Property manager resignation letter (5 samples)

This blog post will show you samples of “property manager resignation letters.”

Writing a “resignation letter for a property manager”

When writing a “resignation letter for a property manager,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to tell your employer about leaving the job and the final work date. Keep it short as the essential part of the letter is the Last Date of your work.
  • Indicate the reason you are leaving your job. Keep your composure when writing the resignation letter.
  • Finally, thank your employer for the position and the opportunities you have enjoyed during your work period.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it to your employer. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

Sample 1:

“Dear madam/sir,

I am writing to inform you that as of April 28, 2015 I will be resigning from my managerial position at Jia Properties. I have been offered a store management position with a large retail chain, an opportunity .

I have enjoyed my time working here and have learned a great deal about the real state industry, as well as about being a skilled supervisor. Thank you so much for allowing me to grow and to learn in this capacity. I will miss the professional and cooperative working environment here at Monty’s.

Please know that I will be sure to fulfill all of my duties and obligations during the remainder of my time on the job. I want to be sure my departure is a smooth and seamless one. I’m happy to lend a hand wherever necessary. Don’t hesitate to give me a call at 000-000-0000 if you need anything.


Mitzi Reardon”

Sample 2:

“March 24, 2020

Alan Chambers

JKL Properties

823 Main St., San Antonio, TX 32512

Dear Mr. Chambers,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as a property manager of JKL Properties, effective April 10, two weeks from now.

I have accepted a position with another company, a role that is in line with my future career goals. I will still be available to continue my sales responsibilities during the next two weeks, so please don’t hesitate to keep me on the schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience my departure may cause and will do all I can to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. I am even happy to train my replacement if you would like.

I have very much enjoyed the time I have spent here at JKL Properties and appreciate all the support and training you have provided over the past year. I feel lucky to work with such a great team, and I will miss everyone here very much.


Sarah Smith”

Sample 3:

“[Your name]


[Phone number]

[Email address]


[Recipient’s name]




Dear [name],

Please consider this letter my formal resignation from my position as [position title], effective [date].

[Explanation for why you are leaving.] During my remaining [timeline, i.e. two weeks], I am happy to do anything I can to make the transition as smooth as possible. I am available to maintain my sales responsibilities, so do not hesitate to keep me on the schedule. I am also happy to train my replacement if that would be helpful.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working at [retail business], and I will miss our management team as well as my coworkers. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with such a great team and appreciate the support I have had here.


[Your signature]


Sample 4:

“Dear Mr. Caldwell,

This letter is to inform you of my upcoming resignation from my position as Estate manager at Smith Estate. I am resigning due to personal reasons, and the effective date of my resignation will be July 15, 2014, so please accept this letter as my official two weeks notice. I truly regret any inconvenience this may cause to you or Smith Estate and wish to do all in my power to make this transition go smoothly.

During my final two weeks at Smith Estate, I will be pleased to either transfer responsibility where appropriate or train a replacement for my position. I will also personally notify the rest of the team of my intentions. If any further discussion is needed in regards to these points, please call me at (555)-555-5555 or email me at [email] I look forward to hearing from you.

I am grateful for the valuable experience and opportunities I have gained during my time at Smith Estate and feel confident that they will help me to achieve success in all of my future endeavors. I wish you, the rest of the staff and Smith Estate every success and hope that our paths may cross again someday. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

William Jones

William G. Jones”

Sample 5:

“Josue Ortega

City, State, Zip Code

Cell: 000-000-0000

Dear Mack Wilson,

It has been such a pleasure to work with you at Anderson Widgets Estate these past five years. While I am sad to leave, I am happy to say that I have accepted a position in Florida which will set me up nicely toward retirement. I will work my last day at Anderson on May 15, 2015.

Working with you has made my job engaging, interesting, educational and even fun. We have done so well as part of a tightly knit team and you have become one of my closest friends. I look forward to continuing the friendship, although I cannot pass on this great opportunity which takes me away from my Anderson Widget family.

I am organizing everything I can right now, to ensure the next general manager steps into a well kept and concisely documented position. If you know what works best for the company during these types of management changes, please let me know so I can provide those tools and help make everyone successful from here forward.


John Hearn”

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you write a short resignation letter?

“Dear Sir/Ma’am, I would like to inform you that I, (name), working as a (position) in your company, would like to submit my formal resignation, effective (date). I am resigning with such short notice due to (reason). I apologize for the inconvenience of the matter, but I hope you can understand my urgency.”

What is the best reason for resignation?

The best reason for resignation is a better opportunity. You can mention personal reasons for your departure from the company. Whatever the reason, you will need to mention this politely and professionally.

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