Resignation letter due to travel distance (Samples)

In this brief blog post, we will provide examples of a resignation letter due to travel distance.

Resignation letter due to travel distance

A resignation letter due to travel distance is issued when someone has found many problems when commuting to their workplace, especially when you feel it takes too much time to commute to work and back.

Long travel distances can be considered stressful and annoying, especially if you have to take more than one method of transportation or if you have to spend many hours stuck in traffic. 

Here are some examples but remember you can always adjust it to your circumstances or instead of naming the reason as “travel distance” you could try submitting your resignation letter under “personal reasons”.

Leaving on good terms and maintaining a professional tone would be the best recommendation so you can assure you to leave that door open. 

Sample 1

“Your Name


Contact Number

Email Address



Company’s Name

Company’s Address

Dear {Title & Name of Recipient},

I am writing to notify you of my formal resignation from my role as {Job Title} at {Company name}.

I have enjoyed working at the company, but I have decided to take a break from work due to the travel distance. 

As my contract requires that I give {Time of notice} my last working day will be {date}.

Despite having to leave, I appreciate all the fantastic experiences and opportunities given to me throughout my working period. I am extremely grateful for the assistance provided along the way. If there’s anything I can help with during the transition period, please let me know.

I hope we can stay in touch as business colleagues and look forward for possible work opportunities in the future. Many thanks for your understanding.

Thank you


___________ Signature

Your Name”

Sample 2

In this scenario, this person is changing their residence, so they know they will have problems commuting every day to work.

This can also be considered as a relocation so you can treat it as such, or leave the reason for your resignation as “travel distance” or “traveling problems”. 

“[These are sample Resign Letter for Engineer due to Traveling Problem. You can follow these sample letter to the company manager, requesting him to accept his resignation on fair terms so that he may continue his other tasks. You can make changes as per your requirements.]


Authority name…

Job Designation (e.g., HR Manager),

Company/institute name…


Sub: Resign Letter for Engineer due to Traveling Issues

Dear Manager HR,

This letter is to resign from my job of (Job Designation). Due to change in the residence, I am facing difficulties in coming to work every morning. (Write your actual problem and situation). Even having a motorbike it takes me two hours (more/less) to come to the workplace and the same time to get back home. (Explain in your own words). This is also affecting my health and my budget. So I have searched a new job for me near my residence in order to save my time, money and health.

There is no other reason for leaving this job. I had a very good time serving in your organization. (Briefly describe Company rules and regulations). It would be great if my remaining salary and other payments to which I have right are been made available until next month.


Your Name…

Job Designation…

Department Name…

Company/Institute name…”

Sample 3


Authority name…

Job Designation (e.g., HR Manager),

Company/institute name…


Sub: Resignation Letter

Respected sir,

With due respect, I want to say that my name is (Your name) and I have worked for your company for 2/5/7 years (More/less). Recently I got an offer for further pursing of my studies from a well-known university in (Area name and University name). I have decided to take that offer and complete my remaining studies before I further continue my work. (Explain in your own words). University location and my job place’s distance is very high. (Write your actual problem and situation).

Throughout my work, I have remained loyal to the firm. I have worked each and every day with great passion. My conduct with other employees of the firm had remained good too. I have contributed a lot to this firm. In order to apply for that university, I have to officially resign from this firm. Respected sir, you are kindly requested to accept my resignation and based on my good work and professional experience, issue me a good letter of recommendation.

I hope that you will take my application under your kind consideration and will accept my resignation. I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness. Thanking you in advance.

Yours truly,

Your Name…

Job Designation…

Department Name…

Company/Institute name…”

Sample 4

“January 25, 2018

(Employer Name)



Dear (Employer Name),

I am writing to submit my resignation, effective (date). I am very sorry to be leaving (Company), as it has been a source of pleasure and inspiration for me as a (position). However, the (amount of time) commute is no longer possible with (family situation, school, second job, no car), and I am afraid I will have to find employment closer to home.

Thank you so much for providing such an excellent workplace, and I wish you and (Company) the best of luck.



If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, loneliness or any similar mental health issue then seeking help for it may be a good option.

Mental health issues such as depression, loneliness and anxiety can affect anyone of us.

If you are under 18 then CAMHS, an NHS run program may just be the answer for your mental health struggles.

You should look to see if you meet the CAMHS referral criteria and then fill in the CAMHS referral form.

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