Parsimony Psychology (A Comprehensive Guide)

In order to grasp the idea of parsimony psychology, it is inevitable to know about the meaning of word parsimony.

The word parsimony is derived from the word “parser” of Latin language which means “to be sparing”.

The roots of this word are found deep in the late Middle English Language and it had been around since it was first use.

The word parsimony in its simplest definition can be termed as thrilling or unnecessary thriftiness, monetary, or stinginess.

The alternative words used for parsimony are penny-pinching, niggardliness, miserliness, meanness, and greediness.

The great value has been recognized, by scientists, in the prudence of parsimony and it was revealed that the term parsimony can be used in psychology too.

Parsimony Psychology

The idea of parsimony psychology refers to the most simple, exact description of processes related to cognition and behaviors.

The human brain is a complex thing to understand, a person does not require making it more complicated for comprehending it more than it needed.

The scientists are trying to keep this term of parsimony simplest, transitory, and independent of obstructive suppositions.

It is helpful for anybody to comprehend the terms which are used and also helps in keeping needless misperception and impediment away from therapy procedures.

The Law Of Parsimony

The perspectives of parsimony psychology are referred by scientists as the laws of parsimony or Ockham’s razor.

The idea of Ockham’s razor is named after a notable logician and theologian William of Ockham.

A person, in 1300, Occam penned these words “numquam nenena plurality sine necessitate,” which can be translated to “multiplicity must never be theorized without inevitability”.

The foundational roots of the concept of Law of Parsimony are found way back in the times of Aristotle, he stated that the more inadequate, if exact, is always desirable.

While explaining the natural phenomena the principle of parsimony was followed by Ptolemy and subsequently Isaac Newton.

As the name of Ockham is very uncommon the Ockham’s razor name is caught. In 1852, an expert of metaphysical sciences named as Sir William Hamilton was the reason for the fame of Ockham by inventing the word Occam’s Razor.

The idea of the razor was in place as an alternative to shaving away needless supposition in conflicting theories.

The following are the few elements discussed from the law of parsimony.

An Elegant Solution

The idea of an elegant solution is a response that sticks to the law of parsimony.

This includes the minimum quantity of steps and needed constituents along with satisfactory results, with a nominal work needed.

A sophisticated resolution in psychology may be which can explain concepts of behavior and its model in most simple terms.

Make Assumptions That Can Be Dealt With Easily

If a solution contains suppositions, it is not easier then to deal with them efficiently, which means that conducting more research for discovering whether the suppositions are effective or ineffective.

Refers To Things That Are Observable

The explanation of parsimony psychology is that those things which can be observed.

These things can be items, gestures, manners, facial appearance, or the result of the MCQs test.

For instance, it is easily observable for the scientist to observe the electrical changes taking place in the brain by using EEG and can observe chemical changes by lab tests.

For observing behavior and thoughts one can adopt different methods.

However, without adopting any way for making observations it is not easy to get exact results.

These may be the occurrences, in psychology, in the life of a person or response he shows followed by having gone through them.

Few Entities

A lot of people at different times and intervals have presented many intricate descriptions of usual physical phenomena.

Most of the time, there has been the involvement of a lot of various entities for the explanation of occurrence.

It has been explained through the law of parsimony that there cannot be any entity other than the mandatory one for the explanation of events.

It implies that the only client and his counselor are liable to explain the events which are concerned.

Great Generality

Those explanations which can be widespread to different happenings are favored by parsimony psychology.

For instance, if a person is speaking about winking, smiling, frowning, and furrowed brows, a description that will be favored by parsimony psychology using the phrase “facial expression” as it is generally used term which can cover different happenings.

It means that to search for a simpler instrument for working on the problems a person may come across in his life, rather than of different approaches to get through various happenings.

Simple Is Best, But It’s Not Always Possible

Parsimony psychology does not limit itself to the feature of straightforwardness.

The description needs to be exact and precise as well. Ponder over frugality; it is not only concerned about purchasing the inexpensive car.

If a person purchases a vehicle that is out of order and is not fixable, the person has lost his money in the simplest terms.

A person needs a vehicle which sturdy and cheap. Similarly, it is correct for the sciences.

In many cases, a solution appearing first and simple also seems hopeful but the solution turns out to be incorrect.

Occasionally, before reaching a tightfisted conclusion more information is required.

It implies that parsimony psychology is simpler; a person needs to give his efforts in order to speak thoroughly about his life during his therapy session in order to search the most suitable apparatus to use.

Examples of Parsimony Psychology

If it seems that parsimony psychology can be beneficial for the life of an individual, this may be helpful in seeing examples of the apparatus being used for further decision if this style of therapy is right for him or not. Following is an example of parsimony psychology in use for treatments.

Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia

A review of research in 2010, the law of parsimony was used by the researchers for creating a little intricate style of thinking about the undesirable signs of schizophrenia.

The undesirable signs of schizophrenia can be observed in behavior and thinking styles which tend to get away from the value of the life of the individual who lives with findings.

  1. Negative Schizophrenia symptoms include:
  2. Flat affect
  3. Inappropriate Affect
  4. Unresponsive affect
  5. Unchanging expression
  6. Decreased movement
  7. Fewer gestures
  8. Poor eye contact
  9. Lack of vocal inflection
  10. Alogia – a lack of new content in a conversation
  11. Little speech
  12. Asociality – a lack of interest in social interaction
  13. Apathy
  14. Poor grooming
  15. Not persisting at work or school
  16. Anergia – a lack of physical energy
  17. Few recreational activities
  18. Decreased ability to maintain close relationships
  19. Few friends
  20. Attention difficulties

From the above-mentioned symptoms, one can clearly see and feel that this list is devastating for the person who has been through the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

This has been taken into consideration by the researchers and they have found a way for simplifying the above-mentioned symptoms in a single word for describing the whole phenomena.

A word used by them was “avolition” which referred to as “reduction in the enthusiasm for initiating or self-direct determined activities.

If a person gets devastates by the diagnoses, terms and the list downed signs above, the role of parsimony psychology can significant and a seamless choice for him.

This therapy of parsimony psychology can be begun with a credible and licensed therapist who is aware of this method.

If a person is stuck in his busy routine and wishes to get rid of added commute he can set an appointment in advance.

Parsimony psychology is

  • Needless difficulties
  • Supportive
  • Includes the smallest amount of unverified suppositions
  • The modest resolution which is actual.
  • Refers to perceptible clarifications – depend on figures which are established
  • Developmental method
  • Complete and precise
  • Real-world and practical
  • Composed to comprehend
  • Statistics that can be reinforced and confirmed
  • Generalizable to fluctuating circumstances
  • Replicable consequences

Being focused on the descriptions and concepts which are pragmatic and appropriate makes sense.

Conclusions provided by parsimony psychology are simpler, easy in understanding, and applicable.

This is important that descriptions are exact and applicable. It can be overwhelming to create needless difficulty, particularly at a time while dealing with perception and human behavior.

The people suffering from any mental health issue often feel desperate, particularly in case of when there are intangible and unrealistic descriptions and treatment methods in their knowledge.

Parsimony psychology offers pragmatic, realistic, and effective and real-world methods of addressing issues related to mental health.

A clinician or an expert on mental health issues can be helpful in providing these structures and scaffolding.

Conclusively, parsimony psychology is the usual branch of psychology which has been described by using simpler and brief terms.

Parsimony psychology can be beneficial for everyone, particularly for a person who feels stunned with terms of psychology in recent times.

The method of parsimony psychology may feel like it can be beneficial for someone, he needs to consult with his therapist who can help him.

FAQs about Parsimony Psychology

Q1. What is parsimony?

The roots of this word are found deep in the late Middle English Language and it had been around since it was first use.

The word parsimony in its simplest definition can be termed as thrilling or unnecessary thriftiness, monetary, or stinginess.

Q2. What is parsimony psychology?

The idea of parsimony psychology refers to the most simple, exact description of processes related to cognition and behaviors.

Q3. What is the law of parsimony?

Law of parsimony or the principle that the simplest explanation of an event or observation is the preferred explanation

Q4. What is an example of parsimony?

If a person purchases a vehicle that is out of order and is not fixable, the person has lost his money in the simplest terms.

A person needs a vehicle which sturdy and cheap.

Q5. What is Occam’s razor in psychology?

Occam’s razor, also recognized as the law of parsimony is a problem-solving standard credited to theorist William of Ockam.

Q6. What is the parsimony method?

Parsimony study is another main method to evaluate phylogenetic plants from allied structures.

In the approach of parsimony, the objective is to recognize that phylogeny which needs the least essential variations to clarify the changes amongst the perceived arrangements.


What Is Parsimony Psychology, Could It Be For Me? by Karen Doll (2019)

What Is Parsimony Psychology, And Could It Be For Me? by Jessica Anderson by (2019)

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