How do I cancel my Talkspace and get a refund?

In this article, we shall explain how you can cancel your Talkspace and get a refund. We shall also look at some of the pros of using Talkspace for therapy. In addition to this, we will be mentioning a few alternatives to Talkspace that have similar features. More influential people are speaking up about mental health, and thus therapy has gained a lot of traction in recent times.

How do I cancel my Talkspace and get a refund?

If you want to cancel your Talkspace account, you can follow these steps which have been described below:

  •  Log into your Talkspace account and click on your username
  • Go to the ‘Payment and plan’ part of your account and then click on ‘Stop subscription renewal’
  • You will find a dialogue box on your screen where you will need to click on ‘Cancel subscription renewal’

Refunds are reviewed by the Talkspace team very carefully and the platform provides a full or partial refund for those who apply for it.

Pros of using Talkspace

Talkspace provides a multitude of pros and advantages to those who are using this platform for their therapy needs. Some of these advantages have been described in the section below:

Talkspace can make therapy easy

While seeking in-person or traditional therapy can be quite a chore, platforms like Talkspace make this process super easy and really quick. Finding a suitable therapist becomes quite easy and all that the user is required to do is to provide the right details and sign up for the service and start their interventions soon after.

It brings a lot of convenience

Therapy also becomes quite convenient for users through Talkspace. This is mainly because the platform can be accessed from anywhere, as long as the user has stable data connections. This means that even those who reside in areas which are not equipped with certified therapists can work with a therapist easily through Talkspace.

It offers the user more control

The user enjoys a large amount of control as well as flexibility through Talkspace as the platform offers a lot of customization here. The user can easily choose the format of communication through which they can interact with their provider, and can also send an unlimited number of messages whenever they feel like it.

There are many choices of plans

There are also a variety of plans that are available in Talkspace. The Unlimited Messaging Therapy Plus plan of Talkspace allows the user to send a limitless number of text messages, audio messages and even video messages to their providers. The Unlimited Messaging Therapy Premium and Ultimate plans of Talkspace offer live sessions as well.

The network of therapists is large

There are a large number of therapists who work in Talkspace and provide their assistance and support to the users of the platform. All the therapists who work in Talkspace are certified and qualified to practice independently. This large number of therapists brings variety to the user who can pick and choose according to their needs and preferences.

The platform provides high security

There is also high security provided by Talkspace to protect and safeguard the information and data related to the users and also their therapy sessions. This is necessary as users often share sensitive and confidential information with their providers and these needs to be protected at all costs.

It also has features for Teens therapy

Talkspace also provides Teens therapy services for those adolescents aged between 13 – 18 years. This becomes important as many mental illnesses show their initial signs during these ages and these typically go unnoticed. These ages are also very impressionable, and having a supportive presence of a therapist can make a positive difference.

It can provide couples therapy

The platform also has services for couples and families that are having problems in their relationships. Couples therapy is not only for those who are heading for divorce, or for those who are facing other troubling matters. More and more couples are also seeking premarital counseling to better understand each other so that they can navigate sharp corners easily.

Alternatives to Talkspace

There are many other online therapy platforms that provide services and features similar to Talkspace. The best of these have been described as follows:

  • Betterhelp: This is by far the best alternative to Talkspace. Betterhelp is an easy platform that provides both individual as well as group therapy to its users. The plans of this platform are also quite cost-effective in comparison to in-person therapy.
  • Cerebral: This platform is one of the few therapy platforms that also provide psychiatry services, just like Talkspace. It also allows insurance coverage and therapy can be accessed through various modes such as text, audio and video.
  • ReGain: ReGain is a platform that is especially known for couples therapy and counseling. The platform also offers a free trial period for about a week so that new users can get the hang of it.


In this article, we have explained how you can cancel your Talkspace and get a refund. We have also looked at some of the pros of using Talkspace for therapy. In addition to this, we have mentioned a few alternatives to Talkspace that have similar features.

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