I just wanna lay in my bed (Why and how to stop)

In this guide, we will discuss why individuals feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” and how can we stop this feeling and bring about change.

We all have days when we do not want to get out of bed and just lay in bed all day. On days when we are not well, it is understandable but other than that if we start to feel like this every day, it is a sign that we need to understand why this is happening and how we can stop it. As it is very unhealthy for the body to just lie in bed doing nothing. It leads to a slow and tiring day where we have no energy to perform any task to our full potential.

Reasons you feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed”

The following could be the reason you feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed”:

  • You might be having depression
  • You can not find the motivation to step out
  • You are unable to find the energy to get up
  • We procrastinate our getting up
  • You no longer find any activity pleasurable

You might be having depression

In case you catch yourself feeling “I just wanna lay in my bed” every day for more than 2 weeks, there are chances that you might be suffering from depression. There are high chances that this feeling and instant want to lay in bed all day and do nothing can be coming from you being depressed. If along with this there are feelings of constant sadness, anger, and irritability, with Low concentration and attention span. You are likely to be having depression. 

You can not find the motivation to step out

When you find yourself saying “I just wanna lay in my bed” it could be because you have no motivation or drive to step outside the bed. There is nothing that is pushing you to get out of bed and get going. You might be having work to do or places to be but you still have no motivation for them. You find yourself driving no inspiration to work or get up and there is nothing that is pulling you to work. You tend to lay in bed all day when there is nothing important that needs to be done. 

You are unable to find the energy to get up

You are unable to find the energy to get out of bed and constantly are like “I just wanna lay in my bed.” You finding getting up and performing your tasks to be extremely exhausting and draining. You have no energy to do the things you are supposed to or be able to get through the day not feeling like you are completely drained out and might just faint the very next minute. You do not see yourself being as active and energetic as you used to be. 

You procrastinate getting up

Ever catch yourself saying “5 more minutes” every 5 minutes and having a constant feeling of “I just wanna lay in my bed.” You might be procrastinating getting out of bed. You are just delaying the inevitable and are pushing it till the end. Waking up and getting out of bed is a chore for you that you want to avoid doing at all costs.  You have the energy and the motivation to get up ad go about your day but it is the procrastinator within you that keeps snoozing the getting up until you start getting late.

You no longer find any activity pleasurable

You tend to want to feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” because when you get up there is no activity that pleases you. You feel doing anything is pointless and senseless cause it won’t bring you happiness. It won’t bring you pleasure and the comfort it earlier used to. There is no reason for you to get out of bed, put in the effort, and not even reap any benefits from it. Every activity seems pointless and futile. 

How you can stop feeling like “I just wanna lay in my bed”

The following techniques can be applied to stop feeling like “I just wanna lay in my bed” and counteract it:

  • Forcefully get out of bed
  • Create a schedule and follow it
  • Reduce time spent online
  • Interact with friends and family
  • Exercise regularly
  • Have set waking and sleeping hours
  • Adopt a pet

Forcefully get out of bed

To stop the feeling of “I just wanna lay in my bed” you need to force yourself out of bed and get going. You need to put alarms all across your room keeping them far from you so that you are forced to step out of your bed to close them. Or you can have your roommate or someone in your home or someone who stays near you to help you accountable and make sure you get out of bed. 

Create a schedule and follow it

Having a proper sleeping schedule can be extremely beneficial as you can then have a proper night’s sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed and energetic. The starting will be tough with days where you just feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” but slowly you will yourself like the schedule and wake up on time. Ensure that have a proper 7-9 hours of sleep if you are an adult and for age groups below 17 years sleep for 9-11 hours can also work. But ensure that you do not sleep more or less than this. 

Reduce time spent online

The first thing most of us do is to check our mobile phones. This is an extremely unhealthy habit. We at times after waking up just lay in our beds scrolling through social media or through the messages we have received. This makes us feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” because we feel comfortable lying and doing nothing. But it is not good for your body, you will feel lazy and tired this way. In fact, the moment you wake up get out of bed and make your bed. This won’t make you wanna lay in bed and get your day started right away.

Interact with friends and family

Another thing you can do first thing in the morning is to interact with your family members or friends face-to-face before spending time on your phone. This way you won’t feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” and will have started your day with energy and seeing the happy faces of your family. In case you live alone, then you can schedule meeting your friends who live nearby rather than scrolling through your phone and lying in your bed. 

Exercise regularly

Develop a habit of exercising regularly, especially early in the morning. Motivate yourself to wake up early and engage in any physical activity of your liking. This could be going to the gym, for a run, a walk, or a jog, or you can join yoga and meditation classes. Other options can be dancing, swimming or playing a sport of your choice. Make a habit of getting up and rather than feeling like “I just wanna lay in my bed,” move your body and exercise. 

Have set waking and sleeping hours

Once you get into the habit of having a schedule ensure you have fixed waking and sleeping hours. Sleeping at a random time every day can cause your body to not know when to get up. And in case you sleep very late the body won’t be rested enough to be able to wake up and go about the day. This will upset your schedule completely making you feel drowsy throughout the day. Try sleeping around a particular time and your body will get used to that schedule, soon you yourself will start to feel sleepy around that time. This will also help remove the feeling of “I just wanna lay in my bed” in the morning. 

Adopt a pet

In case you need someone to motivate you to get up, you can adopt a pet. You can check your nearby store or online for pet adoption places. You will be forced to get up and take them out for a walk.

In this guide, we discussed why individuals feel like “I just wanna lay in my bed” and how can we stop this feeling and bring about change.

FAQs: I just wanna lay in my bed: Why and how to stop

Is it bad to just lay in bed all day?

No matter how relaxing laying in bed might sound, it can lead to a series of serious health issues in an individual. Problems like ulcers in the body and bed sores might occur. Within six months to a year, physically all your muscles and bones in the body would break down.

What is it called when you want to stay in bed all day?

There are multiple reasons why you would want to stay in bed all day, like depression, dysania, or clinomania. There could be physical issues also present in the body leading to us wanting to stay in bed all day. Dysania is a term given to the desire of wanting to stay in bed all day, and not being able to get up in the morning. 

How do I stop lying in bed all day?

There are different techniques one can apply depending upon what works for them. You can ask your friends or family members to help you get out of bed. You can adopt a pet, preferably a dog so that you are forced to get up and take it out for a walk. You can take small steps and slowly decreases the amount of time you spend in bed. You can also bribe yourself into waking up by rewarding yourself with things that you like. 

How many hours should you lay in bed?

The number of hours you should lay in bed depends on your age group. For different age groups, the number varies, like for children it is more and as you grow older the number decreases. 

For age groups 3-5 years- 10-13 hours of sleep
For age groups 6-13 years- 9-11 hours of sleep
For age groups 14-17 years- 8-10 hours of sleep
For adults- 7-9 hours of sleep

Can you lose weight by laying in bed all day?

We burn calories depending upon our body weight. The more bodyweight we have the more calories we will burn. For a person weighing 150 pounds that might end up burning 46 calories an hour which roughly means 322-414 calories a night. For a person weighing 185 pounds, the number of calories will be more around 56 calories per hour or between 392-504 calories in a night. 





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