Prozac success stories (Amazing therapeutic results)

In this blog post, we are going to talk about the success of prozac. It is an antidepressant which is used to treat a variety of mental health conditions including depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and eating disorders. This blog is all about how this antidepressant has changed lives. 

What is the success rate of prozac?

Prozac has a success rate of about 60-70% in the treatment of mild to severe episodes of depression. This antidepressant is one of the most popular medicines used worldwide. Prozac is usually well tolerated by a majority of people, but it is still not a good choice of antidepressant for some. 

What people have experienced so far? 

Prozac is one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and many people have reported it as a life saving drug. A 42 year old Judy stated:

“I started exhibiting the signs of clinical depression in my late twenties. I was always against the usual practice of taking medicines for minor ailments and I literally hated it. This made me delay my depression treatment and I started trying a number of tips to help reduce my depression and mind numbness.”

It is a common thing when people feel that antidepressants are unnecessary.

A huge sum of people out there believe that the brain itself is not strong enough or capable of causing physical symptoms of depression and it’s just the person who overthinks everything and is responsible for his or her condition. But you and I can clearly see now that it’s not the case. 

You’re probably reading this blog because you believe that depression is an actual illness and not some minor ailment. Judy continued:

“I tried everything. I used to wake up early in the morning, I had a balanced and nutritious diet and I did all kinds of workouts, including pilates, yoga, cardio and meditation, but nothing worked out for me. My depression kept getting worse and it reached the point where I couldn’t even fall asleep.”

She further stated:

“I was still reluctant to go to a mental health practitioner, but I started to notice that my depression was affecting my family at that point and it was ruining the mental health of my children as well. This is when I visited a doctor and was diagnosed with major depression. My doc put me on Prozac 10 mg, once every day.”

She further explained how prozac changed her life:

“The first few weeks were not easy for me as I suffered from anxiety and irritability. I started to think that I was better off without the med and started second-guessing my decision. This is when my doctor guided me to continue my med, and I tell you what, it was the best decision I ever made. Within a few weeks, I started getting better and better. Now years later I can say that I’m completely free from depression.”

This story tells us how you should always seek help when you feel that your mental health condition is deteriorating. Depression is no piece of cake. It not only ruins your peace, but it also affects people who love and care about you. 

In Judy’s case, her children were affected. This is exactly why it is not recommended to sit back and wait for your depression to go away. It doesn’t work like that. 

Another prozac user stated:

“I have always been sensitive to antidepressants and have tried, God knows, tons of antidepressants, but prozac worked the best for me. It cured my depression and my symptoms of OCD.” 

The user continued: 

“I stopped doing things over and over again and I also stopped taking multiple showers in a single day. Prozac has helped me with my intrusive thoughts and I have been interacting well with people around me.”

A few more people have given similar reviews. It is one thing to bear in mind that prozac is not the best antidepressant for everyone. There’s no way to predict how your body will react to it. 

This is why it’s recommended to start prozac with the lowest effective dose in order to ensure your safety and tolerability. If you experience too many side effects or any allergic reaction, the treatment with prozac will not be continued. 

If you tolerate the antidepressant well, then your doctor will gradually increase the dose to achieve maximum therapeutic response while maintaining the safety. 

What conditions are treated with prozac? 

Prozac is used for the treatment of following health conditions:


Prozac is used in the treatment of mild to major depression disorder (MDD). It is a state of mind which is concerned with disturbing thoughts, especially about one’s self. 

It is associated with symptoms like hopelessness, tearfulness and emptiness. Depression is caused by the deficiency of excitatory neurotransmitters. 

Prozac increases the amount of active serotonin to help relieve the symptoms of depression. Serotonin is an excitatory neurotransmitter responsible for modulating mood, cognition, reward, learning, memory, and various other psychological processes. 

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Prozac is used to treat symptoms of OCD. It is a condition characterised by troublesome thoughts that won’t go away, no matter what you do, and a weird urge to do things over and over again. 

Panic attacks 

Overtime, prozac has proven to be a suitable treatment option for treating panic attacks. They are sudden, uncontrollable attacks of fear and worry. A patient might unwillingly exaggerate a certain condition and gets frightened, often to the point where he gets attacked by seizures. 

Eating disorders 

Prozac can also be used to help relieve the symptoms associated with eating disorders like bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. The symptoms include increased intake of fatty and greasy foods, high sugar intake, eating in larger, more frequent portions, feelings of disgust etc. 

Off-label uses include:

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) 

Prozac is also used off-label for the treatment generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). As the name implies, this mental health condition is associated with general worry or anxiety about pretty much everything without having any logical reason. 


Prozac can also be used to tone down the severity of migraine headaches. Migraine attacks you in different intervals. It can cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sounds. 

It can also cause visual disturbances and people sometimes complain of continuously seeing lights flashing right in front of their eyes. Prozac can be used to help relieve such symptoms. 

Pain associated with diabetic neuropathy 

Prozac can also be used to relieve the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy. This condition arises normally after prolonged mismanagement of diabetes. 


In this blog, we have discussed the success stories of prozac. It is an antidepressant which is used to treat a variety of mental health conditions including depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and eating disorders. 

This blog introduced us to Judy and we just saw how she battled with depression. We have also learned about some other people who revealed how prozac changed their lives. However, prozac may not be the best choice of antidepressant for everyone. 

That’s why it’s recommended to start prozac with the lowest effective dose in order to ensure your safety and tolerability. If you experience too many side effects or any allergic reaction, the treatment with prozac will not be continued. 

If you tolerate the antidepressant well, then your doctor will gradually increase the dose to achieve maximum therapeutic response while maintaining the safety. 

FAQs: prozac success stories

What does Prozac feel like when it starts working?

Prozac may start to make your physical symptoms associated with depression a little better. However, it can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to start making your psychological symptoms better. 

You may also experience a few side effects, which may start right after you take your first ever dose, but these side effects begin to subside within 2 to 3 weeks of treatment. 

How long does it take for Prozac to start helping?

Prozac can take up to 4 weeks to start producing noticeable therapeutic results. However, this time duration can vary from person to person. Some people may start to notice results just in about 3 weeks, while others may take up to 6 to 8 weeks. It totally depends on how your body reacts to it and how much time it takes to adjust to the med. 

What are the serious side effects of prozac? 

Prozac is also associated with some serious side effects, which often require immediate medical attention. These include:

  • Allergic reaction associated with symptoms like redness of skin, itching, burning sensation, blisters, blue-purple patches, tightness of chest, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, hoarseness etc. 
  • Convulsions 
  • Dark grey-brown colored vomiting
  • Tarry or bloody stools
  • Eye problems including pain, swelling, redness, vision changes etc. 
  • Abnormal mood changes including, excitement following by sudden sadness, erratic behaviour, paranoia etc
  • Kidney function abnormalities, including severe pain, elevation of serum creatinine, difference in urine output and colour, blood urea nitrogen levels etc. 
  • Suicidal behavior 
  • Excessive muscle tremors 

Will Prozac keep me up at night?

Prozac may cause insomnia, especially during the first few weeks of your treatment. However, this side effect will begin to subside within 2 to 3 weeks of treatment. Just make sure you take your med properly and give your body enough time to adjust to it. 

Why does Prozac work so well?

Prozac, brand name for fluoxetine, belongs to the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin from the synaptic cleft (space between a neuron and its target cell). It increases the availability of serotonin in your brain. 

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a chemical) released by our brain which is responsible for modulating mood, cognition, reward, learning, memory, and various other psychological processes.

Does Prozac make you tired in the beginning?

Prozac may make you tired in the beginning of the treatment but this tiredness starts to wear off within a few weeks of your treatment. Some people may start to notice better energy levels within 2-3 weeks, while others may take longer than that. This effect is variable as people react differently when they are exposed to medications. 


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