Neurotypical Test (3 mins)

This Neurotypical test is developed to screen the Neurotypical symptoms. This test is for informational use only and is not diagnostic. This test can never replace the professional help and formal assessment procedure. This test will provide information on the basis of your current symptoms.

Neurotypical Test

Instructions for the Test

Please make sure to mark each question item for the accurate results.

1. Do not care how my actions affect others.


2. Can’t be bothered with others’ needs.


3. Am not a sympathetic person.


4. Am a strange person.


5. Am odd.


6. Have been told that my behaviour often is bizarre.


7. Am always worried that my partner is going to leave me.


8. Say inappropriate things.


9. Shoot my mouth off.


10. Have a mouth that gets me into trouble.


11. Have a reputation for asking inappropriate questions.


12. I am known for saying offensive things.


13. Keep to myself even when I’m around other people.


14. Rarely enjoy being with people.


15. Do not feel close to people.


16. Find it difficult to approach others.


17. Rarely enjoy being with people.


18. Would not enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction.


19. Keep others at a distance.


20. Seem to derive less enjoyment from interacting with people than others do.


21. Do things that others find strange.


22. Know that my ideas sometimes surprise people.


23. Find it difficult to approach others.


24. Often feel uncomfortable around others.


25. Have little to say.


26. Am quiet around strangers.


27. Social Find it difficult to approach others.


28. Have difficulty expressing my feelings.


29. Only feel comfortable with friends.


30. Tolerance.


31. Distrust people.


32. Find it hard to forgive others.


33. Strange.


34. Don’t care about dressing nicely.


35. Pay no attention to my appearance.


36. Have a poor vocabulary.


37. Avoid difficult reading material.


38. Let myself be directed by others.


39. Need protection.


40. Often need help.



Final Result : 

What is Neurotypical?

The term "Neurotypical" is quite recent, but it is increasingly popular in classrooms, in seminars and activities about autism, and in the offices of therapists. It has no absolute psychological or medical meaning. It does not define a specific personality, trait, or skill set. From both a negative and a positive viewpoint, the definition can be stated:

Neurotypical people are those people who have no special diagnosis of autism or any other intellectual or developmental.

A "Neurotypical" person is a person who thinks, perceives, and behaves in ways that the general population considers to be "natural."

Of addition, no behavioural or intellectual conditions can be diagnosed and can, therefore, be described as Neurotypical. But there are significant differences between "normal" and "not diagnosed." However, there is no "normal" definition that is consistent and universally understood.

Depending on culture, gender, circumstance, socioeconomic status, and many other variables, "natural" expectations and behaviours often differ dramatically. For instance, direct eye contact is expected in some cultures; in others, it is considered rude. Physical contact with relative strangers is considered normal in some cultures while it is considered odd and off-putting in others.

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