Quiet borderline personality disorder (A guide)
In this brief article, we will be talking about quiet borderline personality disorder, symptoms of quiet borderline personality, how to deal with a quiet borderline personality disorder, and more information about quiet borderline personality disorder.
What is the meaning of quiet borderline personality disorder?
The meaning of a quiet borderline personality disorder is the acting inwards than reacting outwards in its classical form as a personality disorder.
The symptoms of this kind of personality disorder such as the self-harming behaviours and black and white thinking are all part of placing them inwards the affected person.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder are more likely to guilt themselves than other people who were clearly at fault.
These kinds of people also manifest the same symptoms and signs as those people with a borderline personality disorder but they tend to minimize the behavioural manifestations of their personality disorder.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder are afraid and remorseful about the mistakes and failures they made in the past.
These kinds of people will become affectionate with someone and hate them in another day.
When people with a quiet borderline personality disorder are triggered, they won’t get angry with the person who has triggered them by they tend to open their anger through lashing themselves.
With these scars, these kinds of people will be wearing clothes that will hide their self-harming behaviours.
Symptoms of quiet borderline personality disorder
Here are the symptoms and signs of people with a quiet borderline personality disorder.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder are their own self-critics and it gets worse when they blame themselves on every mistake that were made.
They are only hurting themselves with this behaviour.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder may not even be able to recognize that they are blaming themselves.
This self-blame tends to be manifested through inner aggression and self-harming behaviours.
You can learn more about the effects of self-blame by buying this book on this website.
Mentally retreating
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder will tend to show that they are well but the truth is farther from that.
These affected people are merely hiding their inner turmoils inside as typical.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder tend to shut themselves off when their emotions get too overwhelming.
This will lead them to delay the help they really need and let them suffer in their numbness.
Phobia of emotional proximity and abandonment
The phobia of emotional closeness is easy to hide when it comes to people with a borderline personality disorder.
Additionally, this fear can be used to compensate their fears of abandonment since the person who is trying to initiate intimacy will not leave them if they keep rejecting the person.
The fear of abandonment in people with a quiet borderline personality disorder is more of a fear of pushing the people you deeply love away from you.
You can learn more about the fear of abandonment by buying this book on this website.
People pleaser
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder are stuck between the two ends of not letting others control their thoughts while not letting others get hurt by them.
This need to make sure that others are still affectionate to them will make these affected people burn out if the concentrated person is pushing their limits too far.
People with a quiet borderline personality disorder are always compelled to punish themselves through self-injurious behaviours.
This is a common occurrence since they believe that they deserve the pain.
You can learn more about minimizing your self-harming behaviours by buying this book on this website.
The distinction between quiet borderline personality disorder and traditional BPD
The NIMH has stated that people with a borderline personality disorder will be suffering from erratic mood swings, black-and-white thinking, and volatile relationships.
These kinds of people will also manifest increased aggression and dependence on another person.
These kinds of episodes can last for hours to days in people with a borderline personality disorder.
The factors that may trigger this kind of personality disorder are not directly known but some researchers have found a combination of genetics, brain chemistry, environmental influences, and social concerns.
Many therapists are even getting suggestions from their case studies that people with a borderline personality disorder have gone through childhood trauma that may have triggered this kind of personality disorder.
A quiet borderline personality disorder is not really officially distinguished from the classic form of this personality disorder since it is not an official psychological diagnosis.
Nevertheless, therapists are convinced that there are observable distinguishing characteristics between a quiet borderline personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.
For instance, the quiet form of this personality disorder is more focusing the anger towards the inside while the traditional form of this personality disorder is more likely to be seen to act out externally with his or her inner emotions.
A psychologist has stated that people with a quiet borderline personality disorder will be more subtle when it comes to their symptoms and focus their emotions hidden which makes it hard for them to get diagnosed with this personality disorder.
These kinds of people are still likely to experience the symptoms of the traditional form of this personality disorder but they will be the only ones to know that they have this kind of personality disorder.
Most of the time, people with a quiet borderline personality disorder will be having a sense of self where it’s full of shame and hatred.
People with the traditional form of this personality disorder will always think that their emotions are wrong and irrational.
Even if you are suffering a quiet borderline personality disorder, you are still more likely to feel the emotional effects of this personality disorder and you will still find yourself getting distressed.
How is quiet borderline personality disorder diagnosed?
A quiet borderline personality disorder is diagnosed through the following below after this short discussion.
A person with a quiet borderline personality disorder is more likely to have an inner experience of emotions and when these emotions get too overwhelming, there will be lots of episodes where they have to engage in self-injury.
The different emotions of a person are kept inside which is the almost daily experience of people with a quiet borderline personality disorder.
When they engage in social interactions, they are more likely to socialize like a normal person and may even show some emotional numbness or detachment towards the people around them.
Due to the silence of the symptoms of a quiet borderline personality disorder, these affected people will not be diagnosed immediately which is concerning since they tend to engage in self-injurious behaviours.
Even psychologists would agree that it can be difficult to not have these kinds of people diagnosed.
This confusion of diagnosis may also arise from the label that people with a borderline personality disorder are more inclined to act out such as getting angry and violent.
A psychologist even stated that there are symptoms of a quiet borderline personality disorder but there is the confusion that arises from their trying hard behaviours to show that they are fine in the eyes of the mental health community.
Psychologists would agree that this is a problem since a borderline personality disorder needs to be addressed and treated immediately to minimize the distressing symptoms that can go awry with not being diagnosed.
People who have not been diagnosed with a quiet borderline personality disorder will only suffer more due to their silent symptoms and the prejudice and neglect towards this kind of diagnosis.
You can learn more about the patient with a quiet borderline personality disorder by buying this book on this website.
Psychological interventions for people with quiet borderline personality disorder
The attainment of the diagnosis of a quiet borderline personality disorder is quite the battle psychologists face with.
People with this kind of personality disorder after being diagnosed will feel like a burden has been taken from them.
Some patients with a quiet borderline personality disorder are feeling less distressed once they were diagnosed.
Fortunately, there are more psychological interventions for this kind of personality disorder.
Once patients get the diagnosis of a quiet borderline personality disorder, they will be discussing with the mental health professional on various treatment options for this kind of personality disorder.
The psychological interventions for this kind of personality disorder are increasing through the years and have minimized the stigma surrounding this kind of personality disorder.
The NIH would recommend psychotherapy as the most effective psychological intervention for people with a quiet borderline personality disorder with dialectical behaviour therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and mentalization-based therapy as the top options.
A psychologist once stated that she prefers the dialectical behaviour therapy for these affected people.
Dialectical behaviour therapy is a kind of psychotherapy with the following strategies which are individual therapy, coaching throughout the week, group DBT strategies training, and weekly meetings with your consultation team.
Psychologists would state that this kind of psychotherapy has a comprehensive nature that makes it effective in treating this kind of personality disorder.
DBT doesn’t only minimize the symptoms of a quiet borderline personality disorder but it makes you learn strategies that can help you deal with your world.
No matter what kind of psychotherapy you choose, you need to find the psychotherapist that you find accommodating for you.
A quiet borderline personality disorder can leave affected people struggling for years to come.
However, with psychotherapy, these kinds of people are able to manage their symptoms and live a fulfilling life.
People who have been diagnosed with a quiet borderline personality disorder have been given hope to get away from their psychological distress.
These kinds of people were able to live freely without regrets and guilt about themselves.
One of the patients with a quiet borderline personality disorder even made a blog and became an advocate for people with this kind of personality disorder.
This patient hopes that other people who have been suffering the same personality disorder should be free in living their life to the fullest.
After all, a quiet borderline personality disorder is a story that can be told to understand the struggles and the positive effects of psychological interventions.
You can learn more about the importance of psychotherapy by buying this book here.
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In this brief article, we have talked about quiet borderline personality disorder, symptoms of quiet borderline personality, how to deal with a quiet borderline personality disorder, and more information about quiet borderline personality disorder.
If you have any questions about quiet borderline personality disorder, please let us know and the team will gladly answer your questions.
FAQs: quiet borderline personality disorder
Why do borderlines split?
Borderlines split because they are trying to defend themselves from the feelings of anxiety and get rid of some unpleasant feelings from past relationships.
In this case, these kinds of feelings stem from the experiences of abandonment and betrayal.
What happens when a BPD is abandoned?
When a BPD person is abandoned, he or she will feel like there’s a deep void inside of them.
At first, these kinds of people will feel angry and depressed since they have been left behind.
This can be generalized when the new people in their lives will become late or will not join an engagement.
Do I have high functioning BPD?
Do borderlines cheat?
Yes, borderlines can cheat.
Two of the main characteristics of borderline personality are complications in relationships and difficulties with impulsive behaviour.
These kinds of symptoms can make probable cheating an even more emotional experience with chronic outcomes.
People with BPD typically have an intense need to feel loved and accepted.
Are borderlines psychopaths?
Yes, borderlines can be psychopaths.
There appears to be an association especially between psychopathy and borderline personality disorder (BPD) which is characterized by emotional instability, unstable relationships, and impulsive behaviour.
Psychopaths also don’t get terrified by abandonment the way those with BPD typically do.
Psychology Today. Do You Have “Quiet BPD”? .
SOS Safety Magazine. Hidden Signs of Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder.
Talkspace. What Is “Quiet” Borderline Personality Disorder?.
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