What to Do if You Are Mentally Checked Out? (+9 Warning Signs)

In this article, we look at signs that convey we are mentally checked out. We also look at what does it mean to be mentally checked out in different aspects of life.

What do we mean by Mentally checked out?

Checking out is a term we use when the person is physically present, but their mind is withdrawing, that is, mentally absent. For instance, a person is sitting in the office, but they don’t work. They sit around doing nothing. This person is “mentally checked out.” Their mind doesn’t work.

Nine signs that say you are mentally checked out

  • How did I end up here?

There’s a warning that you’re on autopilot, arriving at a location or a line of thinking without understanding how you came there, says psychotherapist Jessica Tappana, LCSW. Decelerate and be aware of where you’re heading and how do you get there, maybe by taking a different path. Give yourself time to appreciate nature. Perhaps you’ll be shocked by what you discover.

  • Wandering thoughts at night

As you lie wide awake, one symptom of being in your mind is deep in thought. Odds are the same thoughts that keep you from napping in your waking moments often distract you from meaningful experiences. Try and pay attention to your breathing pattern, your blanket’s sensation, or other physical sensations. This will help you fall asleep.

  • Fear of situations turning out wrong. 

We remain inside our heads often because it feels more secure than pushing ourselves into encounters. You could hold yourself in a bubble if you avoid social interactions, employment opportunities, and other meetings because you fear something might go down. You may not be getting anything out there when you find yourself in such circumstances.

  • Might forget what you ate last time

How you experience a meal is the ideal mindfulness check. You could love all the different tastes and textures, or you couldn’t remember what you consumed at all because you were in your head the whole time. A better way to develop mindfulness can be to enjoy a meal. With no disruptions, try to eat slowly and taste everything.

  • Everything is boring

The bitter reality of spacing out is that we’re doing it to amuse ourselves, but it also renders us bored, so no new insight is being taken in. Psychotherapist Julie C Kull, LCSW, says, “If you still focus on the future or recall the past, the present might be fleeing you.” “You have to be aware to fully appreciate where you are right now in your journey.”

  • Stop always planning for the future.

Several individuals have a pattern of establishing a potential target and claiming that they’ll be satisfied once it’s accomplished. We can quit preparing and focus on the present once we have a new house, a new career, a new relationship, or more income; the story continues. Then, we think of a new target when we hit the mark. It’s a never-ending loop of satisfaction infinitely deferred. The ultimate point of these milestones is enjoying ourselves, and if happiness is only allocated for the future, we never do that.

  • Recalling names is difficult.

Sometimes being terrible with names is the consequence of not paying enough attention. It’s impossible, anyway, to recall someone’s name when you’ve never really heard it. “We’re not listening when we’re not there.” The more we are conscious of each second, the more we will recall it.

  • Isolated from people

We become hyperconnected to everyone when we’re genuinely there. Each facial expression, movement of the body, or tone becomes evidence that shows us how they think and feel. We tune out such indications because we’re not truly present. It’s like we’re talking, even though they’re right in front of us on the phone. Even when we’re together, we have a sinking feeling of being isolated, and contact becomes a challenge.

The irony of being there is that you can’t just be there with good stuff; you ought to take with them the bad ones. But if you have healthier relationships, your mind is at work, and you feel more connected, you may find that it is indeed worthwhile everything.

Mentally checked out in the workplace.

These six signs can say if someone is mentally checked out in the workplace

  • Doesn’t care attitude

This individual has also given up trying to make a pretense of caring about jobs. They turn up and do what is required, but they do not invest resources or the additional attempt to ensure that the job is of excellent quality. All is about somehow getting things done, not getting it implemented correctly.

  • Lack of punctuality

Disconnected people have problems waking up every morning and being on time to work. Whenever they want, they turn up, not when they are supposed to be there. They appear to struggle more from stress-related diseases than their diligent colleagues. These signs can be as minor as a discomfort or a cough, but they may be as extreme as depression, anxiety, or profound sadness.

  • Compromise in the quality of work

The motivation or willingness to do so is no longer available to people who used to concern about the standard of their jobs and paid attention to minor information. It’s all about ticking the box off and going to another job. When workers are not involved in the task at hand, mistake rates go up, and work is completed at a reduced pace.

  • Fluctuations in the mood

Is it a positive or negative day? Disconnected people appear to have more mood swings than others. They tend to wear on their faces their feelings. Hiding their mood swings gets more challenging for them because they tend to only go by how they feel at that instant. If others hear, they don’t mind, and how they think is also how they turn up.

  • Lack of creativity and ideas

When an individual falls into disconnection, something changes. They seem to become silent unexpectedly. A once-defining voice appears to be absent. They decide to stay quiet, and when asked, wouldn’t give feedback or guidance. They quit getting adventurous and trying out new stuff. They withdraw to the schedule and the usual and do whatever they can to keep a low profile.

  • Being lethargic

By concentrating on their level of energy, you can generally tell if someone switches from involvement to disassociation. There is an apparent change in actions when it refers to how individuals turn up regularly. Their efforts all decelerate, and events appear to move at the speed of a snail. Even Type A characters are not exempt from this unmistakable behavior, and it can be more visible in fact.

Mentally checked out in relationships.

These eight signs can tell you if someone is mentally checked out in relationships

  • Hanging out with friends

When someone is “checking out, they could find new friends with people you’ve never met.

  • Hanging on the phone

Spying on your partner’s smartphone is not Ok, but it’s okay to observe what your partner is down to. Mobile activity may become an important determinant as to whether a psychologically unhappy partner is checking out.

A lot of people “check out by playing games or retreating into work and activities. “For these purposes, they might be on their smartphones.

  • Emotionally communicative with others

If your partner is interacting with you emotionally or concentrating their attention on other individuals may be a significant indication of whether they’re checking out mentally.

They are still mainly interacting with you, just with an altered mood; they can be mentally checking out.

  • Sharing feeling with friends

Someone who checks out emotionally can lament more than usual to their buddies. It might be essential for giving them attention if you see your partner taking up this habit.

  • Care about appearances

Odds are they’re only checking out if they’re making remarks over how happy and casual being single is.” If their appearance means a lot to them all abruptly, they’re possibly trying to meet someone different. “They could quit posting [about your partnership] on social networks and display the intimate, individual aspects of life. If they are keen to show off the favorite bits, they can also begin to think a lot more about their appearances.

  • Stop communicating with you.

A significant indication of how things are progressing in your relationship could be whether or not your partner communicates with you during arguments.

If they don’t step into the debate anymore, if they ‘don’t mind,’ then the partnership is at stake as they will look away. Disconnection is a red flag in all respects. Ask your partner what you can do to create a better bond back. And ensure always to convey how valuable they are to you.

  • Asking you to change

Keeping tabs on how your counterpart reacts when times are rough in a relationship is essential. If your partner tells you of significant improvements they make in their life and invites you, they could be evolving out of the current relationship, requesting you to move along and support them. If it was a rational shift, it might be necessary to make for you and for the connection.

How to mentally check-in?

  • Be aware of yourself.

Many of us probably spend more time taking care of our emotions, computers, TVs, and numerous other disturbances than being mindful of our current reality. In our existence, this being magnifies the urge to feel nervous and hurried. Checking in is about focusing our inner focus on what happens in our domain of knowledge, which involves feelings, physical experiences, and emotions, and keeping a non-judging mindset.

The world appears to decelerate down and feel a little out of control when we incorporate this standard of mindfulness into our lives and notice what we are feeling without responding to it, sticking to it, denying it, or judging it. When we refer to our experience, rather than from it, the mere act of getting consciousness to the instant and recognizing what’s going on inside us is enough to slow the process down.

  • Be aware of others

When we’re caught up trying to keep up with everything on our to-do list, we typically have little desire or ability to interact with others to ask about their health, especially those with whom we have the most vital relationships. Our key relationships can be our most significant source of comfort, and, ironically, they could be the most prone to be ignored or taken for granted by us.

It does not take a long time to check in with our partner or close friend, but solely to ask about how they are feeling (with a real interest in actually knowing their response) is a gesture of genuine interest and concern valuable to both of you.

  • Humility is important

We are more than this set of urges and values embodied in a body; we should reassure ourselves. We should note that we are more than that even though we have a physical appearance. A robust solution to the condition of forgetfulness that we slip into when we lose track of our integrated relationship with the world is to consider our real nature and to reinforce our connection with all the other people with whom we share this wonderful earth.

  • Gratitude is essential

No matter the situation in our lives, no matter the problems or difficulties, we should be thankful for things. It can significantly affect our mood and our state of contentment to choose to reflect on what we are grateful for instead of what we hoped was different. It’s merely a matter of where we want at any specific point to focus our attention.


In this article, we looked at signs that convey we are mentally checked out. We also looked at what it meant to be mentally checked out in different aspects of life.

FAQ: Mentally checked out

How do you know when someone is mentally checking out of a relationship?

There is an absence of contact between you both.
He’s not bothered about spending time with you.
Both of you stopped arguing – and not in a pleasant manner.
Without you, he keeps on going out to see others.


Billy. (2015, June 05). What are the meanings of “mentally/emotionally checked out”? Give some example sentences plz. Any other “check out “s? Retrieved November 18, 2020, from https://hinative.com/en-US/questions/123245

Weiss, S. (2018, January 08). 9 Signs You’re Not Fully Present In Your Life, According To Experts. Retrieved November 18, 2020, from https://www.bustle.com/p/9-signs-youre-not-fully-present-in-your-life-according-to-experts-7781679

Ross, R. (2016, June 15). 7 Warning Signs You’re Checked Out. Retrieved November 18, 2020, from https://www.success.com/7-warning-signs-youre-checked-out/

Grant, E. (2018, July 24). 8 Signs Of Emotionally Cheating Vs. Mentally Checking Out Of A Relationship. Retrieved November 18, 2020, from https://www.bustle.com/p/8-signs-of-emotionally-cheating-vs-mentally-checking-out-of-a-relationship-9863607

Bloom, C. (2014, September 15). Don’t Check out, Check-in! Eight Easy Steps. Retrieved November 18, 2020, from https://www.bustle.com/p/8-signs-of-emotionally-cheating-vs-mentally-checking-out-of-a-relationship-9863607


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