Sample resignation letter board of directors nonprofit (7)

In this guide, we will see some letter templates and sample resignation letter board of directors nonprofit.

Resignation Letter: Board of Directors Non-Profit

A resignation letter for the board of directors at a Non-profit might contain information like the following:

“Dear [name]. I am writing to inform you about my decision to leave my position as [board member or position on board] of [name of the organization], effective [date or immediately]. [Give reasons for why you cannot continue to serve on the board].”

Sample resignation letter board of directors nonprofit

A sample resignation letter for a board of directors nonprofit follows pretty much the same indications as a normal resignation letter for any other position.

If you are a board member and you think it is time to resign from your position, it is important to do it in the most professional way possible. 

Even if you are a volunteer member on the board of a nonprofit organization, you are expected to serve until the designated term.

But just as you had to build your resume for the nonprofit organization to consider taking you onboard, it is important you also give them appropriate notice by writing a formal nonprofit board of directors’ resignation letter.

Tips for resigning from a board

Here are some key tips to resign from a board:

  • Remain professional throughout your letter. Use a business letter format directed to the director of the board or organization.
  • Include the date you are resigning and try to give as much notice as possible.
  • Explain briefly the reason why you are resigning. It is not necessary to be too specific or detailed about it.
  • Thank the other members for the experience, keeping your tone very positive.
  • Offer your help (if possible) in other organization projects that are probably less time-consuming.
  • Proofread and print your letter.

Sample 1

“Jeanette Smythe

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345


 September 1, 2018

Joseph Short Director

The Art Foundation

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Joseph,

It is with regret that I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign my position on the Board of The Art Foundation, effective immediately.

My other commitments have become too great for me to be able to fulfill the requirements of my position on the Board, and I feel it is best for me to make room for someone with the time and energy to devote to the job.

It has been a pleasure being a part of the Art Foundation board. I am so proud of all we have accomplished in the past five years, and I have no doubt the board will continue these successes in the future.

If I can be of any assistance during the time it will take to fill the position, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Jeanette Smythe (signature hard copy letter)

Jeanette Smythe”

Sample 2 (email)

“Subject: Board Resignation

Dear Chelsea, 

It has been my pleasure to serve with you on the board of the Nutrition Council. You have given us strong leadership, and I’ve enjoyed working with you for the last three years. I am sure that the goals we have set will be easily attained by the dedicated and talented members of this board. 

That said, I feel that it is time for me to resign from my position, and focus on some other areas of my career. Please consider my resignation effective the last day of our fiscal year, September 30th, 2018. Until such time, I am happy to continue to participate in the committees I am working with, and will also help to catch my replacement up to speed.

You may have some prospects in mind to consider for the position I am leaving, but if you would like my input on a candidate to take my place, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,

Bill Jones”

Sample 3

“Dear Ms. Murray,

I am just sending this letter to let you know that I am resigning from my position on the board of ABC Nonprofit Organization. As you may know, in recent years my health has been steadily declining and I have had to miss many board meetings due to hospitalizations. I feel that it is in the best interest of both myself and ABC Nonprofit Organization if I step down from my board responsibilities at this time. I hereby relinquish all responsibilities and privileges of my membership, effective immediately. I hope you understand.

I apologize for any inconvenience that my resignation may cause. If any clarification is needed in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. My phone number is (555)-555-5555 and my email address is [email] I will return all messages as quickly as possible.

I have enjoyed working with ABC Nonprofit Organization and am honored to have served the community in this capacity. The experience I earned as a board member is very valuable to me and will serve me well in all areas of life. I wish the organization continued success and thank you for your patience and cooperation at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Gloria Reed

Gloria M. Reed”

Sample 4

“Ellen Donaldson

123 Yellow St.

Beach Town, NY 10013

May 1, 2017

Mark Belleville


Construction Group Inc.

321 Fenton Pl.

Beach Town, NY 10013

Dear Mr. Belleville,

I regret to inform you that I will be resigning as a Board Member of Construction Group Inc. I will be able to continue serving until the end of our fiscal year, or until a replacement has been found.

The reason behind my resignation is that I have been offered a job opportunity in Capital City which will require my family to relocate. I am happy with how the company has progressed thus far and I’m sure that my replacement will be able to contribute to the continued growth of the organization.

The position I’ve held on the Board for the past three years has taught me more than I could have hoped. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to gain insight into the industry and for the guidance which has to lead me to become a stronger leader.

I look forward to watching the company continue to progress in the years to come.

Yours Sincerely,

Ellen Donaldson”

Sample 5

“Rick Yorkdale

987 Cooper St.

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

September 1, 2017

Colleen Shute


Mark & Mark Financial

555 Glasgow Pl.

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Dear Ms. Shute,

It has been an honor to work alongside you on the Mark & Mark Financial Board of Directors. You have been more than a capable leader and I have learned much about the decision making that goes into running a successful company. However, I feel that it would be best if I resigned from my position on the Board, effective October 1, 2017.

My commitments have become increasingly time-consuming and, over the past year, it has been difficult for me to manage many aspects of my personal life. I want you to know that my departure is not directly related to any specific person on the Board, but simply due to my need to make my extremely strenuous schedule slightly less demanding.

With my remaining time on the Board, I would be happy to assist in the effort of finding a replacement and training said replacement so that they are fully prepared come the time of my resignation. Please contact me with any questions or comments in that regard.

Thank you for the opportunity and give my regards to the other members.

Best wishes,

Rick Yorkdale”

Sample 6

“Trenton Fischer

12 Simpson St.

Leicester, MA 01524

October 1, 2017

Cindy Kennedy

Chairman of the Board

Cut Co Inc.

5555 Stuart Ave.

Leicester, MA 01524

Dear Mrs. Kennedy,

This letter is meant to serve as an official notice of my resignation from my position on the Board of Cut Co Inc., effective immediately.

I feel that I lack the commitment and devotion necessary to run a company of this caliber. I believe that stepping down from my position will allow someone with a stronger passion for the industry to excel where I have failed. While I wish my time with Cut Co Inc. was more prosperous, I remain proud of the progress that we have made.

If you would like assistance in finding a suitable candidate to fill my position, feel free to contact me anytime.


Trenton Fischer”

Sample 7

Dear Ms. Chairwoman and Board Members,

It is with deep regret that I announce my resignation from the Parker County Children First Initiative, effective January 1, 2015. I am moving out of the area and will not be able to devote the necessary time and attention to the Children First Initiative.

Please know that I have thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed the opportunity to serve with you all to further childhood nutrition, fitness, and wellness. I am proud of our collective achievements and the significant progress the Initiative has made toward improving the emotional and physical health of our community’s children. I am particularly honored to have served as chair of the organization’s volunteer fundraising activities, and I am truly grateful for the extensive assistance each of you offered. As a board and as individuals, you are all tremendously talented, and I feel lucky to have volunteered by your side these past six years.

I am hopeful that I have given sufficient advance notice so that we can ensure a smooth transition for the next Fundraising Chair. I will always champion your cause and remain available to the organization via telephone or email. I look forward to seeing your many future accomplishments.

Sincerest regards,

Marianne Coupier”

Sample 8

“Gloria M. Reed

132 Broadway Street

Suite 1

Columbus, OH 43266

Tel: (555)555-5555


Kimberly E. Murray


ABC Nonprofit Organization

123 Main Street

Suite B

Columbus, OH 43266

February 1, 2014

Dear Ms. Murray,

I am just sending this letter to let you know that I am resigning from my position on the board of ABC Nonprofit Organization. As you may know, in recent years my health has been steadily declining and I have had to miss many board meetings due to hospitalizations. I feel that it is in the best interest of both myself and ABC Nonprofit Organization if I step down from my board responsibilities at this time. I hereby relinquish all responsibilities and privileges of my membership, effective immediately. I hope you understand.

I apologize for any inconvenience that my resignation may cause. If any clarification is needed in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. My phone number is (555)555-5555 and my email address is [email] I will return all messages as quickly as possible.

I have enjoyed working with ABC Nonprofit Organization and am honored to have served the community in this capacity. The experience I earned as a board member is very valuable to me and will serve me well in all areas of life. I wish the organization continued success and thank you for your patience and cooperation at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Gloria Reed

Gloria M. Reed”

You can download this example as a word document from here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you write a letter of resignation from a board of directors?

If you want to write a letter of resignation from a board of directors, here are some tips:
– Keep your letter professional.

– Mention the date for the last day you will be working for them.

– Explain briefly the reason why you are resigning (optional).

– Thank them for the time you were part of the board of directors.

– Offer any help with the transition.

– Close and sign your letter.

– Make sure you proofread before printing your letter and hand it in.

How do you get out of a board of directors?

If you want to get out of a board of directors, here is how you can resign:

– Speak with Board leaders first about your intention to resign.

– Check the terms and conditions (rules) before resigning from your board position.

– Apologize and show you still share an interest.

– Write your letter and share it at the last board meeting.

Note: Make sure you tell the board chair about your resignation first.

How do you resign from a nonprofit board?

If you want to resign from a nonprofit board of directors, you could write a letter to the board and read it at the end of the last meeting.

The board should include this letter of resignation as part of the board meeting.

However, you could also follow the proper chain of command and talk to the board leaders manifesting your intention to leave.

What happens if a nonprofit board resigns?

When a nonprofit board resigns, once the resignation is official, the board may accept it formally at a board meeting.

The board can’t rescind an official resignation without the approval from the board and they should hold off on nominating a replacement board member until the board accepts the resignation.

How do you ask someone to resign from a board?

If you want someone to resign from a board, you should address him/her about why you would like them to resign.

If you have discussed the problems with this member in the past, explain you have provided enough time to improve their behavior but there hasn’t been any change.

References “Non-profit Board Resignation Letter” “Board Resignation Letter Template – With samples” “Board Resignation Letter Sample”

Doyle, A. (2019, Jul.) Board Resignation Letter Example. Retrieved from

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