How fast is weight loss on Wellbutrin? (3 research studies confirmed)
In this blog post, we are going to answer the question, “How fast is weight loss on Wellbutrin?”. Wellbutrin is an atypical antidepressant that is used to treat mild to severe episodes of depression and depression comorbid with mania.
However, it may cause weight loss in some individuals and that’s what we will talk about today.
How fast can you lose weight on Wellbutrin?
You can lose up to 5-10 pounds in about 8-12 weeks while being on Wellbutrin. However, this can vary from person to person. Some people have only lost 10 pounds after using Wellbutrin for a year or two. One important thing to bear in mind is that Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill.
It is an antidepressant that makes you lose weight as a side effect. Yes, it can help some people with their eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, which obviously helps them shed some extra pounds.
However, it has no direct effect on the fat-burning process of your body. The weight loss associated with this drug can help overweight people, but it can cause complications for people who are at their ideal weight or are underweight. Let’s look at what researchers have to say about this.
What data do we have from research studies?
Several researchers have worked tirelessly to check the effects of Wellbutrin on body weight. In 2001, researchers designed a clinical trial solely to study the effects of Wellbutrin on the weight of 50 obese women.
The trial was comparative in nature and it was a double-blind study. Half of the women unknowingly received a placebo, while the remaining half received Wellbutrin. All test participants were kept in a similar environment and they were given a similar diet.
After 8 weeks of study, it was clearly observed that the women who received Wellbutrin showed more weight loss as compared to those who received a placebo. However, not all women showed a similar rate of weight loss. Some lost much more than the others.
Women who showed good early response to Wellbutrin continued to lose weight after the 8 weeks of study. However, one important thing to mention here is the variable safety outcomes that were observed in this trial.
As Wellbutrin is an antidepressant in nature, it caused some psychological side effects in some of the test participants. Some showed signs of an allergic response which lead to the discontinuation of treatment in such women. Some women showed negligible amounts of weight loss.
The purpose of mentioning these little details is to make you understand how you can never compare your effects with anyone and how you should never take any medication without your doctor’s approval.
If some friend of yours loses weight on Wellbutrin and you think of starting this med for that very purpose, it may not work that well for you. Our world has different kinds of healthcare systems.
In some places, you can purchase meds without a prescription and these people are at higher risk. Always talk to a licensed healthcare professional before starting any medication.
I know people can become greedy when it comes to losing weight, but using meds for that can be dangerous for you. Another 2012 study investigated the weight loss effects of Wellbutrin. It was a 48-week study that was also performed on obese people.
This study included a large population of test participants, over 300 people, but only 190 people were able to cover 48 whole weeks and the rest had to discontinue. Some stopped taking Wellbutrin after 24 weeks, while the others stopped it way earlier because of their inability to tolerate the drug.
After 48 weeks of study, people who were taking Wellbutrin lost 7 to 10% of their body weight. It confirmed that Wellbutrin can indeed help you lose weight, but it can be more useful for people who are obese.
It is a known scientific fact that the more body weight you have, the more you will lose. An obese person can easily lose 5 to 10lbs, but a person with a slight amount of extra weight will not lose 5-10lbs that easily.
This is why meds that can help you lose weight should only be prescribed to people who are obese and can not make initial physical efforts to lose weight because of their inability to move or exercise.
People who are overweight should seek help from physical activities and a healthy diet to lose their extra pounds. There is no shortcut to weight loss and if you think pills can lead to a pain-free weight loss journey then you could not be any more wrong about this.
Another research study was based on the role of Wellbutrin in smoking cessation, but they observed that smokers who received Wellbutrin showed weight loss, although they were on a balanced diet.
Similarly, another study was monitoring the antidepressant effects of Wellbutrin, but they also came across this ‘good’ side effect that could help a lot of obese people battling major depressive disorder (MDD).
Every single study showed variation in results simply because our bodies are different. Our physiological composition and the way our metabolism works are completely different and two people can not expect to have the same results.
This is why you should always ask your healthcare provider before using any substance that has some medicinal property.

What are the other side effects of Wellbutrin?
Weight loss is not the only side effect of Wellbutrin and there are plenty of others that can make this medication difficult for you to tolerate. These include:
- Anxiousness
- Unexplainable excitement and happiness
- Insomnia or inability to fall asleep
- Xerostomia or dry mouth
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Headache
- Tremors
- Loss of appetite
- Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
- Excessive sweating
- Altered sense of taste and smell
- Constipation
- Throat infection
- Increased frequency of urination
Wellbutrin is also associated with some serious and rare side effects. These include:
- Allergic reaction associated with symptoms like redness of skin, itching, burning sensation, blisters, blue-purple patches etc. Symptoms associated with the respiratory system include tightness of chest, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, hoarseness, etc.
- Seizures
- Auditory or visual hallucinations
- Fear
- Joint rigidity and pain
- Muscle aches
- Arrhythmia
- Swelling or tenderness in different parts of the body.
These side effects can vary from person to person. Some are affected more than others. Wellbutrin is also associated with some warnings. Some of these include:
- Wellbutrin comes with a black-box warning issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This antidepressant is capable of causing abnormal and suicidal behavior in people less than 24 years of age.
- Wellbutrin can also cause seizures, becoming a life-threatening complication for people already suffering from epilepsy.
- Wellbutrin can also induce unexplained excitement and happiness. This excitement can become extremely problematic and turn into mania.
This is why you should always stick to your doctor’s recommendations and you should never take more than needed. In case of overdose, immediately reach out to the hospital. Inform them when you have taken it and how much.
The exact quantity and timing of drug administration will help them determine the most appropriate way to deal with your symptoms if it, unfortunately, comes to that. In case you have forgotten to take your Wellbutrin, you can take it as soon as you remember.
However, if a lot of time has passed and you are already near your next dose then skip the missed dose. A missed dose is better than an overdose.
In this blog post, we have discussed the weight-loss effects of Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is an atypical antidepressant that is used to treat mild to severe episodes of depression and depression comorbid with mania. However, it may cause weight loss in some individuals.
You can lose up to 5-10 pounds in about 8 to 12 weeks while being on Wellbutrin. However, this can vary from person to person. Some people have only lost 10 pounds after using Wellbutrin for a year or two. Always talk to a licensed healthcare professional before starting any medication and always stick to your doctor’s recommended dose.
FAQs: How fast is weight loss on wellbutrin
Can Wellbutrin cause rapid weight loss?
You can lose up to 5-10 pounds in about 8 to 12 weeks while on Wellbutrin. However, this can vary from person to person. Some people have only lost 10 pounds after using Wellbutrin for a year or two. One important thing to bear in mind is that Wellbutrin is not a weight loss pill. It is an antidepressant that makes you lose weight as a side effect. Yes, it can help some people with their eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, which obviously helps them shed some extra pounds.
How much weight do you lose on Wellbutrin?
The rate of weight loss on Wellbutrin depends on the person taking it. It is a known scientific fact that the more body weight you have, the more you will lose. An obese person can easily lose 5 to 10lbs, but a person with a slight amount of extra weight will not lose 5-10lbs that easily. Always make sure Wellbutrin is something your doctor recommends for weight loss. Avoid self-medication at all costs.
How do you know if your antidepressant has stopped working?
The simple answer: When your symptoms start to subside. Depression is commonly associated with feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness, irritability or frustration, even over small matters.
You simply feel relieved from the above-mentioned symptoms. When you feel happy and satisfied, when you feel like engaging in your favourite activities, and when you start feeling like being a part of your social gatherings again, you know your medicine is working.
How long does it take for Wellbutrin to leave your system?
Wellbutrin has a half-life of about 30-33 hours. It means that the concentration of the drug is reduced to half after this time period. The remaining amount is further reduced to half in the next 30-33 hours. This process keeps on ongoing until the drug is completely washed out from your body.
Does your brain go back to normal after antidepressants?
Your brain does go back to normal after you stop using antidepressants, but it takes time and this time taken depends on the duration of your antidepressant therapy. It could take up to 10 months to go back to your normal serotonin levels, after long-term antidepressant therapy.
- Dr. James W. Anderson, Frank L Greenway (2012) – Bupropion SR Enhances Weight Loss: A 48-Week Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Trial
- K M Gadde et al. Obes Res. (2001) – Bupropion for weight loss: an investigation of efficacy and tolerability in overweight and obese women
- Wellbutrin weight loss: how effective is bupropion for weight loss?
- Does Wellbutrin Cause Weight Loss?,when%20taken%20for%20this%20purpose.