Late twenties Depression: (Why and how to deal)

In this article, we will explain what late twenties depression is, why it happens and how to deal with late twenties depression.

It is also overwhelming and lonely to be in your twenties, as two separate studies released this year showed. As young people get their first jobs and move into their own homes, they’re going it alone, usually for the first time. Also, their environment sends them mixed signals as they strive to develop their status as adults: regardless of their professional or personal accomplishments, they are still considered “kids” by others, particularly before they marry and have children.

This prolonged interim condition results in a great deal of suffering, and some reports indicate that young people today suffer more than they did in previous generations.

If your friend is going through a tough time with clinical depression, here are some of the best gifts you can give them:

Late twenties depression

Our entire 20s are full of transitions, mental development and growth. It’s stressful, confusing and could be sad in the end. It’s a period in which we lay the foundation for the future, and a period in which a lot of trial and error will take place.

The quarter-life crisis frequently lasts over many years and involves four traditional phases. It begins with a sense of being locked into a commitment at work or home: individuals take on jobs, rent apartments, and enter relationships, but then feel stuck in pretending to be adulthood. Then they abandon their romantic relationships, careers, or social groups at some stage and become detached and lonely. They spend the worst part of this crisis, lonely and isolated, reflecting and recalibrating their plans, before they inevitably go out and pursue new activities, interests, and social groups, gradually emerging happier, more inspired, and with a greater sense of perspective on the other side of the crisis. This phase can last, or repeat itself, for years. It is a difficult process, but it is also a huge opportunity for development, as it can build people who continue to lead lives that are more fulfilling and happier.

Our data science team at Happify looked at different psychological markers of some 88,000 individuals who entered our service during 2015. We found support for both the prominence of the quarter-life crisis and the resulting increase in well-being. Looking first at self-reports of ongoing stress, we found that people in their late twenties and early thirties experience a sharp rise in stress levels. During the thirties and forties, stress levels grow more moderately, stay constant for around 20 years, and then drop dramatically as retirement comes around.

Why we experience Late twenties Depression


This is the secret to why we feel nervous or downright depressed. We fall into this comparison trap and, particularly with social media, it’s pretty easy to do. We evaluate and subconsciously begin to think about where we stand in comparison to our peers. Friends who are beginning to experience real adult duties and we are beginning to examine them. Whether it’s on the friendship front, marriage prospects or the job and financial front, we examine many aspects. As a result, we end up asking ourselves more questions about our route and thinking early on about the choices we made.


Our early-mid-20s, especially for those in university or graduate school programs, tend to be a very social time in our lives. We are constantly meeting people and forming new friendships only to find that when we reach our late 20s, less than half last and our circle gets smaller. Owing to job opportunities or relationships, some inevitably move away or move back home rather than being in one place, all together, learning. However, here is the thing! It does not feel like our circle is smaller, but think of it as more defined. We have a clearer understanding of who we are and what we are for by this period and understand the types of people with whom we are better able to communicate.


The late 20s are all of what we find to enjoy, and we are beginning to take our finances, employment, performance, satisfaction and relationships seriously. We have a great idea of whether to do (or who to follow). When you were 24, it was time to move out of that once-cute studio apartment in the big city and into a more spacious living arrangement. When we start to enter into more serious relationships and inevitably marriages as well, maturity begins to set in here.


Chalking life up to the fact that you are “young” and only in your 20s, so it’s all right to behave like an asshole when you hit 30 stops being an excuse. Less-speech, more movement. In this time, excuses for yourself stop being rational and if you did your right at the beginning of the mid-20s, you would have put enough of your experiences to truly appreciate the kind of person you are. It’s just normal. Usually, you are just more confident as to who you are.

Not sure if you are young or not

It’s merely confusing. Frankly, it’s just plain confusing! Imagine being told that you are young and that, on the one hand, you have so much time, and then being told that you are too old or old enough and should look for someone or have a mortgage on the other hand. Never mind the fact that you won’t be taken seriously by certain professions and sectors until your 30s. It might end up being stressful, confusing, and this confusion depressing.

How to deal with Late twenties Depression

There are several realistic ways to relieve feelings of depression, some of which include:

Reach out to your family and friends 

Mental health professionals seem to accept that social support is important when it comes to coping with depression at any point in life. But reaching out to friends and family is harder than it would seem, because when they feel lonely, people tend to withdraw into themselves. That’s why parents can play a special role, says Dr. Mark Banschick, psychologist and Greatist expert. Many of us begin to see our parents as more caring and encouraging in our early 20s than we did in our adolescence. So if you feel blue, don’t feel like it’s baby-ish to pick up the phone and call Mom.

Get up and exercise 

Exercise can be highly protective against depression and anxiety, studies have shown. Johnson says, for a positive energy boost, he suggests his patients do 20 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise every morning.

Have a proper sleep schedule

Sleep is the “bedrock of good mental health.” in Johnson’s words. An irregular sleep cycle can cause our working frontal lobe to go haywire, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. To sleep better tonight, check out these 27 quick tips.

Practice meditation and mindful exercises 

Although further research in this field is required, studies have shown that any kind of meditative activity can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, including yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong. In fact, some psychologists say that it may be as productive as taking antidepressant medicine to get our Om on. Mindfulness meditation can be extremely beneficial for decreasing depression and anxiety (a technique based on learning to be present and sit with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings).

Have proper nutritious meals 

Certain food groups and nutrients can protect against depression and anxiety. Scientists have found, for instance, a correlation between vitamin D (found in foods such as milk and salmon) and depression. Other researchers are investigating whether probiotics can reduce symptoms of depression (the bacteria present in yogurt). And by reducing inflammation, it is possible that omega-3 (fatty acids found in salmon, walnuts, and olive oil) can combat the symptoms of depression. In general, choose complex carbohydrates (such as whole-grain rice and pasta) that increase serotonin levels, a mood-related neurotransmitter.

Believe in yourself 

Avoid telling yourself that you’re never going to amount to anything. Avoid thinking to yourself that you’re not nice enough. You’re the first one to believe in you, so you’re better off getting on with it. When you do that, you will have a promising future. Avoid allowing others to guide you in places you don’t want to go. 

Seek professional help

Psychotherapy can be effective in finding out what caused the depressive symptoms in the first place and taking action to deal with them.

Although antidepressants are not ideal in every scenario, in cases where there is a family history of depression, they may be beneficial. A psychiatrist or mental health specialist may assist in assessing an individual’s best care plan.

In this article, we explained what late twenties depression is, why it happens and how to deal with late twenties depression.

BetterHelp: A Better Alternative

Those who are seeking therapy online may also be interested in BetterHelp. BetterHelp offers plenty of formats of therapy, ranging from live chats, live audio sessions and live video sessions. In addition, unlimited messaging through texting, audio messages and even video messages are available here.

BetterHelp also offers couples therapy and therapy for teenagers in its platform. Furthermore, group sessions can also be found in this platform, covering more than twenty different topics related to mental health and mental illness. The pricing of BetterHelp is also pretty cost-effective, especially considering the fact that the platform offers financial aid to most users.

FAQs: Late twenties depression: Why and how to deal

What age is considered late 20s?

This suggests that 24 and 25 are the exact middle of your twenties. This leaves four years to go and four years to go. Thus, there will be 20 to 23 in the early twenties and 26 to 29 in the late twenties.

Is it normal to develop anxiety in your 20s?

GAD may be the product of both biology and life experiences, and individuals can be predisposed to experiencing anxiety with a history of drug abuse or other mental illnesses (e.g. depression). In the late teens and late 20s, the onset of the condition appears to be, and GAD is also present with other disorders.

How do you deal with loneliness in your 20s?

To deal with loneliness in your 20s you need to ensure that you do not rely on dating to help you feel better. Find new hobbies and interests to keep yourself engaged and put yourself out there in terms of socializing with people. Be mindful of your surroundings and interact with others. Do not let social media make you feel bad or lonely, remember that it is not all true. 

How do I make the most of my late 20s?

To make the most of your late 20s leave your past behind and move on. Turn the negative thoughts and feelings into positive thoughts by thinking out of the box. Try new things that might even seem scary, remove toxic people from your life and treat your loved ones with kindness.

Is it okay to be single in 20s?

But being single comes with its own amazing benefits and lessons, and it’s important to note how much joy it can bring, even when it’s challenging. But being single in your mid-20s also helps you, with independence and intention, to follow your goals and engage in friendships that will teach you more about yourself.

Is 24 early or mid twenties?

So the years of 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are all early twenties. While 26, 27, 28, and 29 years of age are late 20’s. The age of 25 is mid-20.


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