Re-employment letter after resignation (5 samples)

This blog post will show you samples of “Re-employment letter after resignation.”

Writing a “Re-employment letter after resignation.”

Did you just start a new job and are already regretting quitting your last position?You may not be able to get your old job back, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to ask.

When writing a “re-employment letter after resignation,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to remind your employer of the department you worked in, along with your job title. You might also mention how long you have worked there.
  • You need to convince your former boss that hiring you again is a great idea for the company. Tell them why you are a terrific fit for the job. If you achieved any big successes at the job tell your boss.
  • Ask About Other Opportunities. Your job might already be filled. Therefore, if you are willing to consider other open positions at the company, say so. Being flexible may help you get a job offer.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it to your employer. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

Sample 1:


Authority name/Position name…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Letter For Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

I am 9Name), an old employee of your company as Sales and Admin Officer (Job position) writing to request for rejoining the job. I resigned from the job due to some very serious domestic issues (Show your cause) and now again I am looking for a job. I request you to kindly consider me for the job because of my previous performance and achievements I made during the employment. I assure you that now there would be no such interceptions and I will perform my duties with sincerity, devotion and more commitment. Looking for your positive response.

Thanking you,


Previous Post…..

Contact no…


Sample 2:

“Dear Sir,

Allow me to address you on the subject of rejoining the job after submitting resignation.

It is humbly stated that I have worked as Deputy Secretary Establishment (Previous post name) in Higher Education Department (Department name) from (date). Last year, on account of some domestic affairs (Show your cause), I submitted my resignation letter which was accepted soon. Afterward, I tried my best to resolve the issues pertaining to my career building but alas I could not make the grade.

Nowadays, I am jobless and not able to make a living that can fulfill needs of my family.

In the light of above-mentioned circumstances, I request you to please accept my rejoining on the same job which I left one year ago.

I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness

Yours Obediently,



Previous Post name….

Contact no…


Sample 3:

“Stephen Applicant

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321


November 19, 2021

Jerry Lee


XYZ Company

321 Metropolis Ave.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

As you know, I recently started a new job at ABC Company. However, I have realized that the job duties and the work environment are not what I expected. I am therefore writing to inquire about the possibility of returning to my position as Assistant Editor at XYZ Company, which I held for the past four years.

I sincerely regret my decision to resign and if I were to be rehired, I can assure you that I can offer a long-term commitment to the company.

In the interim period since I was Assistant Editor, I have gained experience with new content-management systems, including Drupal and WordPress. I believe these skills would be invaluable as ABC Company continues to expand its online presence.

If the company would consider rehiring me, I do understand that my job may have been filled. If so, are there any other open positions I would be eligible to apply for?

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you, and I am available at your convenience for a conversation. I can be reached at 555-555-5555 or at

Best regards,

Stephen Applicant (signature hard copy letter)

Stephen Applicant”

Sample 4:

“Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Ma’am,

I worked with your organisation as a marketing executive from February 2017 to October 2020. I had to leave a year ago as I was relocating to Bangalore to be with my ailing mother. Since she is recovering, I am returning to Pune and hope to rejoin.

Before leaving, I had served devotedly in my previous role. I hope this will be taken into account when you are making your decision. Looking forward to a positive response from you.

Thanks and regards,

Vikram Seth”

Sample 5:

“Date: 13-09-2021

Sai Muhammad

Systems Scores

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Sir,

I worked as an HR executive with your company but quit three months ago to accept a new job offer. Unfortunately, after a month of joining, I realised that the job was quite contrary to my expectations and lacked growth potential. I recalled my past experience at your company where my role was extremely fulfilling and I felt truly appreciated for my contributions. It was a wrong decision to move on at that time and, therefore, I sincerely wish to rejoin.

I had been a dedicated employee of your company for four years and parted with all the due formalities completed. I hope you will allow me to return to work. I eagerly look forward to your response and hope to serve again.

Thanks and regards,

Aravind Adiga”

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you be rehired after quitting?

At the time of publication no federal law says an employer cannot rehire an employee who quits, nor do any federal laws require employers to rehire such employees. Employers are free to decide who’s eligible and who’s ineligible for rehire.

How do you write a simple letter of resignation?

“Dear [Your Boss’ Name], Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [position title] with [Company Name]. My last day will be [your last day—usually two weeks from the date you give notice].”

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