The relation between depression and matted hair (3 Links)

In this guide, we talk about depression and matted hair.

At some point in their lives, most individuals feel anxious or depressed, losing a loved one, losing work, going through a divorce, and other difficult circumstances can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, nervous, afraid, or anxious. These emotions are natural responses to life itself’s stressors. You may know the signs of depression in this article, and because anxiety triggers this very frequently. For no apparent cause, which hinders the normal functioning of every day, some individuals experience these feelings regularly, most likely these individuals may have a generalized anxiety disorder, depression, or both.


The signs of depression are not unusual for a person suffering from anxiety to also present, or vice versa, about half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety disorders, the good news is that it is possible to correct these disorders. No matter what the case is, it is pretty common to be depressed with tangled matted hair. Depression is a condition whose main signs are a low state and difficulty or loss of interest in enjoying mood, weeping, depression, anguish, desperation, along with body aches (back, head), muscle stiffness, dizziness, lack of energy, exhaustion, insomnia, anorexia, breathing problems, were the manifestations most commonly experienced in the body by people interviewed and charged for impairment.

Depression and matted hair

All body affections that originally seem unmotivated, illogical and nonsensical, alien to one’s own experience; but also have other effects, including others, such as sleep disturbance, exhaustion, lack of energy, and appetite disorders. There are certain synopses, such as hair loss, in addition to disorders associated with depression. Typically, this is because one goes through the depressing process of tangled matted hair; the hair is not well combed, resulting in matted hair.

To that, it is added that certain laziness that invades us does not generally make our diet the most suitable and that iron and protein intake is deficient. So for all those places that are considered less prioritized, our body must search for those nutritional resources, and this affects, among other things, the usual hair life cycle. Numerous individuals have experienced postpartum depression with matted tangled hair and are victims of depression and uncombed hair. The medications prescribed to combat it can also affect the scalp on other occasions, especially those that contain tricyclic antidepressants. But the hair grows back until the depression is resolved.

Reason for Depression and matted hair

People who suffer from depression find that they no longer have any need to groom themselves. That may be because they feel either pain or numbness inside. And one of the first features that they avoid taking care of is their hair. Sadly, hair is also one of the first aspects of the body that you tend to remember when it’s not taken care of properly. It gets dirty easily and begins to accumulate buildup that, in turn, absorbs lint and dirt. In time, this effectively glues the hair strands together in what could be described as natural matted knots ‘dreadlocks ‘. The longer you sit without washing your hair and unwinding it, the worse it gets.

Usually, matted hair makes patients with depression feel much worse every time they look in the mirror. Any time they go outside, they need to cover their heads. Moreover, the knots in their locks make seeking a love partner almost impossible for them.

Benefits of detangling matted hair during a depression

Therapeutic effects hair detangling 

Depression care, of course, comes in several shapes and sizes, and you can still seek guidance. However, on your own, you can even try small forms of therapy that are meant to put you in a happier mood. One of them is the detangling of your hair. It will give you trust and reassure your belief in yourself by simply seeing every single strand of your hair lose its knots and become silky and shiny once more.

Bond with another person

You’ll also find that you can not do this on your own. You are simply told to search outside for help. The explanation is that it would take several hours to unwrap your hair, which allows you the opportunity to bond with the person who is supporting you. By just chatting, being in their presence, sharing experiences, and knowing that there are people out there who care for you and your well-being, this constructive communication will work wonders for your depression.

Begin to feel better about yourself

Matted hair and depression are connected because your hair gives you the feeling you are no longer in control until it begins to get knotted. Which makes you feel bad and not worthy, in turn. However, you will once again feel in charge when you make the conscientious decision to fix it and then see the beautiful outcome. You’re also going to feel lovely and alive, which will help you alleviate depression.

Seeking hair detangling session

In a specialist salon, it’s a smart idea to seek professional advice from a hairstylist. They will know exactly how to handle your hair and how to salvage it. Plus, you’re going to benefit from bonding with an entity that cares about your well-being. What happens during the process, however?

Expect that some of your hair is going to fall off

The explanation is that the threads and hairs are now free, as well as fragile ends that have been stuck in the knots for a long time. As they are unraveled by the hairstylist, all the waste will fall off, leaving only the healthy portion behind.

A long duration of the detangling session

Depending on how long and messy your hair is, unknotting all of it will take between a few hours and a few days. But you shouldn’t see this as an even greater source of stress and anxiety. Quite the opposite. Think of it as a lengthy salon session where you relax while your hair is pampered by a professional.

Before the session, do not use any items on your own

No products that are high in oils or conditioners in particular. Only because of their creamy or oily texture can they help to produce even more build-up in your hair. This would render your braids even more twisted and matted.

Bring to the session distractions and entertainment

Seeing as this is going to take too long, you are welcome and encouraged to carry your phone or tablet to the disengagement session. You can watch your favorite TV show or a movie. To read or listen to soothing music, you can also carry magazines or a book. Anything that will make it a fun and favorable experience for this phase.

Remember to have a snack

A loss of appetite is often caused by depression and stress. And the link between matted hair and depression has already been seen. So before moving into the salon, you are recommended to eat as much as you can. Plus, bring in sweet and savory treats to munch with you so that you can retain your energy levels and your positive mood. Since it has chemicals that promote the brain’s development of serotonin, chocolate is a very good example. It’s the hormone that gives us pleasure.

Ways to prevent Matted hair during depression

Know that there is another way to get rid of mats before you grab hold of the scissors. You can detangle matted hair with a bit of patience and the right equipment.

Step 1: Saturate

When your hair is dry, it’s important to start the detangling process to prevent unnecessary harm. You need to saturate it with a detangling or moisturizing conditioner before attempting to run a comb or your fingers through your hair. Ensure that ample product is added to the matted areas so that individual hairs can pass past each other more easily.

Step 2: Loosen

To begin loosening strands of hair, grab a wide-tooth comb. Start at the ends and work up to the roots on your way, gently detaching knots as you go. It is natural to see a lot of hair falling out. This is the shed hair that in the first place led to the matting. To stop a tight pulling feeling, keep your hair near the root if you find it uncomfortable.

Know that you should take your time. When you can comfortably move your fingers through your hair, you are done.

Step 3: Rinse

The final step is to rinse your hair with water that is cold, not wet.

This will keep the strands smooth and isolated, and any residual product will be washed out.

In this guide, we talked about depression and matted hair.

FAQs: The relation between depression and matted hair

Does depression make your hair matted?

When you spend more time in bed, hair may mat more, and when you’re depressed, you might not take the time to brush out all the tangles every day properly. So, you might find mats in your hair again in the future, long after your depression is gone.

How do you get severely matted hair out?

Open a pair of scissors and use the other hand to keep your hair close. Run the scissors’ bottom blade along the underside of the sheet, then pull your hair gently to cut loose strands. Using a wide-toothed comb until they have straightened out the extreme mats and tangles.

Why is my hair so matted?

There may be a couple of explanations for why your hair continuously tangles. Hair texture, brushing frequency, wind exposure, as well as the healthiness of the hair may all lead to matting. It’s more likely your hair would tangle if, during the day, you don’t brush your hair.

How do you detangle matted hair painlessly?

Take a small piece of matted African American hair and spray some water with it. For 30 to 60 minutes, add a leave-in conditioner and keep it on. Use your fingers so that the hair knots begin to disentangle gently. From the tips to the roots, proceed with a detangling comb and brush

Is not showering a sign of mental illness?

Jones adds that depression’s physical symptoms, such as physical discomfort, can also lead people to stop showering. “Depressed people, along with their depressive symptoms, will also experience physical pain, causing them not to feel physically able to take care of their hygiene requirements,” she says.

What causes matted hair in humans?

Mats occur when loose hairs curl around attached strands repeatedly, and the resulting tangle is not removed easily. Matting can also be the fault of bad procedures for detangling, long stints without a trim, or even failing at night to cover your hair.


Matted Hair and Depression

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