What Are Id, Ego and Superego? (Expert Guide)

Freud’s most unsustainable and most important view is that the human mind (humanity) has specific characteristics.

Freud’s theory of personality (1923) divided psychology into three parts called id, ego and superego, all of which develop at different stages of our lives.

These are not systems, parts of the brain, or any physical characteristic of any individual.

According to Freud’s model of the mind, the first and most natural part of the mind consists of sexual drive, anger, and hidden memories.

The super-ego acts as the moral conscience, and so the logical part of the intellectual impulse is between the id desires and the super ego.

Although each part of the personality has different characteristics, they interact with each other, and each component makes a specific contribution to human behavior.

The Id

·      Id is the only part of the personality that is genetic.

·      This part of the human being is unconscious and has moral and primitive behavior.

·      According to Freud, Id is the source of all mental energy, which is the first element of humanity

Id happiness is driven by the principle of pain, which seeks to meet desires and needs immediately.

If these requirements are not immediately satisfied, the result is anxiety or tension.

For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate plan of eating or drinking.

Id is important at an early age because it ensures that a baby’s needs are met.

If the baby is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the Id pressure is satisfied. 

Since young children are completely governed by Id, there is no reason to meet these requirements.

Imagine trying to tell a child to wait to eat until lunch. Instead, the Id needs to be satisfied immediately, and because there are no different parts of the personality, the baby will cry until these requirements are met.

However, it is not always realistic or perhaps even possible to meet these needs at all times.

If we are fully governed by the principle of pain, we want to work in the hands of others to fulfill our desires.

In favor of Freud, the process of ID thinking process [1] seeks to address the difficulties created by the core of happiness pain, in which a picture of how special a need is made.

Although people eventually learn to control their identity, this part of humanity will remain a supreme power for the rest of its life.

It is an ego event and therefore a supergo that allows people to control the natural foundations of Id and act in acceptable and socially acceptable ways.

The Ego

 The ego serves to support the true goal, which seeks to fulfill the desires of identity in practical and social ways.

The true criterion is to measure the prices and benefits of an action before it can affect or disperse the impression.

In most cases, Id interruptions are usually satisfied by a process of temporary delay – the latter eventually allows that behavior, but only at the right time and place.

·      The ego is the man responsible for the original administration

·      According to Freud, motivation comes from id and ensures that the motives of identity are often universally accepted.

·      The ego applies to the unconscious, the unconscious and the unconscious.[3]

Freud likened the id to the horse and therefore the ego equates riding.

The horse provides center and movement, although the rider provides guidance and direction.

Along with its rider, the horse can rotate and do whatever he wants.

The rider commands the horse instead and refuses to direct the direction he wants to go.

The ego also conveys the tension created by the uneven distraction of our second-order thinking, where the ego seeks to find in the world an object that is consistent with the image created by the basic process of id [4].

For example, suppose you are stuck in a long meeting at work. You feel like you are hungry as the meeting goes on.

While the Id forces you to jump out of your seat and go into the room for snacks, the ego instructs you to take a quietly-waiting seat until the meeting is over.

Imagine yourself eating cheese using the rest of the meeting, rather than acting in accordance with the Id crowd’s wishes.

When the meeting is over, you hunt for what you think and satisfy the Id press at the right time.

The Superego

·      Superego is the last piece of humanity to develop.

·      Introduction is a human element that contains our inner moral values ​​and the ideals we find in parents and society – our sense of right and wrong 

·      Superego provides guidelines for making judgments.

According to Freud, in about five years the superego will begin to appear. Superego has two parts:

1.     The good ones have more and more values ​​and behavioral values

2.     Conscientiousness is about the things that parents and society consider negative. This behavior is often rejected and can lead to negative consequences, punishments, or feelings of guilt and remorse

Superego strives for perfection and makes our lives better.

It works to stifle all acceptable desires of id, and seeks to create values ​​that make a positive impact instead of rational principles.

Superego lies within consciousness and ignorance.

Interactions of id, ego and superego

When talking about id, ego and superego, it is important to remember that these are not three things that are completely separated by clearly defined boundaries.

These personality traits are powerful and always interact with the person to influence one’s personality and behavior.

With so many competing forces, it’s easy to see how the conflict between Id, Ego and Superego will arise.

Freud used the term ego energy to question the power of the ego to act in spite of these feelings [6].

A good person with an ego is in a position to effectively manage these pressures, but there are many who have high or high ego power which can be powerful or very disruptive.

If there is an imbalance?

According to Freud, the key to an organism is the balance between the id, the ego and hence the superego. 

When the ego is in a state of adequate balance between actual pressure, id, and consequently superego, a healthy and well-adjusted personality emerges.

Freud believes that the mismatch between these elements creates a destructive personality.

Confidentiality with a high Id, for example, can be coercive, uncontrolled, or possibly criminal.

This person does his basic needs without worrying about whether the behavior is acceptable, acceptable or legal.

The superficial superego, on the other hand, can create personality with high judgment and judgment.

This person cannot accept anything that anyone considers “bad” or “immoral”.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the id, ego, and superego: 

What are id, ego, and superego?

The id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the superego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.

What are examples of id, ego, and superego?

The ego mediates between the id and the superego.

The id is trying to get you to do things like eat cakes and not go jogging, and the superego is trying to get you to make good decisions and be an upstanding person.

So the id and the superego are always fighting with each other, and the ego steps in between the two.


1.     Boag S. Ego, drives, and the dynamics of internal objects. Front Psychol. 2014;5:666. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00666

2.     Pulcu E. An evolutionary perspective on gradual formation of superego in the primal horde. Front Psychol. 2014;5:8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00008

3.     Bargh JA, Morsella E. The Unconscious Mind. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2008;3(1):73-9. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6916.2008.00064.x

4.     Carhart-harris RL, Friston KJ. The default-mode, ego-functions and free-energy: a neurobiological account of Freudian ideas. Brain. 2010;133(Pt 4):1265-83. doi:10.1093/brain/awq010

5.     Schalkwijk F. A New Conceptualization of the Conscience. Front Psychol. 2018;9:1863. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01863

6.     Kovačić petrović Z, Peraica T, Kozarić-kovačić D. Comparison of ego strength between aggressive and non-aggressive alcoholics: a cross-sectional study. Croat Med J. 2018;59(4):156-164. doi:10.3325/cmj.2018.59.156

7.     Churchill R, Moore TH, Davies P, et al. Psychodynamic therapies versus other psychological therapies for depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;(9):CD008706. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008706

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