Is Mirtazapine a Recreational Drug? (+3 Withdrawal Symptoms)

In this brief article, we will be talking about mirtazapine recreational, the side effects of using mirtazapine recreational, the abuse of using mirtazapine recreationally, and more information about mirtazapine recreational.

What Is Mirtazapine as a medication?

Mirtazapine as a medication is a tetracyclic antidepressant considered to be in the NaSSA class.

This kind of medication has been effective in treating PTSD, panic disorder, anxiety, insomnia, and OCD.

There is a need to use more studies to verify the efficacy of mirtazapine in these kinds of disorders.

This kind of medication is even beneficial for patients since it doesn’t cause sexual dysfunction and irregular sleep, unlike other antidepressant medications.

Mirtazapine has been effective as well in the return of a healthy sleep schedule and the reduction of sleep latency.

The following are effects of this medication such as

  • Euphoria
  • CEVs
  • enhancement of psychoactive drugs
  • dream enhancement 

have been reported at certain doses of this medication. 

It’s not yet verified on how trustworthy these kinds of effects have been found from this kind of medication.

These kinds of effects are also important reminders that you should use this kind of medication for medical uses only.

Uses Of Mirtazapine Clinically

Like other psychotropic medications, mirtazapine is used in several ways.

These kinds of uses have been found to be effectively cleared out by this kind of medication. 

Mirtazapine can only be attained by the patient if he or she was prescribed with it. In this instance, you can only have this kind of medication through a doctor’s prescription. 

Like all other psychotropic medications, other people have used mirtazapine recreationally to satisfy their cravings.

The use of this medication in such a way can lead to devastating outcomes that will only get worse if you don’t get them checked by the doctor. 

The following are the clinical purposes of why mirtazapine is used which will be discussed in the further sections.

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep

You can learn more about this kind of medication by buying this book on this website.

Mirtazapine For Depressed Patients

Mirtazapine is considered to be an antidepressant medication. This means that this medication can be used to treat depression. 

As mentioned before, mirtazapine is only attainable through prescription.

This medication is only available in two forms which are the tablet form and the liquid form.

The depression use is the most typical use of mirtazapine.

This is because this medication can cause changes in neurotransmitters to make mood regulated again. 

Mirtazapine can make you feel a bit better in mood which is lacking in depression.

This medication has been reported by users to have made them high at some points.

Mirtazapine For Anxious Patient

Mirtazapine has also been used to treat people who are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic disorders which are considered anxiety disorders as mentioned before.

This medication has been able to reduce the occurrence of nightmares and flashbacks in people with PTSD. 

Reports have found that people with OCD were able to control their obsessive thoughts thanks to mirtazapine.

Although it is still obligatory for these patients to get into therapy to treat their anxiety disorder.

You only need to comply with the prescribed dosage from your doctor so you won’t get any adverse side effects.

You can also see the benefits of this medication for anxiety disorders. 

You should practise not to be agitated when mirtazapine takes time for you to be rid of your anxiety symptoms.

You can learn more about dealing with your anxiety and being more functional in life by buying this book on this website.

Mirtazapine For Sleeping Complications

Mirtazapine is also effective in reducing the complications in sleep in affected people.

People with sleeping disorders such as insomnia and hypersomnolence can benefit from this medication. 

As mentioned before, mirtazapine has sedative or sleepy side effects on users.

In this case, people will become drowsy after taking this medication.

This is the reason why mirtazapine should be taken right before going to bed.

This is to make sure that you get drowsy enough to go to bed. 

Doctors won’t suggest that you should take mirtazapine in the morning where you have to do your important work which requires attention such as school or work.

You shouldn’t take this medication before bedtime every night since it may cause long-term sleepy effects.

Prescribed Dosage Of Mirtazapine

Mirtazapine typically comes in its tablet form. 15 mg of this medication every day is the recommended dosage by doctors. 

Mirtazapine should be taken before your bedtime as stated before.

If your symptoms are not reducing from this kind of medication, you will be given a higher dosage of this medication which is 45 mg each day.

Mirtazapine typically makes its effects in your body for 20 to 40 hours.

This medication will take 1 to 2 weeks before you see that this kind of medication is working in your body. 

When you are feeling the side effects of mirtazapine, you should get in touch with your doctor who could give you the prescription to take the same dosage you have from this kind of medication and see how you feel from there.

You can learn more about the importance of getting the proper dosage of any kind of psychotropic medication by buying this book on this website.

Side Effects Of Mirtazapine In Patients

As mentioned before, mirtazapine can elicit side effects.

The following are the chronic and typical side effects of this medication as reported by most patients:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiousness
  • Confusion
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Increase in weight
  • Increase in appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle stiffness

Serious side effects can also be elicited from mirtazapine.

The following are the chronic side effects of this medication which you need to contact your doctor immediately when any or more of these side effects are present:

  • Flu-like symptoms like high fever, chills, sore throat, mouth sores, or other signs of infection
  • Chest pain
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Seizures

Chronic side effects of mirtazapine are very rare in most reports from patients.

If you are having some serious side effects in your face such as having allergic reactions, you need to call your doctor immediately. 

You can also deal with some of the side effects of mirtazapine such as chewing gum when you have sore gums.

You can also ask your doctors for painkillers if you are feeling the side effect of chronic pain from this medication.

What Is Mirtazapine Abuse?

Mirtazapine abuse or addiction can occur when you have been tolerant or dependent on this medication.

In this case, you are more likely to seek this kind of medication to achieve the amount of this medication that you are used to filling your cravings.

This kind of abuse can also happen if mirtazapine recreational is occurring.

This can be the time that you want to achieve the high you’ve had from this kind of medication.

As most people with substance abuse, negative consequences can arise from using mirtazapine recreationally.

In this case, you are actually having the potential to increase your depressive symptoms thanks to this kind of medication. 

There are also other possible medical disorders that can arise from using mirtazapine recreationally.

You can learn more about drug abuse and how it affects the person by buying this book on this website. 

Side Effects Of Mirtazapine Abuse Or Addiction

Mirtazapine is a medication that can’t give you mild effects.

In this case, this medication can bring you sleepy effects which can make you dysfunctional in life. 

This situation is the same as binging on alcohol.

Most people would think that it is a safe drug but the consequences will prove this notion wrong.

Most substance abuse scenarios come from the fact that the patient is developing a tolerance for the drug.

Tolerance is when the person feels like he or she is getting used to the drug and would want the desired effect needed from the drug to become more satiated. 

If the mirtazapine was prescribed, some patients will develop the need to use mirtazapine recreationally.

The following are the side effects of using this medication in this way:

  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiousness
  • Increased weight and appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Strange dreams

Withdrawal Of Mirtazapine Abuse Or Addiction

You are not allowed to stop mirtazapine unless you have been consulted by your doctor to do this kind of order.

The following are the withdrawal effects if you suddenly eliminate the use of this medication.

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • changes in mood

You can also experience these kinds of effects if you forgot to take your usual dosage which the doctor can resolve by giving a reduced dosage of this medication gradually.

You should not let this kind of medication be attainable by other people in your household such as your children and older family members.

Patients who are prescribed with this kind of medication are even told by the doctor not to give this kind of medication to other family members if the other family member needs it.

You should also open up to your family about your mirtazapine recreational use which has led to your abuse. 

Family members can be your support to help you find possible medical interventions to deal with your mirtazapine recreational use.

You can learn more about what will happen if you withdraw from this kind of psychiatric drug by buying this book on this website.

Substance Abuse Disorder Due To Mirtazapine Recreational Use

When the patient becomes tolerant and dependent on mirtazapine, they will be more likely to exhibit compulsive and erratic behaviours from this kind of medication.

This is when the patient will become addicted to this kind of medication.

When someone is attached to mirtazapine recreationally, there will be some behavioural symptoms that are related to substance abuse symptoms.

These kinds of symptoms are available in the DSM-V where you can see the criteria of a substance abuse disorder. 

The following are the symptoms of substance abuse disorder which can arise when you have used mirtazapine recreationally and these kinds of symptoms should be present for 12 months:

  • Taking more of this kind of substance than needed for a longer period than intended
  • A constant desire to prevent taking drugs or repeated unattainable attempts to stop taking drugs
  • Huge amounts of time spent trying to get drugs, abuse them, and/or get cured of their effects
  • Intense cravings or urges for specific drugs such as mirtazapine
  • Inability to go to work or school or to meet commitments to friends and family because of substance abuse
  • Current substance abuse despite the physical, mental, emotional, or social complications connected to the abuse
  • Losing hobbies or activities to abuse drugs
  • Current abuse of drugs in improper circumstances like using them in the morning before work, driving while intoxicated, or abusing drugs in front of children
  • Experiencing physical or psychological complications due to substance abuse but remaining to abuse drugs anyway
  • Physical tolerance which means the body needs more of the drug to experience the original degree of intoxication
  • Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when trying to prevent the drug

If someone you know or you might have these kinds of symptoms, you are in need of addiction intervention from a mental health professional.

Although there is still a chance that you will get addicted again if there were medications being prescribed to you. 

Mirtazapine is also used to treat your addiction symptoms to other drugs but you need to go through prescribed therapies to help you get through this kind of struggle.

Psychological Intervention For Mirtazapine Abuse

The professional psychological intervention has been found to be effective for people who went through drug addiction.

In this kind of intervention, you will be assisted, monitored, and supported when you have successfully dealt with your addiction. 

When you are treated for mirtazapine abuse, you need to go through a medical detoxification.

This is done by medical professionals where you will be assessed about your general health. 

After analyzing your medical assessment, you will be detoxified off your mirtazapine use.

This can occur using procedures that can help get rid of the effects of this medication in your body. 

This taking off these effects of this medication will give you the chance to be comfortable in your normal body state again.

This kind of detoxification doesn’t only include the physical aspects of your wellbeing but you will be treated psychologically as well with the help of case managers and mental health support workers.  

In this stage, you will be observed for 24 hours if you have been improving from your detoxification.

You may also be asked to proceed with this kind of stage to outpatient treatment where the doctor will keep on checking on your symptoms if you have truly been detoxified. 

In this stage, you will be taught about how to eliminate the possibility of relapse in the mirtazapine abuse by using effective techniques to deny this kind of possibility.

But if you can’t control your substance abuse and find yourself drinking alcohol and taking mirtazapine, you will be treated in the intensive treatment by intensive care units. 


In this brief article, we have talked about mirtazapine recreational, the side effects of using mirtazapine recreational, the abuse of using mirtazapine recreationally, and more information about mirtazapine recreational.

If you have any questions about mirtazapine recreational, please let us know and the team will gladly answer your questions.

FAQs: mirtazapine recreational

Can mirtazapine make you hallucinate?

Yes, mirtazapine can make you hallucinate as a side effect.

This kind of symptom is part of serotonin syndrome which is a side effect of this medication if abused because of using this kind of medication recreationally.

This kind of symptom can cause a disturbance in a person’s daily life.

Does Remeron cause euphoria?

No, Remeron doesn’t cause euphoria as a medication.

This kind of medication doesn’t give the same high as most medications do.

But people still use this kind of medication recreationally to boost their mood and calm themselves down.

This kind of medication tends to be used recreationally to antagonize the effect of stimulant drugs.

What is the street value of mirtazapine?

The street value of mirtazapine is $30-$65 in most sellers.

In this case, this kind of medication is not expensive for people in the middle class or high class.

However, some people would sell these kinds of medications related to how much dosage the customer will want.

Can you take 60 mg of mirtazapine?

No, you can’t take 60 mg of mirtazapine since it can cause adverse side effects as reported by most cases.

Studies have found that patients who have taken 60 mg of this medication had worse forms of depression which led to the conclusion that this can be overdose due to this kind of medication.

How much mirtazapine is an overdose?

The amount of mirtazapine that is considered an overdose is 1000 mg and above which reaches above human tolerance.

This can make the person toxic with this kind of medication which is going to need immediate medical attention.

This also calls for medical detoxification which is going to be a long process since this kind of medication can stay in the body for a long time.


AddictionCenter. Remeron Addiction and Abuse.

DRUGBANK. Mirtazapine.

EVERYDAY HEALTH. What Is Mirtazapine (Remeron)?.


NHS. Mirtazapine.

TDC. Mirtazapine.

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