Sick Leave Letter from doctor (Samples)

In this guide we will see some examples of a sick leave letter from doctor and some additional considerations on when to get one and how you may ask for a sick note.

Sick leave letter from doctor (What you need to know)

A sick leave letter from your doctor or what is known as “fit note” may be required when you need to let your school, employer, college or University (whoever requires it) know you need to take some time off to rest and get better. For instance, if you had an important exam but you were sick with a terrible flu (e.g. high fever, chills, etc.) or diarrhoea/stomach upset then you need some bed rest and then come back to present it at the best of your abilities so you need a medical excuse to be able to do that.

Another scenario could be that you are currently pregnant and you have a high risk pregnancy or you are about to deliver your baby soon and need additional care, then you need a sick leave letter from your doctor to justify why you are not going to come to work or remain absent (maternity leave). 

In addition, it could be you had an accident and you are in the hospital and you can’t go to work for a few days because you need to get bed rest and recover, then you need a hospital medical leave or medical certificate for sick leave from the doctor so you can give the document to your employer when you return to work.

NOTE: “Employees must give their employer a doctor’s ‘fit note’ (sometimes called a ‘sick note’) if they’ve been ill for more than 7 days in a row and have taken sick leave.

This includes non-working days, such as weekends and bank holidays.”

Do I have other options?

In some cases you could be entitled to compassionate leave when a member of your immediate family or household dies or develops a life-threatening illness or injury so not necessarily affecting you directly. 

In addition, you could apply for medical leave which is a written formal application to your employer, requesting for time off from a particular medical reason.

Even if your employer (your manager or supervisor) is already aware of your personal circumstances or your health it may still be required to hand in a formal letter. 

Moreover, if you feel you are struggling to cope with stress (stress leave) or anxiety, or may suspect of an undiagnosed mental illness, is important to call your GP and set up an appointment so you can get appropriate attention and treatment.

NOTE: some companies may require further documentation from a GP or a medical professional before they can approve your request. 

Sample 1:

“[Your Name]

Your Address

Your City, postal code

Your Phone Number

Your Email


[Name of Immediate Supervisor]


Name of Company


City, postal code

Dear [Name of Addressee];

I am writing you this letter because due to an unfortunate circumstance, I will not be able to come to the office today. I have been feeling unwell since [date or time] and I feel that I will not be an asset in the office if I get to work with less than my 100 percent.

I therefore formally request that you approve of at least [number] days of paid sick leave so that I can recuperate properly from my situation. I shall also be visiting my medical practitioner so that I may be diagnosed properly and prescribed with the correct pharmaceutical drugs. [You may include more details regarding your illness, however, take note that you don’t have to disclose information regarding your situation if you do not wish to do so.] I will be back at work as soon as I am feeling better.

Thank you very much for your consideration and kindness during these unfortunate circumstances. May you have a good day ahead.


[Your name and signature]



Sample 2:

“Dear Ms. Ross

I am writing on behalf of David Graham my patient and your employee. I am requesting that you grant Mr. Graham a medical leave of absence from his work at Oceanside Corporation due to a confirmed case of laryngitis coupled with swelling of the throat and extreme irritation. I recommend at least 4 days off from work to allow Mr. Graham to completely recover from this condition.

Since Mr. Graham works in a position where he is in frequent contact with other employees I feel it is necessary to ensure a complete recovery before he returns to work. I will be seeing my patient for a follow-up visit on September 25 2014. I will fully assess his condition at that point and send you a copy of my assessment in writing following the visit for your HR records.

Barring any complications I expect Mr. Graham to make a full recovery within a relatively short period of time since he is otherwise healthy with no significant medical issues. Please feel free to contact me or my office staff if you need further clarification or documentation concerning this medical leave letter. Thank you kindly for your prompt attention to this matter.


Alfonzo Lopez M.D.”

Sample 3:

“Dear Ms. Turner

I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to take a sick leave from work due to a severe throat infection. I will need to remain off of work until September 26 bringing my total sick leave to two full weeks.

A letter from my doctor is attached to confirm I need the time off to properly recover without risking my health or the health of my co-workers. I apologize for any inconvenience due to my absence from work.

I should however be able to occasionally check my email and do some work including a few projects I had almost completed before becoming sick from home when possible until I come back to the office. When I return on September 26 I fully intend to do my best to catch up on any work I missed during my absence.

Please let me know if you need further verification from my doctor. If I should require additional time off I will let you know as soon as possible. Feel free to contact me at your convenience should you have any questions or require clarification regarding my sick leave request. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours Respectfully

Vicki Ballas”

Sample 4:




I am writing to inform you that I shall be absent for [NUMBER] of days due to a medical emergency. [DETAIL].

I apologize for this sudden decision. However, I feel that it will not be beneficial for the company if I arrive at work not being in my best self to take care of my tasks. Please consider this letter as my formal request for a medical leave from the office. I will be back as soon as I recover.

Thank you for understanding my situation, and may you have a good day ahead.






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