Feeling fed up (What to do)

In this brief blog, we are going to discuss what to do if you are feeling fed up.

Sometimes in life we get fed up due to the amount of stress and pressure we go through.

Feeling fed up

Feeling fed up is a feeling we will all experience at some point or the other, It is unlikely that any one of us will go through life without having a moment where we feel completely fed up with what has happened, completely fed up in regards to how we have been treated or completely fed up with how the day has gone. 

If you are feeling fed up then the best thing to do is to take a moment and tune out. Try and reset yourself to tackle whatever made you feel fed up.

You could be feeling fed up as you are beginning to get depressed or suffering from low mood, it could also simply be because you have had way too many stressful events and you are overloaded with emotional stress.

Feeling fed up with life

If you are feeling fed up with life you should definitely take a break, try and relax and see if you feel better.

If you still don’t feel better after a moment of rest then you may want to consider speaking to your family and friends about how you are feeling and seeking mental health help.

The last thing you should do in this case is to go on and hurt yourself as this will not bring about any positive outcome.

Feeling fed up with work

If you are feeling fed up with work then maybe you are 7under enormous pressure due to the high demands placed on you by your boss and you can’t cope.

If this is the case then you should inform your boss that you are suffering from burnout and you need to rest.

If you are feeling fed up with your work because you are tired of doing the same job or you simply have lost motivation for your work then you can quit your job or look for new jobs.

There may be a lot of things out there that may motivate you and there is no need to stay with the same job even though you are feeling fed up with it.

What to do when feeling fed up?

Not dealing properly with your emotions is bad as if you are constantly feeling fed up but do nothing about it you will eventually begin to lose control of your emotions and may become depressed and even suicidal. This could lead you to self-harm or other types of harmful behaviour.

When you are feeling fed up the first thing to do is find out why you are feeling fed up.

If you struggle to find the root cause of your issues then speaking with a mental health therapist who may be able to help you with techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy which helps identify what is causing a particular feeling and identifies techniques to help with it.

Once you have found what is making you feel fed up you can then look at ways to minimise this feeling, maybe changing your lifestyle, maybe planning ahead for major changes in your life, maybe changing your social circle.

Come up with a plan addressing each particular point which is making you feel fed up and then begin to put your plan into practice.

Carrying a notebook with all your plans in may also be helpful as this will ensure that you always have a plan with you and if you begin to feel fed up you can resort to your plan and take action to ensure you start feeling better.

Take a break

Taking a break is a good step, sometimes we simply can’t just jump back into it and continue what we were doing in the past.

Sometimes we need to simply accept that we need a break as we have been feeling fed up and we need to take some time out before we restart whatever activity we were doing which brought us to this point.

Taking a break will allow us to reflect on if we did the right things and what led us to feel fed up.

Taking a break will allow us to create reasonable solutions to our problem.


Another great way to relax when feeling fed up is by meditating. Meditating will allow you to relax and attract more positive energy whilst getting rid of any negative vibes.

Meditating is also a very good way of finding out what the root causes of the stress or depression you are feeling is.

Make a feel-good list

Making a feel-good list is a great idea. A feel-good list will help you feel much better, feel much more relaxed and could act as your go-to list whenever you are feeling fed up.

Call a friend

If you are feeling fed up then calling a friend may also be a good option. Your friend may be able to help you find the root causes of your issues and talk you through how to get yourself feeling better.

Take a walk

Taking a walk is a very good way to clear your mind and explore your thoughts in peace.

You may be able to trace why you are feeling fed up and come up with a solution to get you feeling much better.

If you have tried all of these and they haven’t worked for you are you are still feeling fed up then seeking expert mental help may be the best solution for you.

What to do if you are thinking of killing yourself?

If you are feeling fed up and thinking of killing yourself, you may be faced with some very huge and complex decisions.

The reality is that your mind will be racing so fast that you won’t be able to help yourself, you won’t be able to think properly and you may not be able to break down and understand what you are truly going through.  

Taking a moment to slow down and consider what is happening, what is driving you to this point may help you reflect better.

Consider speaking to someone, anyone, 999, 911, consider calling Samaritans, consider speaking to your counsellor or therapist, your friends, your family, a stranger.

Speak to anyone who may be interested in helping you as they could potentially give you more clarity on what you are going through and how to overcome it.

Speaking to Samaritans

Samaritans are known to have helped a lot of people who have come to this difficult moment of trying to kill themselves.

The Samaritans telephone line is open 24 hours a day. This means you can access the hotline at every single second of every year.

If you are feeling suicidal just give Samaritans a call on 116 123.

You can find more information about calling Samaritans for help about feeling suicidal here.

If you can’t quite figure out what is happening or need help breaking it down further then Samaritans will be able to help you talk through things.

You may be sceptical about how talking could help you solve your problems but talking can indeed go a long way to helping you solve your problems.

If you are feeling desperate and on the edge then Samaritans can certainly help you make sense of it all.

Samaritans will also be able to help you understand other forms of help which may be available to you.

Are you suicidal?

It’s a worthwhile question as sometimes we can’t really tell how we are feeling.

If you are experiencing any of the below thoughts then a chat with Samaritans may be worth it:

You feel like you want to die

You feel like you have no more options

You have lost all hope or will

You want a solution to the nightmare you are facing and can’t see any other way out but to kill yourself

You feel alone, betrayed, abandoned and just want to end that feeling

You aren’t really planning on killing yourself but you won’t mind it happening either

You feel out of control and you feel like many things in your life are now out of your control and you see death as the only way to regain control

You can’t quite figure out why you are having suicidal thoughts and you feel very powerless to help yourself

Will Samaritans stop you from killing yourself?

Samaritans will do all they can to show you that there is a more positive outcome and hope that you will not kill yourself.

They will hope to get you to see things from a different and more positive viewpoint.

Of Course, Samaritans will not enforce anything on you and you are free to make whatever decisions you feel are necessary, including the decision to end your life.

Samaritans will respect whatever decision you make and will continue to talk to you even if you have made the decision to end your life.

Will Samaritans tell anybody I’m suicidal?

No Samaritans will never disclose such information or even disclose that you ever called unless you ask them to.

The only exceptions to this are when Samaritans will call the emergency services. They will do this if:

You ask them to, and you’re unable to call for yourself

You’ve already told Samaritans your address, location or phone number, and then become incoherent or unconscious during the call

You’re in one of Samaritans branches, and you’ve harmed yourself in a way that puts you in danger at that time.

What if you don’t want to talk on the phone?

If you don’t want to talk on the phone then there are various other ways to contact Samaritans.

You could visit a branch

Write a letter



PO Box 9090



Email Samaritans

If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, loneliness or any similar mental health issue then seeking help for it may be a good option.

Mental health issues such as depression, loneliness and anxiety can affect anyone of us.

If you are under 18 then CAMHS, an NHS run programme may just be the answer for your mental health struggles.

You should look to see if you meet the CAMHS referral criteria and then fill in the CAMHS referral form.

In this brief guide, we discussed what to do if you are feeling fed up, We hope you have found some useful points in this guide.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know below.

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