forcing the joint upward and the toe’s end downward, giving it the appearance of a hammer.

Mallet toes 

Toes that bend down at the joint closest to the tip of the toe are known as mallet toes.

Claw toe 

Claw toe occurs when the four smallest toes bend up at the joint closest to the foot, then bend down at each joint after that. The toes appear to curl down, and in extreme cases, they may curl inward.

What Causes Curled Toes?

Curled toes can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight for an extended period of time. Curled toes can also be the result of a neurological injury such as a stroke.

When the brain’s capacity to send motor impulses to the toes is impaired as a result of a stroke, the muscles in the foot and toes tighten, resulting in curled toes. Spasticity is the medical term for this condition.

Walking with curled toes can be awkward and even painful. Fortunately, there are remedies available to aid with the problem.

What are some additional tips for curled toes?

  • Stretch your toes as much as you can to keep the tendons as long as possible. If it hurts too much, don’t do it; once the tendons shorten, it’s difficult to reverse.
  • When you’re at home, try some toe separators.
  • When you’re out, put toe cushions in your shoes. Toe cushions are small pillows for your toes that fit snugly into your shoes and help to relieve pain.
  • Inquire with your occupational therapist about how to use athletic tape. Athletic tape can be used by some OTs to assist align and supporting curled toes. Inquire with your OT about it. 


Most of the time curling of toes isn’t something you should be concerned about. It can be treated through several feasible options such as therapy or lifestyle changes.

However, if you have chronic symptoms, consult your doctor to rule out any diseases that could be causing your toe-curling. There are also several techniques to manage toe-curling and also ways to prevent it. 

Frequently asked questions: What are the tips to deal with curling toes anxiety?

Is it possible for anxiety to impact your toes?

Anxiety causes your body to release adrenaline, which causes blood to flow out of specific areas and into your muscles. Your toes may become cold as a result of this. Furthermore, worry induces sweating, and the feet are the most susceptible to cold. Toe Pain Anxiety does not cause toe pain directly.

What is causing pain in my feet?

When you’re worried, hyperventilating, or pumped up on adrenaline, your body may send more blood to your important organs, leaving less for your feet and ankles. As a result, tingling or sharp pain in the feet is common, especially before and after anxiety attacks.

Why do my toes curl down at night?

Dystonia is a muscular twitching disorder that causes toe-curling or clenching. When nerves are injured, neuropathy develops. Injury, overuse of the foot muscles, or illnesses that allow poisonous substances to build up, such as diabetes or kidney disease, can all contribute to this.




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