The ISTP 9w1 personality type (A complete guide)

In this blog post, we will describe the ISTP 9w1 personality type, emphasising the qualities that both the MBTI and Enneagram subtypes bring. 

What is an ISTP 9w1 like?

An ISTP 9w1 person is a stubborn, reserved nature, almost always just as cold and mysterious, very practical and efficient prefers “the little pebbles of everyday experience to the cumulative clouds of abstract thorium. 

An ISTP 9w1 knows their interests and will defend them relentlessly, they do not want to depend on anyone.

This is the facade and behind it usually hides a rather poetic nature, easy to hurt and therefore particularly proud, a sensitive heart, that wants to be the most loved, does not suffer to be treated like anyone else.


The ISTP’ movements are calm, precise, very restrained, seen from the outside it would seem that the result obtained is always greater than the efforts made.

They are characterized by “quiet perseverance in order to complete everything that began, an inner responsibility towards a cause and modesty.

The ISTP is not a “Don Quixote”, he will not work aimlessly, he is a born inventor, but he is not in a hurry to implement his ideas until the circumstances mature for maximum profit. 

He boasts of his ability to do nothing without gain, he likes comfort very much, if he undertakes something together with it everything will be arranged unnoticed in such a way as to be advantageous to him, in his sphere of action everything is arranged for ideal conditions of work and rest.

The command as a form of address for him does not exist, he does not react to commands, he acts as he sees fit, and usually what he wants happens, he does not know how to ask, it is easier for him to force a man to do the right thing.

In love, the ISTP is very distrustful and cautious. Their love story unfolds through stormy manifestations of his feelings. 

The way he touches someone and how, who allows him to touch him is the first proof of his attitude towards that person.

He seeks to attract the attention of the person who interests him through a joke or a reckless but not offensive remark.

The ISTP is characterized by restrained emotion, the tendency to mask the feelings behind a mask of coldness and inaccessibility, due to which he lends them refinement and expressiveness.

In situations of stubborn danger, he is not afraid of anything, he approaches calmly the source of danger, this is his most characteristic movement, to go straight towards the opponent, he resists the one who is stronger. 

The ISTP is also an esthete, he likes to read and meditate on the beauty of the world around him, he likes harmonious moods.

He remembers sounds, colours, smells, but he remembers even more intensely unpleasant feelings, he relies entirely on his taste, he despises fashion and believes that every man must have something of his own, individually.

The 9w1 

Examples of personalities: Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth II, Cari Jung, George Lucas, Audrey Hepburn, Lady Margot Fonteyn, Rose Kennedy, Walt Disney, Garrison Keillor, Noonan Rockwell.

Healthy subtype: People in this subtype are imaginative and creative, often able to synthesize multiple schools of thought or multiple points of view into a single vision of an ideal world.

They are very good at nonverbal forms of communication (art, musical instruments, dance, sports, working with animals or nature) and can thrive in large companies and institutions. 

They are typically friendly and reconciling, but with a very keen sense of purpose, especially when it comes to their own ideas. Good as therapists.

counsellors or priests, balance their traits of good listeners, free from prejudice, with the desire to help others.

Medium subtype: They want to order outside, so they can have order inside. They tend to get involved in non-essential, unimportant activities and businesses.

They can be energetic, but in a detached and uninvolved way, which interferes with their ability to pursue long-term goals or to co-opt others in achieving them.

They are more reserved and less adventurous than those in the Nine-Wing Eight subtype and express their anger with great restraint and indignation. 

They are also concerned about their respectability and image in society and, in many cases, feel morally superior to other classes, cultures or lifestyles. It happens to have a puritanical side, as well as a perfectionist, orderly and typical side.

People who are ENFJ 9w1 have different traits than ISTP 9w1 because they have different personality, according to the MBTI.

MBTI personality types

Myers Briggs Personality Types – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – is a system widely used to understand and interpret human personality, based on Carl Jung’s ideas about personality types and, to a lesser extent. , the theory of the four temperaments or moods.

Isabel Briggs Myers, along with her mother Katharine Briggs, developed Jung’s theories, obtaining a methodology and system that can be implemented to understand and evaluate each person’s favourite personality and behaviour.

Together with the other personality theories and psychometric models, the MBTI model has a special utility for:

– understanding and self-development

– understanding and developing others

– understanding the motivation of others

– understanding the strengths and weaknesses of others

– teamwork – ensuring the representation of all relevant and necessary skills

– allocation and acceptance of tasks and projects

– accepting roles and development together with each other and for oneself.

Myers Briggs theory and the MBTI model are not a measure of intelligence, competence, emotional state, mental stability or maturity and should be used with great care to assess aptitudes for a particular profession. 

People have at hand multiple ways to practice a profession, and the MBTI model does not provide clues about commitment, determination, passion, experience, ambition, experience, etc. nor does it highlight cases of `type forgery`.

All of these have a much greater influence on success than a simple personality test.

Overall, psychometric tests and personality models are aids in personal development and a deep understanding of oneself.

However, they should not be used as the sole basis for recruiting employees or for career decisions.

The practical role of the Enneagram

Although not associated with any religion, one of the primary uses of the Enneagram is as a transformative tool that helps us realize our essential nature (divine nature or being) and integrate our personality. 

For those who have had an initiatory spiritual experience of awakening, the Enneagram can help determine the “inner purpose” of self-transcendence. But the Enneagram can help each of us achieve different “external goals,” because it has practical applications in many important areas of life – relationships, career guidance, business, education, and parenting.

In relationships, the Enneagram can be used to improve communication, understanding, synergy and connection by capitalizing on differences between people. 

As interdependent beings, our happiness largely depends on the quality of our relationships.

And the quality of our relationships depends on our self-esteem and desire to value the uniqueness of others.

And our self-esteem comes from making instant choices in alignment with our deepest values.

Making choices momentarily in alignment with our deepest values ​​comes from our deep knowledge and our inner wisdom.

Another use of the Enneagram, as well as of all the other systems of evolution and personal determination, is the professional orientation.

Each of us has innate talents that come to us so naturally that we don’t even see them as gifts. Unfortunately, many people do not know what they are.

 In his book “The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Life of Satisfaction and Success,” Nicholas Lore interviewed 1,500 people and found that:

  • only 10% of them felt that their work matched their personality and was a tool for personal expression.
  • 20% of people enjoyed their work most of the time,
  • 30% accepted their work without a fight,
  • 30% go to work because they are forced by circumstances
  • 10% feel like their job is hell!

So maybe up to 70% of people don’t enjoy their work. Do you think it affects their relationships? Health? Self-esteem? Enjoy life? Inner peace? World peace !?

In business, the Enneagram can be used for team building, conflict management, increasing self-leadership and increasing productivity by maximizing each person’s unique gifts.

In education, the Enneagram can be used to help teachers understand students’ different needs and adapt their teaching to reflect an awareness of these different needs.

It can help children better understand themselves and others, as well as help them plan their lives.

In parenting, Enneagram can help parents truly understand and cultivate their children’s individuality.

With knowledge of the Enneagram (and other systems of personal discovery), parents can increase their children’s self-esteem by encouraging them to use their natural gifts and talents.


FAQ about the ISTP 9w1

Are ISTPs lazy?

ISTPs are not lazy, but they are often mislabeled and misunderstood. ISTPs are true rebels and rule-breakers.

What does 9w1 mean?

A 1w9 is an Enneagram subtype.  People belonging to this subtype have a special discernment, being full of wisdom and civilized.

It is possible to be taught very scholarly, with an imperturbable philosophical attitude, focused on long-term goals, looking to see the “overall” image. 

Which Enneagram type is most common?

The most common Enneagram types are the six, seven and nines.

What does a healthy Enneagram 9 look like?

Healthy Enneagram 9s are typically friendly and reconciling, but with a very keen sense of purpose, especially when it comes to their own ideas.

Good as therapists.
counsellors or priests, balance their traits of good listeners, free from prejudice, with the desire to help others.


The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso 

Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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