How do I freeze my Talkspace account? (+5 advantages)

In this post, we will be explaining how you can free your Talkspace account. We will also be looking at various signs that denote you need to change therapists. Additionally, we will also be looking at some of the advantages of using Talkspace for therapy. Talkspace is an online therapy platform which brings cost-effective mental health care to millions of users.

How do I free my Talkspace account?

You can easily freeze or pause your Talkspace subscription for a period of seven days, through the steps described below:

  • You will need to log into your Talkspace account and then click on your username
  • You will need to then go to your ‘Account’ and click on ‘Payment and plan’
  • Here, you can choose the ‘Pause therapy’ option
  • You will be directed to another page where you can set your account on hold for seven days
  • If you want reverse it and restart your subscription, you can do so by following these same steps

This period of freezing for seven days will end automatically once the week is over. However, if you want to freeze or pause your account for a longer period of time, you will need to reach out to the customer support of Talkspace who will guide you appropriately.

Signs that it is time to change your therapist

Client-therapist fit is the one of the most important factors for effective therapy. Even if the therapist might be highly qualified and well-recommended, if they are not able to create a rapport and healthy relationship with you, this can lead to more stress and a failed therapy. Some of the signs that show that it is high-time that you changed your therapist are:


You have outgrown your therapist

Many people seek therapy at a time in their lives when they are facing a lot of stress and confusion. Their therapist helps them overcome these challenges and teaches them new and effective coping mechanisms. However, individuals can sometimes outgrow their therapists and this signifies that the client-therapist relationship has come to an end.

Your therapist doesn’t listen

The most important skill for any therapist is to first patiently listen to everything that the client has to say. However, many therapists do not possess this skill and thus keep fidgeting throughout the session and may also be distracted. If your therapist is not willing to listen to you, then it shows that they do not bring the skills that you require to the table.

They don’t have enough time

While many therapists are definitely well-qualified and highly recommended, they can have jam-packed schedules which make it difficult for appointments to be penciled in. Thus, clients may not have the appointment timings that they prefer and are comfortable with. If your therapist is not able to give you the timings that you require, it may be a sign to change therapists.


You don’t feel supported

As we grow, so do our goals. Clients who go to therapy are not the same persons they were when they first started therapy sessions. However, many therapists are not ready to understand this and refuse to support the goals and dreams of their clients. This can lead to demotivation and distress in clients.

You go only to vent

While therapy can be a great place or venue to express and vent your feelings, it also is an important place for growth and development. If you are only going to your therapy sessions to vent and express and do not experience any growth or development, it can be time to change or switch therapists.

The relationship is no longer semi-professional

It becomes difficult for many people to clearly define their relationship with their therapists. Since they share deep and intimate feelings with them, many clients still get confused about the nature of the bond that they have with their therapists. However, the relationship needs to be strictly professional or semi-professional. Anything more is unacceptable.

There is no therapy out of office

Mental health needs to be groomed and developed in all areas of a person’s life. This does not only include therapy sessions in the therapist’s office, but also on other days. If there is no homework or exercises being given to practice on days other than therapy days, the intervention might not be as effective.

Advantages of using Talkspace for therapy

Online therapy platforms like Talkspace and Betterhelp certainly bring a lot more to the table for their users in terms of mental health care. Some of the advantages of using Talkspace in particular for therapy are:

  • The plans of Talkspace are quite cost-effective and can also be covered by insurance
  • Talkspace also has features for Teens therapy which can be great for adolescents between the ages of 13 – 18 years
  •  It further provides couples and family therapy for those who want to improve their relationships
  • Talkspace can be accessed from anywhere and thus brings therapy to even those who are located in remote locations
  • All the therapists of the platform undergo strict background checks and verification processes to ensure that the users are provided with only the best type of mental health care


In this post, we have explained how you can free your Talkspace account. We have also looked at various signs that denote you need to change therapists. Additionally, we have also looked at some of the advantages of using Talkspace for therapy.

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