How do you spot an INFP? (A 7-Point Guide)

This blog post aims to answer the question, “How do you spot an INFP?” and explore the various dimensions of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP that will help understand the answer. 

How do you spot an INFP?

You can spot an INFP with the help of the following 7 signs –

  • INFPs are selectively perceptive.
  • INFPs are extremely self-aware.
  • INFPs are filled with compassion and empathy.
  • INFPs are dreamers.
  • INFPs are self-conscious.
  • INFPs adore others almost as much as they like solitude.
  • INFPs are in search of purpose and inspiration.

These 7 signs to help you spot an INFP will be discussed in further detail below after taking a deeper look at what INFP means. 

Who is an INFP?

The INFP personality type was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the authors of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INFP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four key personality qualities based on C.G. Jung’s work.

Each of the four letters of the INFP code represents a significant personality feature of the INFP personality type. 

INFPs are stimulated by alone time (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and specifics (iNtuitive), base their decisions on feelings and values (Feeling), and like to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and structured (Perceiving).

Because of their empathetic idealism and gentle concern for others, the INFP personality type is often known as the “Healer.” The INFP is also known by the following nicknames:

  • The Thoughtful Idealist (MBTI)
  • The Mediator (16Personalities)

An INFP prefers an unstructured and free-spirited lifestyle. INFP is an introverted and ultra-creative Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type. The INFP is sensitive, creative, and loyal to their values.

INFPs are creative idealists who are guided by their primary ideals and beliefs. A Healer who is preoccupied with possibilities; the actuality of the time is merely a fleeting concern. INFPs see the possibility of a brighter future and seek truth and purpose in their own unique way.

INFPs are sensitive, loving, and compassionate people who are highly concerned with their own and others’ personal progress. INFPs are individualistic and nonjudgmental, believing that each person must forge their own path. 

INFPs like spending time investigating their own ideas and ideals, and they gently encourage others to do the same. INFPs are creative and frequently artistic; they like discovering new ways to express themselves.   

INFP Personality Type Characteristics Are –

  • INFPs are introverts who are quiet and reserved. INFPs find that being in social situations depletes their energy, thus they prefer to connect with a small number of close pals. While they like being alone, this should not be mistaken for timidity. Rather, it simply implies that INFPs get energy from alone time. INFPs must, on the other hand, devote energy to social circumstances.
  • INFPs rely on intuition and are more concerned with the overall picture than the finer points of a situation. INFPs can be quite thorough about things that are important to them or tasks they are working on, yet they tend to overlook little or insignificant details.
  • INFPs value personal sentiments above everything else and their actions are affected more by these concerns than by objective data.
  • INFPs prefer to keep their choices open when it comes to making decisions. INFPs frequently put off making key judgments in case the circumstance changes. The majority of judgments are made based on personal ideals rather than reasoning.

What are these 7 signs to spot an INFP?

INFPs are selectively perceptive.

INFPs obsess over everything and relive it all in their nightmares. It’s no surprise that so many of them are writers and artists; having a venue where they can externalise at least part of the thoughts racing through our minds is beneficial.

They may say something uncommon or perhaps needlessly critical or insightful, such as a hyper-specific observation about a minor detail that most people would overlook. That’s not to suggest they’re not perceptive — they occasionally overlook logistical difficulties because they’re preoccupied with something far bigger (or weirdly specific).

INFPs are extremely self-aware.

Early in a discussion, INFPs would quietly express complicated personal insights regarding the complexities of their own thoughts.

INFPs are filled with compassion and empathy.

INFPs spend a lot of time thinking about themselves, but this does not automatically imply that they are self-centred. 

Because examining their own thoughts leads many of them to the conclusion that they are fragmented creatures in continual flux, their self-analytical brains make them exceedingly sympathetic and receptive to others.

This enables them to relate to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and walks of life because they have experienced them all.

INFPs are too concerned with how others are doing. INFPs will never be contented with lives devoted solely to themselves and their own accomplishments, nor will they be comfortable living in systems of inequity and complacency. 

They place a high priority on compassion in ourselves and others, sometimes beyond all else.

It hurts them a lot when others are in agony, sometimes so much that we take on that anguish ourselves. This may be dangerous, especially in partnerships, when they may take on the full mental weight of the other person.

INFPs appear to be both empathetic and emotional, but also timid, maybe fearful of opening up too much.

INFPs are dreamers.

INFPs appear “out of it” — preoccupied, elsewhere — yet they also seem to genuinely want to hear what others have to say. They don’t waste their time somewhere thinking about anything; their imaginations turn them become artists and visionaries, allowing them to come up with great, grand ideas for how to make the world a better place.

However, this might impair their ability to deal with the minutiae of daily life, and it can be difficult for INFPs to reconcile the magnificent vistas they uncover in their minds with executing tiny things like cleaning the home, remembering dates, and filling out tax forms.

INFPs are self-conscious.

INFPs might be reserved and silent. Even when they get at ease with particular individuals, they are seldom able to escape the coil of their own self-awareness, which wraps around them like a well-intentioned but overbearing grandmother’s hug. They may, nevertheless, be elegant in settings when we feel at ease.

INFPs adore others almost as much as they like solitude.

INFPs seek strong connections, yet short exchanges (such as simple text messages) might be draining. They aren’t content with casual conversation, but if they find someone with whom they connect, they may easily spend all of their time with them.

INFPs may appear closed-off, even hostile, but once a layer of ice is broken, they burst forth in a colossal manner.

Even still, no matter how close INFPs are to others, they must constantly return to themselves and the natural environment. They value their isolation because they believe no one truly knows them. 

INFPs desire a healthy mix of isolation and meaningful human connection, so spending time alone and in nature can be extremely soothing and re-energizing.

INFPs are in search of purpose and inspiration.

INFPs have a strong sense of the world, and it doesn’t take much for them to have spiritual, life-changing experiences. On the other hand, if people keep to routines and don’t spend any time venturing outside of their comfort zones, they grow unsatisfied rapidly.

INFPs enjoy going on adventures, but not the kinds that most people enjoy. INFPs may like exploring strange aspects of the earth, such as abandoned sites, and a decrepit old mill may be as lovely to an INFP’s imagination as a royal castle. They could love going on road vacations and seeing areas where they can fill in the blanks with their own imaginative insights.

Conclusion – 

This blog post aimed to answer the question, “How do you spot an INFP?” and reviewed the features and functions of the introverted and extremely inventive Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP to help determine how to spot an INFP. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): How do you spot an INFP?

How do you recognize an INFP?

8 Signs You’re an INFP –

  • You are sensitive and sympathetic, and you experience everything intensely.
  • You have a really deep inner world.
  • You prioritise your principles.
  • You have a talent for words.
  • Art is your most authentic expression.
  • You are unquestionably an introvert.
  • Your mind is rarely at rest.
  • In everything you do, you seek purpose.

How can you tell if a woman is INFP?

7 Ways to Spot an INFP –

  • INFP fashion: They are either expressive or don’t care.
  • They are naive and infantile, yet they nevertheless have old souls.
  • Having to inquire as to their well-being.
  • They don’t look you in the eyes.
  • INFPs have a mushy, timid grin.
  • They are polite and patient, but not cowards.
  • INFPs are giddy.

How do you spot an INFP conversation?

When speaking, INFPs have a guarded yet empathic demeanour. They are very inventive and creative individuals who like discussing theoretical possibilities and future concepts.

Is INFP a pushover?

INFPs, often known as Mediators, have a reputation for being a pushover.

What is an unhealthy INFP like?

A dysfunctional INFP is dominant, self-conscious, and controlling. They see their views as the “truth,” and any criticism of their values is considered disrespectful. Furthermore, they conceal their issues and feelings for fear of seeming vulnerable.

How rare are INFPs?

At their finest, INFPs help people recover emotionally and inspire amazing change in the world. INFPs are similarly uncommon, accounting for about 4 to 5% of the population.


Gordon, E. A. 7 Tell-Tale Characteristics of an INFP. Introvert, Dear. (2019, June 13). Retrieved from

Mathias, M. How to Spot INFP: 9 Signs You’re Talking with One. (2021, October 30). Retrieved from

What are tell-tale signs you are an INFP? Quora. (n.d.). Retrieved from

How to spot INFP in real life? Reddit. (n.d.). Retrieved from

How to Spot an INFP. Personality Max. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Storm, S. How to Spot Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type in Conversation. Psychology Junkie. (2018, June 19). Retrieved from

How to spot a female INFP? (And to tell HER apart from an ISFP?). Personality Cafe. (2019, April 18). Retrieved from

INFJ Advice. Tumblr. (2014, April 8). Retrieved from

INFP Women: Key Traits of Women with the Idealist Personality Type. Online Personality Tests. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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