Pseudologia Fantastica (A comprehensive guide)

This article endeavors to investigate how pseudologia fantastica is characterized.

It also aims to explore the qualities of this condition and shed light on the common misconceptions reading this condition.

Pseudologia fantastica (PF) is an uncommon phenomenon that has not been well-examined outside of clinical perceptions and case studies. 


According to recent research, the etiological advancement will be inspected with mental instruments that are commonly used to gauge the effect of such conditions.

The utilization of this disorder in scientific settings and related psychological issues will likewise be reviewed.

In addition to this, treatment techniques when working with patients having pseudologia fantastica qualities are proposed, with current constraints, and future proposals are taken into account.  

Pseudologia fantastica is a psychiatric syndrome where patients represent specific fantasies as real occurrences.

In pseudologia fantastica (pathological lying), the person creates a whole new identity by creating a mesh of fantastic lies. 

Pseudologia fantastica (PF) is a controversial topic under debate.

There is, currently, no accord in the psychiatric community on its definition (in reference to DSM classification), although there is general agreement on its standard components.

Pseudologia fantastica is described as a “long history of regular and continued lying (perhaps profoundly rooted in the individual) for which no clear thought process or external benefit can be perceived.”

While conventional falsehoods are objectively coordinated and are used to acquire external benefits or to break discipline, obsessive lies regularly seem purposeless.

Often, they may act naturally implicating or harming, which makes the conduct considerably rare.

Regardless of its indefinite qualities, Pseudologia fantastica is perceived and expounded upon in the psychiatric community for decades. 


A pathological liar refers to somebody who lies impulsively.

While there are numerous potential reasons for obsessive lying, it’s not yet altogether understood why somebody would lie in this way.

Some lies are designed to allow the individual to paint a saintly picture of themselves, or to pick up acknowledgment or compassion, while many lies are baseless and illogical.

Some proof from 2007 research proposes that issues influencing the central sensory system may incline somebody to be obsessive or pathological lying.  

Pathological lying is a known characteristic of personality disorders such as antisocial behavioral disorder.

Injury or head wounds may likewise play a role in obsessive or pathological lying, alongside a variation from the norm in hormone-cortisol proportion. 

A 2016 study of what occurs in the mind when you lie found that the more pathological lies an individual tells, the simpler and increasingly common lying become.

The outcomes showed that personal responsibility appears to fuel untruthfulness. 

Although the investigation didn’t explicitly explain pathological lying, it might give some insights as to why pathological liars lie to such an extent and as effectively as they do.

Pathological lies are:

  • Told frequently and compulsively
  • Told for no apparent reason or gain
  • Continuous
  • Determined to make the teller appear heroic or the victim
  • Not deterred by guilt or risk of getting found out

Some instances of pathological lying are:

  • Making a false history, for example, saying they’ve accomplished or experienced something they haven’t 
  • Professing to have a dangerous ailment that they don’t have 
  • Lying to dazzle or impress others, for example, saying they’re identified with a well-known individual
  • Pathological gamblers also exhibit the same type of behavior, pathological lying.


Dealing with somebody who lies pathologically can be testing and challenging.

Keeping up a working relationship with this individual can require some investment and persistence.

Patience is the key to cope with such individuals.

Remember that the individual may not expect to cause mischief or take advantage of these lies.

Pathological lying can be an impulse, and it frequently prompts adverse consequences for the individual.

Along these lines, attempt to abstain from reacting angrily or blaming them for the lying. 

It is additionally useful to know that pathological lying might be an indication of hidden emotional distress.

Conversing with the individual about whether they have some other side effects can assist them with recognizing the issue and looking for help from a specialist.

Compulsive lying and mental disorders

Compulsive lying is a feature of several other conditions, such as factitious disorder and other personality disorders


The factitious disorder, also called Munchausen’s disorder, is a condition in which an individual goes about as if they are physically or rationally sick when they are not.  

Munchausen’s disorder as a substitute is the point at which somebody lies about someone else having a sickness.

This condition is generally common in mothers who fake ailments in their child and lie to a specialist about it. 

The reasons for the factitious issue are obscure. Speculations include: 

  • biological or hereditary causes, 
  • childhood misuse or disregard,
  • low confidence or low self-esteem or anxiety related issues,
  • the presence of a personality disorder,
  • substance misuse,
  • Sadness or feelings of Depression,


Pathological lying is a possible symptom of specific personality disorders, including:

  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
  • Antisocial personality disorder (APD)

BPD is a condition that makes it hard for an individual to direct their feelings. Individuals with BPD may encounter extreme emotional episodes, feel more instability and uncertainty, and not have a healthy self-image. 

The signs of NPD are dreams of immense significance and require special treatment. 

Researchers contend that while neurotic lying may, in principle, happen in individuals with APD, those with this condition frequently lie for individual addition or joy. 

An individual with BPD or NPD may mislead twist reality into something that fits with the feeling that they are feeling, instead of the realities.

These character issues can prompt huge difficulties in establishing solid relationships.


Pathological or compulsive liars are habitual and may begin as petty lies. The lies can gradually become increasingly detailed and sensational, especially on the off chance that they are importantly trying to cover up for a previous compulsive lies.

They regularly become more and more complicated with additional details. 

All individuals who lie often are not obsessive liars. The most distinctive element of a compulsive lying is that it doesn’t have a purpose.

Therefore, a person who frequently exaggerates stories to make themselves appear more interesting is unlikely to be a pathological liar.

These are clear motives that advance particular interests.

Compulsive liars are simple for others to confirm, which can, at last, be hurtful to the individual who lets them know.

For instance, the individual may make fraudulent allegations or self-important cases about their past that are straightforward for others to check.


Pathological lying is anything but a formal diagnosis; however, a specialist or therapist may perceive the conduct as an indication of another basic condition. 

For example, it could be a personality disorder or factitious issue. 

These disorders incorporate various symptoms, including compulsive lying. Individuals with these conditions likewise show different signs.

It is possible for compulsive lying to be part of free will, as certain individuals take part in pathological lying without having any basic ailment.

It very well may be a challenge for a specialist to decide if somebody is taking part in obsessive lying in light because there are no established tests for it.

To analyze most psychological wellness conditions, a specialist will conduct a clinical meeting.

If the individual doesn’t speak the truth about their lying, it could be essential for the specialist to chat with relatives or companions to help recognize obsessive or compulsive liars.


As pathological lying is anything but a perceived condition, there are no proper medicines for it.

If a specialist presumes that something is causing the lying, they may recommend treatment for that condition.

For instance, treatment for personality disorders, as a rule, includes psychotherapy or drug. 

As compulsive lying can be hurtful to other people, a specialist may likewise propose treatment for those near the person.

A therapist will work with them to assist them in dealing with their reactions to the issue. 


Recognizing a  Psuedologia Fantastica patient isn’t, in every case, simple.

While it might be human instinct to be suspicious of anything that shows up “unrealistic,” not all untruths told by pathological liars are over-the-top.

They additionally tell “customary” lies that somebody without an impulse to lie may tell.

Below is a list of a few signs that may assist you with recognizing a compulsive liar: 

  • they regularly talk about encounters and achievements in which they seem heroic,
  • they’re additionally the unfortunate casualty in a considerable lot of their accounts, periodically searching for compassion,
  • their version of stories will, in general, be detailed, elaborate and definite,
  • they react intricately and rapidly to questions, yet the reactions are typically unclear and don’t give a response to the inquiry,
  • They may have various forms of a similar story, which originates from overlooking past details or stories.


Pseudological Fantastica is a compulsive lying disorder.

A compulsive liar is a person who lies spontaneously without even thinking about the future consequences it might lead to.

It is challenging and a tough situation for a pseudologia fantastica patient to tell the truth.

However, with treatment and therapy are given by a physician, they might try to tell the truth.

It takes a lot of patience and persistence to deal with them as they are often difficult to treat.


This is a type of extreme lying that does indeed appear to have a strong genetic component.

Officially known as “pseudologia fantastica,” this condition is characterized by a chronic tendency to spin out outrageous lies, even when no clear benefit to the lying is apparent.

Often people with this affliction seem unable even to recognize that they are lying, and they seem blind to where truth ends, and falsehood starts.  


Compulsive lying is the point at which an individual habitually lies without a reasonable thought process in doing as such.

The untruths may get intricate and nitty-gritty, yet they are frequently simple to confirm.

Pathological liars don’t prompt any lasting advantage for the individual who lets them know, and they can be hurtful to other people. 

Remember that lying is an impulse and that an individual who pathologically lies doesn’t mean to hurt others or better themselves.

As pathological lying is not a perceived condition, there are no conventional medications for it.

Notwithstanding, neurotic lying might be an indication of a fundamental condition that a specialist can help with, for example, a personality issue.


Q1. How do you deal with a pathological liar?

It can be difficult and testing to cope up with such individuals who lie always.

Still, they have no intentions to harm anyone, so the only key to deal with pathological liars is to deal with them patiently because persistence is the key to cope up with them.

Q2. Is compulsive lying a mental disorder?

Compulsive lying can occur due to one of the two disorders, factitious disorder or psychotic disorders which include Borderline personality disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. 

Q3. Can pathological liars tell the truth?

It is very tough for a pathological liar to tell the truth, but with proper therapy and treatment they might try to be honest 

Q4. How do you spot a liar at work?

A pathological liar will always feature themselves as heroes in any particular situation, they will portray themselves as victims, their version of stories will always be detailed, and they will react intricately to the questions asked.

Q5. Can pathological liars stop lying?

Therapy and treatment could play a significant role in preventing them from stopping lying or being dishonest, but if the procedure is made available at the right time, they might try to put an end to it.

Q6. Is lying genetic?

No, it’s not genetic.

This type of compulsive lying is characterized by a chronic tendency to spin out outrageous lies, even when no clear benefit to the lying is apparent.

Often people with this affliction seem unable to recognize that they are lying, and they seem blind to where truth ends, and falsehood starts. 


  1. Pseudological Fantastica in the emergency department
  2. Pseudologia Fantastica – Pathological Lying behaviour 
  3. Fascinating case report on Pseudologia Fantastica
  4. Pseudological Fantastica: Is it a symptom or a disease?
  5. Forensic and clinical treatment of Pseudological Fantastica

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