Losing Interest in Everything (Why and What to Do?)

In this blog guide, we will understand why you are losing interest in everything. We will know more about the types of losing interest, what it implies, and the risk factors for developing such a condition. Finally, we will outline the treatment options and list out ways to manage this phenomenon.

Losing Interest in Everything

It is unsurprising that “losing interest in everything” has a psychological terminology and explanation. Losing interest in everything is known as anhedonia and refers to a loss of interest in activities that used to be exciting and enjoyable.

People who undergo this feeling of losing interest in everything have a decreased ability to derive pleasure. It is one of the primary symptoms of depression but can also be a symptom of other psychological conditions. Some individuals experience anhedonia without an underlying mental health condition.

There are two forms of losing interest, namely:

  • Physical Anhedonia; and
  • Social Anhedonia

Physical Anhedonia

This type refers to losing physical pleasure like eating, and physical and sexual sensations. 

Social Anhedonia 

This type of anhedonia refers to losing interest in networking and an absence of deriving joy from social surroundings. 

Symptoms for Anhedonia

The symptoms of anhedonia include:

  • A decrease in emotional abilities, such as expressing oneself verbally and nonverbally;
  • Social withdrawal;
  • An inclination toward faking one’s emotions, such as pretending to be happy in social gatherings;
  • Problems related to adjustments in social events;
  • Continuous physical problems, such as getting sick often;
  • Unhealthy emotions toward oneself and others;
  • An absence of relationships or withdrawal from previous ones; and
  • Loss of libido.

Why do you lose interest in everything?

Let us understand why you may be losing interest in everything. Several of the reasons include:

  • Depression;
  • Medication; 
  • Inability to Maintain Good Feelings;
  • Personality Traits;
  • Recreational Drugs; and
  • Stress and Anxiety.


Losing interest in everything is one of the chief symptoms of depression. Most people lose interest in everything because of depression. They lose interest in pursuing their hobbies, meeting friends, working, and even engaging in necessary activities, such as eating and physical intimacy. It is almost like their brain’s pleasure center is cut off. 

However, not everybody with depression experiences a loss of interest. 


The medications prescribed for depression, particularly antidepressants and antipsychotics, can lead to anhedonia. 

Inability to Maintain Good Feelings

Another chief reason for you to lose interest in everything is the inability to maintain good feelings over time. This inability refers to possibly experiencing pleasure, but only for a brief period, not long enough to sustain interest to engage in enjoyable activities.

Personality Traits

Schizotypy is a theoretical phenomenon, which postulates that specific personality traits could make an individual susceptible to psychoses, mainly schizophrenia. A lack of interest in social connections (social anhedonia) is one such risk factor for schizophrenia.

Recreational Drugs

You may lose interest in everything if you use recreational drugs.

Stress and Anxiety

Unhealthy levels of stress or anxiety could also lead to losing interest in everything. 

Risk Factors

If you have a relative who has been diagnosed with depression or schizophrenia, you are more susceptible to losing interest in everything.

Other risk factors are:

  • Eating disorders;
  • Abuse or neglect in the past or present;
  • A major illness;
  • A traumatic or stressful situation experienced recently; and
  • A disease that affects life quality

Females are more susceptible than males to develop anhedonia. 

Treatment Options

When you are losing interest in everything, it may be challenging to treat. You will be treated for the mental condition that is leading to anhedonia, which, in most cases, is depression. 

Firstly, you need to get from a healthcare professional. The first professional would be your primary physician, who would rule out any medical or organic cause of your loss of interest. They would then request you to get from a mental health professional.

You must have a comfortable rapport with your mental health professional. There may be sessions initially to ensure goodness of fit between your professional and you. 


They may treat your depression with medications like antidepressants. Other drug classes may be used based on your condition. 

Make sure you consume the medication as prescribed by your physician and consult them immediately in case of side-effects. They will adjust your dose or prescribe another medication accordingly. Remember that drugs produce different reactions for everybody, and what may work for someone may not work for you. 

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) 

If your condition is not responsive to conventional treatments or is too severe, and you have suicidal ideations, they may recommend electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Some professionals feel this method is a highly cost-effective one in people with treatment-resistant depressive disorders. 

This treatment entails the administration of anesthesia. It involves the placement of electrodes on your head. A gentle electric current is applied, which evokes a small episode of brain seizure.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

This therapeutic intervention utilizes a magnetic field for nerve-cell stimulation. A smaller electric current than what is used in ECT is administered, and this treatment does not mandate the use of anesthesia. TMS is also used to treat severe depression, which is resistant to other modes of interventions.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Another option is vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). A device similar to a pacemaker is implanted in your chest, which produces regular electrical impulses to stimulate your brain. VNS is also used for individuals with treatment-resistant depression.

How to Manage Losing Interest in Everything

There are several things you can try to increase motivation and develop an interest or find the lost interest, including:

  • Talk to your physician;
  • Establish a routine;
  • Plan for the future;
  • Keep active;
  • Get adequate nutrition and sleep;
  • Set short goals;
  • Find creative outlets;
  • Deal with stressors

Talk to your physician

They will be able to solve your queries regarding your loss of interest. They may also recommend you consult a mental health professional. Discussing with your physician would provide insights into your anhedonia, and with their suggestions, you can eventually resolve this issue.

Establish a routine 

Establishing a structured routine enables you to maintain a more active life. Try to adhere to your plan with some room for adjustability whenever deemed necessary. Having a structured day is particularly great for those looking to manage their time better. Although it may come across as boring, a routine allows you to accomplish things effectively.

It also boosts activity, which is excellent for decreasing the sense of losing interest in everything.

Plan for the future

Ensure you have an event or activity planned, so you have something to anticipate. Doing so is a fantastic way to boost your mood. Dreaming about enticing activities is exciting and could elevate your mood. It could also help you find your lost interest in everything. 

Keep active

Regular exercise can help boost your mood and enable you to feel less lazy. Even light activities, such as walking, can help release endorphins, which are natural opioids that improve your mood. Being active has other health benefits.

Get adequate nutrition and sleep

A balanced diet can go a long way in managing your physical and psychological well-being. It is excellent for cognitive abilities and boosts your mood.

Getting enough sleep is essential for regulating neural health. Sleep early and get enough sleep to help you feel better.

Set short goals

Perform small duties, such as helping around the house. For example, spend some time cleaning your closet and donate unwanted clothes to a credible charity. It would distract you while having something positive to anticipate. Additionally, it may help you regain aspects of the interest you lost.

Find creative outlets

Creative outlets can be great distractors and allow you to vent your feelings while making you feel accomplished. It is an excellent means of redirecting your attention from something negative to something positive.

It provides a sense of enlightenment and has various health benefits. Creative expression can be through writing, painting, drawing, or reading, helping you rediscover an interest in activities.

Engage in self-care activities

It can be anything from going to the spa, shopping, or ordering in your favorite food. Do not neglect necessary activities, like taking care of your physical health, taking a shower, eating on time, and sleeping well. “Me-time” is vital for your overall wellbeing.

Help others 

Try helping others, whether it is an older neighbor or a friend with a problem. You can even choose to volunteer at a local NGO. Apart from distracting you, it could be self-fulfilling to help somebody. It is also incredible for developing a sense of gratitude. 

Deal with stressors

If you feel overwhelmed, allow yourself time to unwind. If anything stresses you out, take time to understand why it is causing stress. Figuring this out would help you come up with solutions. 


In this blog guide, we understood why you are losing interest in everything. We learned more about the types of losing interest, what it implies, and the risk factors for developing such a condition. Finally, we outlined the treatment options and listed out ways to manage it.

Frequently Asked Questions: Losing Interest in Everything

What does losing interest in everything imply?

Losing interest in everything implies having anhedonia, which is the inability to derive pleasure from previously appealing activities. It is one of the chief symptoms of depression and can also be indicative of other psychological disorders. Some people experience a sense of losing interest in everything but do not have any mental health issues.

Why does someone lose interest in their partners?

Someone could lose interest in their partners for several reasons, a few of which could be:

Partner has low self-confidence;
Desperately sought after a relationship;
The timing of the relationship was not right;
The relationship began too quickly and fizzled out. 

Can anxiety make you feel like you are losing interest in everything?

Yes, generalized anxiety disorder entails feelings of worry, a lack of energy, dread, and even like you are losing interest in everything. There is no exact cause for these feelings, and you realize that these feelings are irrational. Nevertheless, these feelings are real and must be validated.

Why do people lose interest in everything as they grow older?

A psychological condition known as anhedonia could make some people, as they grow older, merely give up their interests as they stop deriving pleasure from them. In some people, this loss of interest could take the form of a lack of motivation to do things or casual indifference. 

Is anhedonia a psychological condition?

Anhedonia is a psychological condition wherein the individual cannot derive pleasure and is a common symptom of depression and other mental health disorders. 

How can you tell if your partner is losing interest?

Here are some of the signs that your partner is losing interest:

They’ve no longer ask you questions about the smaller things, like how your day was;
They take unusually long periods to respond to your messages and calls;
They withdraw when you attempt to make efforts; and
You no longer argue in the right way.




13 Effective Things to do When You Lose Interest in Everything

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