List of Signs of a Narcopath (7+ Eye-Opening Hints)

In this guide, we will discuss what is understood by narcopath.

What is a Narcopath?

Narcopath, short to a narcissistic sociopath, is the term used to describe a person that fills the diagnostic criteria for at least two fo the personality disorders (Cluster B) outlined the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 

The two disorders we are talking about include Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder and it has been suggested that this is a dangerous combination, and some might even describe them as “dangerous, evil people”. 

According to “Cluster-B types are also known as “sociopaths” and “psychopaths” in layman terms, but are not used by professionals.

They tend to describe the extreme end of the spectrum, NPD and APD. They can be harmless or very dangerous, enough to cause injury or death.

There is confusion and no clear difference between “sociopaths” and “psychopaths”, so some of us prefer the term Narcopath to replace them both”. 

However, it has been suggested that many people have narcissistic traits but that alone won’t make them have a narcissistic personality disorder and the same applies to someone that displays antisocial behaviors. 

Both narcissists and sociopaths have the tendency to have an inflated ego and considered themselves more important than the rest, which makes them “need” to be praised and admired.

Something they are very good at is manipulating people for their personal gain without feeling guilty. 

What differentiates a narcopath from a sociopath is their inability to handle being criticized or perceived in a negative way, meanwhile sociopaths don’t really care what others think or how they perceive them. 

Narcopaths are so good at hiding their true nature that it is difficult to actually spot them or differentiate them from the rest.

Sometimes their ways of abuse are so subtle that you don’t even notice you are being abused until it is too late to realize. 

Why is a narcopath considered dangerous?

Narcopaths will have a natural tendency to manipulate and lie (known for being pathological liars) to everyone around them if they do not seek help or exercise self-control, especially those they are in an intimate relationship with. 

They can become very abusive and even beat their partners, here is where some women might say they stay with them because they “love them” and didn’t mean to, even if they have bruises all over and broken bone.

Narcopaths are not the only male, but they can also be female and are as dangerous as men, however, they are thought to develop this disorder in much less frequency. 

According to “the data from many sources show that the ratio of women who are Narcopaths is almost the same as men.

The difference is that they are less physically abusive and less noticeable” This is why they are also termed as “covert narcissists” or “Covert Narcopath”.

Additionally, men being abused by female narcopaths are less likely to admit they are being abused for fear of shame.

Is there treatment or cures for the Narcopath?

There is no specific treatment for narcopaths and mental health professionals have a hard time identifying them and sometimes they even get misdiagnosed.

It is said that out of the existing Cluster-B personality disorders, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder have a marked inability to feel empathy.

Clinical professionals and related mental health professionals have identified that treating someone with narcopathic traits has very low success rates.

The reason why is because the narcopath needs to be willing to be assessed by a trained therapist in the first place to be able to officially diagnose them.

They would need to want to make a change and “get better” but this is actually the hard part because it is very likely (in a very high proportion) that they won’t accept that they have the disorder.

On top of it, they would need to develop empathy or the need to put in other people’s shoes but it is very a very difficult skill to train. 

Also, since narcopaths are pathological liars and manipulators and it is very difficult for them to be honest and truthful with their therapist.

It has been suggested that people with narcissistic traits but do not fulfill the entire criteria will have a better chance of getting treated than someone that does fulfill the narcissistic personality disorder. 

How do I know I am with a narcopath?

As we have discussed, it is not easy to spot a narcopath.

However, there are some signs that can make it easier to recognize a narcopath according to 

Sign 1: Emotional Blackmail

Emotional blackmail is the preferred abuse technique because a narcopath is able to take advantage of the fact that, unlike them, you have a conscience.

They will try to diminish you and make you feel guilty every time you stand up for yourself and not needing them will make them lose power so they will basically tell you that if you liked them, you’d do what they say.

They love using this tactic because they like making you feel as if you are the bad guy, even when you haven’t done anything wrong,  making it easier for them to blame you for their mistakes.

Sign 2: They tend to isolate people

Abusive relationships have something particular and that is how the abuser tends to isolate their victim so they can feel more empowered and in total control over them.

Narcopaths hate the influence of other people on their victim, especially “positive people”. 

If they are influenced and empowered, then they will get the strength to stand up against their abuser (narcopath) and they certainly don’t like that situation.

They will attempt at all costs to force you to remove any friends you have out of your life, and not only friends, relatives or anyone standing in their way. 

If you don’t do what they say, they will turn people against you so they can finally get what they want, isolate you from the world. 

Sign 3: Gaslighting

This tactic is used to make you feel as if you are losing your mind, insisting that things didn’t happen when they actually did, this is their favorite game.

They will also make you question yourself on whether you know about a topic as you think you do, the more you think you are going crazy or that you are insane, the more you will have to rely on them, doing exactly what they want you to. 

Sign 4: Undermining your confidence

Narcopaths will undermine your self-esteem through “backhanded compliments”, criticism, and subtle jabs.

The reason behind this is that it makes them feel good about themselves and it is easier for them to control you.

They are aware that people that have low-self esteem will think it through before you leave them.

Sign 5: Emotional withdrawal

As we have discussed, narcopaths love to control people and increase their own self-esteem no matter the cost.

If they are sure you are in love with them,  they will occasionally withdraw their affection towards you so they can watch you suffer for a bit.

It is a strategy often used to punish and manipulate you when you refuse to do what they tell you.

Sign 6:  Love bombing

They will implement this love bombing tactic to lure you into a relationship with them, get you hooked on them.

Additionally, Love bombing consists in making a person feel special and happy and then getting them dependent on their affection.

Be careful if someone is being too affectionate too quickly, it is a clear sign that they are love bombing you.

Sign 7: Triangulation 

Narcopaths are famous for putting people against each other to keep maintaining control over someone.

They may even come up with imaginary love triangles that are non-existent or will attempt to make people fight for them. 

In addition, they will try to turn other people against you or convince them to help them if you try to leave them.

As an example, they might convince family members to talk to you and make you “get into your senses” to avoid leaving them. 

Sign 8: Using threats or physical violence

Narcopaths are known to implement psychological abuse (threads) and physical abuse to get what they want.

They will convince you that they love you but in the end, it is just their way to maintain control. 

Why is this blog post about narcopath important?

Identifying a narcopath is not easy but it is not impossible. Even though “narcopath” is not a term included in the DSM-5 with its own category still, it is used to describe someone that fills the criteria of a narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.

As we have discussed, they are considered dangerous so if you see any of the signs we have mentioned then it is necessary to be aware and conscious that you need to get away from their influence and their power. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Narcopaths

What is the difference between psychopath sociopath and narcissist?

A psychopath lacks a sense of guilt, remorse, and empathy, they pretend to feel emotions, have an inability to form true emotional attachments, tend to be successful, dishonest and manipulative behavior, narcissism and charm. 

In contrast, a sociopath has a lack of remorse but guilt and empathy may be present in some cases, they can feel some emotions but are superficial and fleeting, they can form close attachments to one or few individuals, are consistently irresponsible and repeatedly violate laws, constantly lie and display aggressive and reckless behavior

How can you tell a narcissistic sociopath?

Some sins and symptoms will let you know if you afre dealing with a narcissistic sociopath according to they include:

– Grandiose sense of self-importance

– Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur.

– Needs constant to appraise and admiration from those around them

– They have a sense of entitlement. 

– Exploits others without feeling ashamed or guilty

– Diminishes, intimidates or bullies others close to them

What is the exact opposite of a narcissist?

he opposite definition of a narcissist is an empath.

They are usually described as people who are receptive and understanding of other’s emotions.

They also tend to be sensitive to smells, noises and being around other people, usually feeling exhausted in social settings.

What does Hoover mean for a narcissist?

The term hoover comes from the vacuum brand name “hoover”.

Vacuums are known to suck things up, virtually the same thing manipulators like narcissists will try to do after you’ve gotten out or even after they’ve discarded you. 

Can a narcissist love?

Due to their lack of acknowledgment and understanding of other people’s feelings, due to the lack of empathy, they will probably won’t understand love as we do. 

References 8 Things Narcopaths (Narcissists + Psychopaths) Use Against You

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