ISTP 9w8 (A complete guide)

In this blog post, we’ll talk about the ISTP 9w8 type of personality.

Learn how both the Enneagram type 9 and your MBTI personality type define your character, the way you make decisions, your strengths and weaknesses. 

What is an ISTP 9w8? 

ISTP 9w8 people are good listeners, usually self-confident, generally optimistic and make others feel good in their company.

They can also be very practical and realistic, qualities that best describe an ISTP or the Virtuoso personality.

ISTP 9w8 individuals combine inner strength and endurance with the ability to be pleasant and to caress others.

They are at the same time strong and delicate, able to relate very easily to people but also to things; mediate people and reduce conflicts.

They are always looking for new projects to change their routine periodically, which is so characteristic to the Enneagram type 9. 

ISTP 9w8 – Strengths

  • Good listeners
  • They are usually self-confident
  • They are generally optimistic and make others feel good in their company
  • Practical and realistic, coping with daily requirements
  • They do not feel threatened by conflict and criticism
  • Able to leave a relationship relatively easily
  • They are able to administer a sanction even though they are not directly interested in doing so
  • Respect for the need of others for privacy.

ISTP 9w8 –  Weaknesses

  • ISTPs live totally in the present having difficulties with long-term commitments
  • They are not naturally good at expressing their emotions and feelings
  • They are not focused on the feelings of others, sometimes they are insensitive
  • They tend to hide things about themselves
  • They need a lot of personal space, they don’t like to be invaded
  • They like the action and get excited easily when it comes to something new shaking everyone around.

ISTP – The virtuoso personality

ISTPs can be clues that live life with great intensity and excitement. The Thinker part makes them seem difficult to access, and the Perceptual Sensory part makes them sensual, carnal, earthly. 

The fact that they always live in the present leads them to the constant search for new sensations, in unique experiences.

They don’t like routine and fixed schedules and hate controlling others. 

They are very independent and need personal space in a relationship.

If they are involved in a relationship that gives them new experiences and always keeps them in action, they will do everything to keep that relationship.

If they get bored, they will try to change something about that relationship or they will move on, looking for another relationship that will satisfy them. 

They make commitments little by little, daily, never for a longer period of time. However, we can find them in long-term relationships that they have built by planning daily, in small steps, without ever pronouncing “always”.

The virtuoso personalities are sensual and carnal, being very enthusiastic about experiencing sexuality with all the senses.

Since aesthetics, beauty attracts them a lot, they appreciate everything related to seduction: perfume, lingerie, room atmosphere, etc.

ISTPs like to repair and can even create relationship problems just to have fun fixing them.

They tend to keep to themselves their way of seeing things. They like to listen to the views of others.

They have an art of giving evasive answers by asking their partners more about things that would interest them.

This can become very frustrating for their life partners especially if they are looking for a direct answer.

 The decision-making process of ISTPs is totally internal, so they do not see it too important to discuss issues with others.

When they interact with others, they are set on gathering information, so they tend to ask more than share views with each other.

And in very close relationships they still feel the need to protect themselves, not to share too much with their life partner. 

Many ISTPs are afraid to face their deep feelings directly. That is why they are very vulnerable when it comes to their emotions. Their most precious habit is to keep a wall as high as possible around the heart.

Although they do not have a well-developed emotional side, they have strong feelings for people.

They can be very caring about their loved ones or very much in love even if they do not express it.

It happens that one day they are very much in love with their partners and, just as well, the next day they are totally disinterested or maybe even move. 

It is very difficult to be understood by others. They are totally unstable. They let themselves be carried too much by the wave, living the moment.

The wisest will discover that a long-term relationship can be reconciled with their need to live the moment very intensely.

The personality types that naturally fit ISTP people are those that have the dominant Extrovert Thinker function. Thus the ESTJ and the ENTJ are the natural partners of the ISTP type.


Examples of personalities: Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Lady Bird Johnson, Kevin Costner, Sophia Loren, Walter Cronkite, Whoopi Goldberg, Janet Jackson, Ringo Starr, Ingrid Bergman.

Healthy subtype: These individuals combine inner strength and endurance with the ability to be pleasant and to caress others.

They are at the same time strong and delicate, able to relate very easily to people but also to things; mediates people and reduces conflicts. He is always looking for new projects to change his routine periodically. 

They are practical and concerned about their immediate needs, as well as the physical and financial aspects that surround them.

More sociable than the other subtype, they generally prefer to work in a team.

They excel in self-help and consulting professions and can be very efficient in business, especially in negotiations and human resources.

Medium subtype: They like to be in society and have fun and are tempted to get lost in sensuality or comfortable habits that can prevent them from focusing on important goals.

They can be stubborn and defensive, they tend to stand still and not listen to anyone. 

Most are temperamental people and it is difficult, as a rule, to figure out what triggers their unstable attitudes: threats to their own well-being or family, job, or beliefs – these are the most common reasons.

They can be brutal and explosive, only to suddenly return to a state of calm and placidity.

Enneagram type 9 

Type 9 – The peacemaker

Basic fear – of loss and separation, of annihilation

Basic desire – to maintain inner stability and peace of mind

The message of the superego – You are fine as long as those around you are fine.

Although it doesn’t seem like it at all, the 9 type people are the most withdrawn, which is not obvious because their escape is not a physical one.

They continue to participate, although, in their minds, they withdraw from ongoing work. 

They seek to create and maintain an inner sanctuary, a hidden and solitary place of their own, which no one can touch or disturb in any way. (“I’m here, I’m safe, no one can tell me what to do”)

They resort to this shelter either in moments full of anxiety and anger, or when it comes to a minor conflict. they fill their sanctuary with idealized memories and idealistic fantasies; real people in the real world, with their real problems, are not allowed to enter here. 

This is where they feel they can be free from the expectations of others. On the one hand, it allows them to remain calm in a crisis situation.

On the other hand, it limits or even impedes their personal evolution.

The more they retreat to their inner refuge, the more they will get lost in unnecessary daydreams.

The opacity of what is happening around them gives them the illusion of peace and harmony, but they become more and more lost, which does nothing but frustrate those around them and decrease their performance and abilities. 

If they get caught up in this trance, the feelings they might have about people or animals or certain ideas will not be able to be linked to meaningful actions.

Increasingly, their relationships will initially appear in their own imagination.

Tips for the ISTP 9w8

Whenever you are “surprised at the fact” of thinking or saying an aphorism or proverb, notice two things.

First, notice the unpleasant or negative feeling against which you are using that saying. Can you move your attention to your body and find out exactly how it makes you feel? 

Second, do an exercise to realize that the saying is not true – that perhaps its opposite would be more appropriate. Maybe the real truth is somewhere in the middle.

stubbornness and inner resilience “I will deal with this later. “

9 people are probably very aware that they need to focus their attention and energy in order to develop, evolve, cope with problems, or to interact stably and meaningfully with others.

But they feel an indefinite hesitation as if it takes a huge effort to take part in their own lives. 

Everything seems to be too much trouble. Many of us remember the mornings when we bathed in wonderful dreams, but we still had to wake up, get out of bed, and solve difficult problems.

We are all tempted to press the sleep button to give ourselves a few extra minutes of rest and relaxation.

It even happens that we press it several times: enough to make us late. 


In this blog post, we talked about the ISTP 9w8 type of personality.

You have learned how both the Enneagram type 9 and your MBTI personality type define your character, the way you make decisions, your strengths and weaknesses. 

ISTP 9w8 people are good listeners, usually self-confident, generally optimistic and make others feel good in their company.

They can also be very practical and realistic, qualities that best describe an ISTP or the Virtuoso personality.

ISTP 9w8 individuals combine inner strength and endurance with the ability to be pleasant and to caress others.

They are at the same time strong and delicate, able to relate very easily to people but also to things; mediate people and reduce conflicts.

They are always looking for new projects to change their routine periodically, which is so characteristic to the Enneagram type 9. 

If you are an ISTP 9w8 personality type, we’d love to know more about you. Please feel free to leave a comment or your questions in the comments section below. 


The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso 

Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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