Stages of Change Worksheets (5+)

This page presents stages of change worksheets.

Some of these worksheets have been created by us while some of them have been curated from reputable third-party websites.

Stages of change worksheets increase awareness of individuals about the stages of change.

These worksheets help individuals modify their behavior, change their undesirable behavior or adopt desirable behaviors.

These worksheets enable the individuals to prevent relapse and adhere to behavior modification plan or procedure. 

Stages of Change Worksheet- Stages of Behavioral Change

Changing one’s behavior is not a child’s play. It requires a great amount of focus, dedication, commitment, motivation, and patience.

Maintaining the changed behavior is also as difficult as changing behavior. It involves time, effort and emotion.

According to the transtheoretical model, there are six stages of change. These six stages help modify and maintain the altered behavior.

These six stages of behavioral change include the pre-contemplation stage, contemplation stage, preparation stage, action stage, maintenance stage, and termination stage. 

The first stage of this model is the pre-contemplation stage. In this stage, the individual experiences denial and ignorance of the problem.

The second stage, the contemplation stage, is the one in which the individual tries to think about the change, considering the pros and cons of the change.

In the third stage of change, the preparation stage, the individual tries to welcome the change in himself and makes a plan to motivate himself to modify his behavior.

In the fourth stage, the action stage, the individual works on goal achievement by following the plan he had made.

The fifth stage deals with maintaining the change. This stage can also bring about relapse but if the behavior is maintained properly and with full motivation, the individual reaches the last stage, termination stage.

It is the stage when the individual has successfully modified his behavior.  

Stages of Change Worksheet- Exploring Motivators for Treatment Adherence

Modifying behavior is not an easy task. To successfully modify behavior, it is essential to understand the three most significant factors in changing behavior.

These three factors include the readiness to change, the barriers to change and the expectation of relapse.

Readiness to change is referred to as the willingness and commitment of the individual to welcome change.

Barriers to change are the obstacles that will come in the way of behavioral change and the individual needs to think of overcoming those obstacles skillfully.

The expectation of relapse refers to the ability of an individual to expect that relapse may occur and think of ways to prevent relapse or in other words maintain the changed behavior by preparing for overcoming the relapse situation.

There are various factors that can help prevent relapse. Motivators are one of those factors.

Motivators help encourage an individual to get rid of undesired behaviors and adopt desired behaviors.

Empathy, developing discrepancy, resistance, self-efficacy, values, needs, and future wellness are some of the motivators that may help an individual prevent relapse successfully. 

Stages of Change Worksheet- Preventing Relapse by Considering Pros and Cons of Treatment Adherence 

One of the stages of change is relapse. Relapse is the condition in which an individual may come back to the behavior he was previously indulged in.

Relapse is a sign of treatment effectiveness but if not handled properly, relapse may result in treatment non-adherence and the individual can indulge in his previous behaviors again. 

Identifying the pros and cons of treatment adherence can help an individual decide which path he wants to choose for himself.

The path on which there is only despair, destruction and aloofness or the path which ensures the mental, emotional and physical health of the individual, his family, friends, and career.

Stages of Change Worksheet- Stages of Change

Stages of change worksheet by the website is a brief worksheet that helps increase awareness of an individual about the different stages of change.

This worksheet explains all the six stages of change viz pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and the relapse stage. 

This worksheet is a good source of acknowledging different stages of change and how the individual is expected to behave like in each stage, to help the individual prepare himself for the change. 

This worksheet is easily accessible on the internet.

You can download it in the form of pdf from here

Stages of Change Worksheet- Assessing your Stage of Change Worksheet

Assessing your stage of change worksheet is a very effective and easy to understand worksheet.

This worksheet mentions the characteristics of four stages of change including contemplation/contemplation stages, preparation stage, action stage, and maintenance stage, to help individuals acknowledge the stage they are present at.  

In addition to helping individuals identify the stage of change that they are present at, this worksheet increases awareness of individuals about each stage of change so they can predict how the next stages would be like.

This worksheet is easily accessible on the internet.

You can download it in the form of pdf from here.

Stages of Change Worksheet- Five Stages of Change (Worksheet)

Five stages of change worksheet is a single-page worksheet that explains the five stages of change viz pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. 

This worksheet is very simple, understandable, engaging and effective.

The worksheet aims to help individuals visualize themselves in each of the five stages of change and predict how they would behave.

Each block, containing one stage of change each, gives the details of the stage to clarify the concept of the individuals about that stage of change.

This worksheet is very effective and helpful.

You can download it in the form of pdf from here

Stages of Change Worksheet- Stages of Change

Stages of change worksheet is a single-page but detailed worksheet that explains each of the five stages of change extensively.

The worksheet explains how an individual going under treatment behaves in each stage and how he feels in each stage.

The worksheet comprehensively explains the pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance stage.

This worksheet is a good source of increasing knowledge about the stages of change and predict how one would feel during each stage in the treatment process.

It also helps individuals acknowledge which stage they belong to at the present time.

This worksheet is easily accessible on the intenret.

You can download this worksheet in the form of pdf from here. 

This page displayed some of the best and most effective stages of change worksheets.

These stages of change worksheets help increase the knowledge of individuals about the different stages of change, predicted behaviors and feelings in each stage and how to prevent relapse conditions by sticking to the treatment efficiently.

Some of these stages of change worksheets were created by us while some of them were curated from reputable third-party websites.

If you have any queries or questions regarding these worksheets, let us know through your comments.

We will be glad to assist you. 


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