INFP Accountant (A brief guide)

In this guide, we will discuss if INFP personality traits may be ideal when pursuing a career in accounting, also we will talk about the theory behind the Myers-Briggs personality types, what IFNPs are normally known for, characteristics, some of the most famous IFNPs, some facts and the difference between an INFP-T and an INFP-A personality.  

INFP Accountant?

If you are wondering if someone with an INFP personality type should become an accountant or are supposed to be good accountants then this blog is perfect for you.

Let’s start by understanding something about INFP personality. According to, “INFP personality types are introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving.

Although they may typically be drawn to careers that involve helping others, there are some business-related careers that can be a good fit for people with an INFP personality type…”

It is believed INFP’s are not typically strong leaders and find social settings (especially when having to socialize) a bit overwhelming. Moreover, based on research, they seem to enjoy careers where they have their independence, are able to be creative, and facilitates individuals’ growth through insights (

They indicate how INFPs seem to enjoy “improving teamwork through developing the potential of the individual team members, building relationships, and reducing conflict.” 

This seems to be the reason why INFPs are considered to be “mediators” which allow them to communicate deeply with others, mostly with the use of metaphors and parables.

“Fantasy worlds, in particular, fascinate Mediators, more than any other personality type.

The strength of their visionary communication style lends itself well to creative works, and it comes as no surprise that many famous Mediators are poets, writers and actors (”

If we consider all those personality traits and interests then probably the accountant career is not the most ideal for an INFP, where the work could be too routinary, and even boring with all the rules about how to handle numbers.

However, remember how each person must find their own path and what really makes them happy instead of letting a test decide what they get to be or who they are supposed to be.

What are Myers Briggs personality types?

The Myers-Briggs theory was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers (mother-daughter).

Its theory for the MBTI is based on the adaptation of the theory of psychological types produced by Carl Jung.

It is said to be based on 16 personality types, which Jung labeled as stereotypes.

According to, “At the heart of Myers Briggs theory are four preferences. Do you prefer to deal with:

People and things (Extraversion or “E”), or ideas and information (Introversion or “I”).

Facts and reality (Sensing or “S”), or possibilities and potential (Intuition or “N”).

Logic and truth (Thinking or “T”), or values and relationships (Feeling or “F”).

A lifestyle that is well-structured (Judgment or “J”), or one that goes with the flow (Perception or “P”).”

This means that, if you do the test and you have a preference for E, S, T and J, then you have a personality type ESTJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgement) or if you have a preference for I, S, T, J, then you have a personality type ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judgement).

In the case of INFP, the I is for Introversion, the N for iNtuition, the F for Feeling and the P for Perception.

INFP are typically…

INFPs are also known as “the healer” and as we have discussed what it stands for, let’s talk about it in-depth:

  • Being Introverted means that you are more prone to have and enjoy your quiet time alone or in quiet surroundings. It seems that you like to spend time focusing on your own thoughts and impressions. 
  •  Being intuitive means you would rather focus on ideas and concepts (and interpretations) instead of facts or details.
  • Having a feeling style means that you seem to give more importance to people and emotions, where you prioritize relationships and the needs of others (“based on your gut feeling”).
  • Having a perceiving style means that you prefer to keep your options open, you prefer freedom and flexibility.

Keywords that seem to describe INFPs are: gentle, unconventional, authentic, imaginative and compassionate, where they seem to be fascinated by new and exciting ideas, expressing themselves through more “creative ways” (i.e. art & design or writing)  and are said to be (deeply) sensitive to the feelings of others (seeing the best on people).

How common is the INFP personality type?

According to, INFP personality type seems to be the ninth most common type of personality among the population.

They make up 4% of the general population, 5% of women and 4% of men. And some of the most famous INFPs seem to include:

  • Princess Diana
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Fred Rogers
  • John Lennon
  • Kurt Cobain
  • William Shakespeare

Here again, we could mention how INFPs seem to be more into poetry, creative writing, music, visual arts and theatre.

So, definitely we could assume that accounting wouldn’t be their best choice. Moreover, let’s take a look at some “facts” about INFPs.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strength wise, INFPs are said to be loyal and devoted, sensitive to the feelings of others and their own feelings, they are caring and have a genuine interest in helping people, they enjoy working alone and value deeply the people who are closest to them. 

On the other hand, regarding weaknesses, they seem to be overly idealistic, tend to take things personally, sometimes lose the sight of the little things and overlooks details. 

Facts about INFPs

According to, here are some interesting facts when talking about people who seem to have an INFP personality:

  • On personality trait measures, score as Artistic, Reflective, Careless, Sensitive, Flexible, and Appreciative
  • Among least likely of all types to suffer heart disease
  • In men, among the least likely to report chronic pain
  • Second highest of all types to report marital dissatisfaction
  • Among most likely to have suicidal thoughts in college
  • Tend to be more successful than the average in learning a foreign language
  • Among types most likely to be dissatisfied with their work
  • Personal values include Autonomy and Creativity
  • Overrepresented in occupations in counselling, writing, and the arts


It is believed there are two different types of INFP: INFP-T (Turbulent) and INFP-A (Assertive).

It is said INFPs usually don’t cause any disturbance or don’t do anything drastic, staying calm and avoiding conflict. 

According to, “The highly assertive INFP-A type has a well-developed sense of self and for them, being assertive is standing up for themselves in a way that does not disrespect the other person.

It’s a form of self-actualization. The INFP-A is less likely to be stressed or rue their past actions.

In certain jobs, if an INFP-A feels they have done good work even if external goals were not met, he or she will not lose sleep.”

On the other hand, the INFP-T tend to be perfectionists and more prone to “turbulence”, where it is said that stress is a major part of their lives, which makes a lot of sense if you are striving to be perfect all the time. “INFP-Ts are consumed with internal motivation.”

Moreover, someone with an INFP-A type of personality doesn’t seem to be bothered by external goals, but the INFP-T may feel the need to exceed and still feel as if they have failed if it doesn’t meet their own personal standards, and constantly worrying about the future.

As mentioned, the A type of personality is more assertive whereas the T type seems to handle situations in a more passive-aggressive way.  

Why is this blog about INFP Accountant important?

If you have an INFP personality type and you are considering a career path in accounting, based on all the information provided it might not be the best career path for you.

You may start and be very into it but then realize it doesn’t quite fit with your personality traits.

However, as we also mentioned, it is up to you to decide whether you pursue this type of career path since it is not a good idea to let a test determine the type of career you should choose or the type of job you should be doing. 

Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts about the content of this article!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about INFP Accountant

Why is Infp dangerous?

Someone with an INFP personality should not be considered a dangerous “perse”.

However, some say they can appear as stubborn since they are not easily dissuaded from their cause and they may seem gentle and serene but they can become “fiery and intense if they are provoked”.

This seems to be the case since they are said to fight for their freedom and the freedom of others around them.

What should an Infp major in?

INFP has been linked to choose to major in careers that have an investigative-social approach or interest, so they often seem to study history, economics, psychology, sociology, geography, anthropology, archeology, political science, etc ( Moreover, they are said to be linked with careers in social services, health care industry, education, poetry, writing, visual arts, physical therapists, nutritionists, veterinarian and pre-school teachers.

Can Infp be doctors?

INFP can become doctors, it is said that they have an innate desire to help people.

They are highly empathetic, attentive and caring. However, according to, few end up to be doctors (or nurses) “Since these careers deal with external forces guiding their success, INFPs end up feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled.”

Are INFPs good psychologists?

INFPs can become good psychologists since it seems they are good at dealing with emotional problems and encouraging others.

Moreover, INFPs are known for being empathetic, sensitive and non-judgemental. 

What is the most hated personality type?

It seems the most disliked would be ESTJs and ESFJs, and the most liked seems to be ENFPs.

However, this may seem subjective and according to the established personality traits described in the theory and their possible combinations.

References “INFP Careers in Business” “Myers Briggs Personality Types” “Mediator personality. INFP-A/INFP-T.” “INFP, The Healer”

Cherry, K. (2019, Aug.) INFP: The Mediator (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving). Retrieved from “INFP Careers: A Brief Guide to the Best Ones”

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