Forced resignation letter(5+ samples)

This blog post will show you samples of “Forced resignation letters.”

Writing a “Forced resignation letter.”

When writing a “Forced resignation letter,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to tell your employer about leaving the job and the final work date. Keep it short as the essential part of the letter is the Last Date of your work.
  • Indicate the reason you are leaving your job. It would be best to be polite as you will leave a positive impression on your employer. Maintain your composure when drafting the letter.
  • Finally, thank your employer for the position and the opportunities you have enjoyed during your work period.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it to your employer. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

Sample 1:

“January 3, 2020

Dear Mr Hernandez,

I regret to submit my resignation from my position as marketing manager at Advertising, Inc. My last day of employment will be January 4, 2020. 

Due to the unforeseen backlash of last quarter’s marketing campaign, management recommended that I resign from my position at the company. I am disappointed by the outcome of the events, but I understand that Advertising, Inc. is looking to reform its marketing efforts going forward.

I am grateful for my time here. This position has helped me pinpoint my talents and my areas for improvement. I will use what I learned as a marketing manager in my future endeavors.

Upon my resignation, the company still owes me 24 hours of paid time off. The human resources department and I communicated this already, and they will add the equivalent payment to my final paycheck. The marketing team will take over all of my correspondence with clients and create a plan to move forward in my absence.

Thank you for this opportunity, and I wish the company nothing but the best.


Colton Barr”

Sample 2:

“May 15, 2019

Dear Mrs Green,

It is to my dissatisfaction that I submit my resignation from my position as a lead custodian at West Hills High School. My decision to end my employment will be effective immediately.

I loved my time at West Hills High School, but because of budget cuts, the school system can no longer afford my salary. I wish we could have worked out an agreement that allowed me to grow in my career, but it appears that circumstances will not allow it. I am forced to resign from this position and will look for new employment elsewhere.

I am thankful for the past five years I have spent at West Hills High School. The students were respectful, and the staff was friendly. I will miss all of the people I have connected with during my employment.

I accept the severance package the superintendent has offered me. The remaining custodians will cover my current duties until the school finds a solution for the budget cuts.


Linda Michaels”

Sample 3:

“Dear __________,

I’m sorry to inform you that I am relieving myself of my position immediately. This decision is based on the fact that I was unjustly accused of stealing money from the petty cash pool, and so I refuse to be fired in this manner.

I have one full week of vacation and three personal leave days remaining this year that I have not taken. I anticipate being paid for these days, as specified in the employee handbook on page 14, which gives me one complete week of vacation and three personal leave days left. Also, I’ll apply for unemployment while looking for another work so that you will not contest my claim.

Please tell me what arrangements are necessary for the final payout of my salary, and I will go through the Human Resources Department exit interview described on page 23 of the handbook with you. Should you choose to contact me for further information, please do so at (Contact Number) or [email].

Thank you for the opportunity to have worked at this company for the past two years.


(Your Name)

(Your Address)


Sample 4:

“Dear Mr Ironside:

It is with great displeasure that I write this resignation letter effective immediately as I have been informed by my supervisor that I must resign to avoid being fired. I have been wrongly accused of stealing money from the petty cash fund. Although I have a key and access to the petty cash box, I have never taken any money that was not approved by my supervisor for a specific expenditure for the company. I do not know what happened to the missing money. If I knew what happened to it I would report it to the supervisor.

According to my calculations, I have one full week of vacation and three personal leave days remaining that I have not taken this year. I do expect to be paid for these days as outlined in the employee handbook on page 12. Also, I plan to apply for unemployment benefits until I can find another job, and I would appreciate it if you would not challenge my unemployment application. I assure you that I will be trying diligently to find other employment as soon as possible. This forced resignation is completely unexpected and puts me in a serious financial bind; therefore I must secure employment quickly.

I am choosing to continue my health insurance coverage through XYZ Corporation by taking advantage of the COBRA program until I find a new job. I would appreciate your providing me with the necessary paperwork that I will complete to activate the COBRA program. I realize that I have to pay the full price for coverage through COBRA. In addition, I will expect a check for the money that is in my 401-K fund along with any instructions related to reinvestment options. I am ready and willing to go through the Human Resources Department exit interview explained on page 23 of the employee handbook as soon as it can be scheduled.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 14 years of employment at XYZ Corporation until the last two weeks when I was falsely accused of stealing money from the petty cash fund. I have worked very hard for the company over the years. I have received only good evaluations from my superiors and I have earned three promotions. Should you choose to contact me for further questions please do so at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email]


Kimberly Evans

Kimberly C. Evans”

Sample 5:

“Dear [Recipients Name],

Due to sudden events, I am forced to inform you of my resignation from the post of_________.

Disappointing and unexpected circumstances demand that I submit my resignation from my position. The reason behind my resignation is that I have recently been receiving a lot of anonymous messages, and emails that are all very demotivating in nature.

I believe that my recent speech about employees violating the company policy has caused this. These threats have been taking a toll on me and my work, and I am getting to be very stressed about these events.

I leave the company immediately lest anything bad happens to me. I appreciate the opportunities that you have given me over the years.


Sample 6:

“Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

This resignation letter aims to inform you that I will be leaving my position with _____ effective September 30th, 201X.

Because I don’t understand why I have been forced to resign, I feel angry and betrayed. Given the choice to either resign or be discharged, I hereby solely submit my resignation from my position.

I have started work as per your guideline, but still, you maintain that I have not fulfilled my obligation to you. In my view, this is wrongful termination, and I will consult with an attorney shortly.

If there is anything you wish to settle, please notify me as soon as possible.



Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I walk out of my job?

No, you can’t walk out of your job. If you are walking out of your job,  getting your things, and tailing out of the building, your employer can’t prevent you from walking away. 

Do I get my holiday pay if I leave my job?

Yes, you can get your holiday pay if you leave your job when you have some holidays that you unable to spend on your work calendar. The employment contract can make your employer convince you to take your unused holiday to work through the notice period.

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