Does Natalia Dyer have an eating disorder? (+9 myths)
In this blog post, we will answer the question “does Natalia Dyer have an eating disorder?” and look at the myths and misconceptions surrounding eating disorders. We will also look at who Natalia Dyer is and the eating disorders with their symptoms.
Does Natalia Dyer have an eating disorder?
It is not certain that Natalia Dyer is suffering from an eating disorder. The renowned actress has not confirmed or addressed the allegations that she is anorexic. The tabloids and media platforms, however, have been scrutinizing and making conclusions that she is anorexic from her physical appearance and lean figure.
Most people have been making comparisons with her previous picture to make this conclusion. We, however, feel this is not enough evidence to show that Natalie is suffering from an eating disorder. This sensitive matter shows how misinformed people can be about eating disorders and conclusions made based on a person’s physical outlook. We will discuss the common myths and misconceptions about eating disorders, but before we do that, let us look at who Natalia Dyer is.
Who is Natalia Dyer?
Natalie Danielle Dyer is an American actress who has risen to fame from her starring role as Nancy Wheeler in the Netflix Sci-fi horror series Stranger Things. She started acting at age 12 in 2006 in the comedy-drama, Hanna Montana before getting a breakthrough from her starring role in Stranger Things in 2016.
Apart from her outstanding success in acting, she has received a lot of criticism for her slim figure. The media and most people online believe that she is battling anorexia nervosa. Since the actress has not come out to address any of those claims, let us educate ourselves on what eating disorders are, and their types and also look at the common myths and misconceptions surrounding eating disorders.
What are eating disorders?
Eating disorders are a range of psychological disorders that are characterized by abnormal eating habits that have a serious negative impact on one’s life and make one unable to function in simple areas of one’s life. Most eating disorders focus on one being preoccupied with their weight, diet and body shape. These lead to dangerous eating habits that impact the body’s ability to get appropriate nutrition.
Eating disorders mostly develop in teens and young disorders but can also develop at other ages. They are also very common among women as compared to men. The major eating disorders include:
- Anorexia nervosa
- Bulimia nervosa
- Binge eating
- Restrictive/avoidant food intake disorder
- Rumination

The warning signs of eating disorders include:
The warning signs of eating disorders include:
- Excessive focus on healthy eating and exercising
- Withdrawing from social activities
- Making excuses for skipping meals
- Adopting restrictive diets
- Frequently checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
- Making own meals rather than eating what the rest are having
- Using laxatives, dietary supplements and other medication that induce weight loss
- Persistent worry and complaints about being fat and unhealthy
- Exessive exercises
- Calluses on the knuckles brought by inducing vomiting
- Eating in secret
- Eating too much food or snacking than is considered normal
- Having too many bathroom breaks during meals
- Expressing shame, guilt, depression or anxiety about eating habits
Myths and misconceptions about eating disorders
People with eating disorders are very thin
Fact: many people with eating disorders are not underweight
Like the case of Natalia Dyer, the media portrays people with eating disorders as underweight and thin. This is, however, not an immediate indication of eating disorders.
While some eating disorders cause extreme weight loss, others do not. An example is binge eating. Research shows that 70% of people with eating disorders are obese. This myth can be damaging to people with eating disorders who are not underweight as they feel they are not sick
Eating disorders only affect teenagers and young people
Fact: eating disorders affect people of all ages
Although research shows that the onset of eating disorders is during the teenage years, the disorders can affect people of any age including young children. This myth could have been a contributor to people thinking that Natalia Dyer has an eating disorder. Recent research shows that children as young as 5 and 6 are receiving treatment for eating disorders.
Older adults can also have eating disorders. While some develop eating disorders at this advanced age, some carry it from childhood or teenage years into adulthood.
Eating disorders are a way to get attention
Fact: people develop eating disorders for various reasons but as a way of getting attention is not one of them.
This would also be a contributor to people assuming that Natalia Dyer has an eating disorder. Young actresses are scrutinized and believed to have extreme diets and exercise regimes s as to look thin and get attention from the media and other tabloids.
Eating disorders are not a personal choice. In fact, many people try to hide the fact that they have an eating disorder rather than use it to get attention. Common factors that can lead to the development of eating disorders include:
- Negative coping mechanisms for stressors or trauma like bullying or bereavement
- Genetics
- Mental illnesses
Once a person with an eating disorder starts to eat, they become better
Fact: eating disorders are not just about food
One commenter on Natalia Dyer’s picture asked her to start eating. Eating disorders are mental conditions, and not just about food. Developing healthy eating habits is not the only component of recovery.
People in the recovery from eating disorders need to also to work on the root causes and contributors of the eating disorder, learn coping mechanisms, resolve past trauma, build self-esteem and learn stress coping mechanisms.
People with eating disorders will never recover
Fact: full recovery from an eating disorder is possible
With the right treatment plan, it is possible to make a full recovery from an eating disorder. For those who do not fully recover, most see an improvement in their condition.
Recovery time varies. Some people will make a full recovery in a short time, while others may need extended treatment programs. Regular doctor appointments, having healthy meal plans and self-care tips are important for those in recovery.
Relapses are also normal in recovery and having mental health professionals in your circles will help in managing your condition and avoid full-blown relapses.
Anorexia is the only serious eating disorder
Fact: any eating disorder can cause potentially life-threatening risks that can have adverse effects on an individual.
Research has shown that the mortality rate of bulimia and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED) is approaching that of anorexia nervosa. People who use diuretics, and laxatives to induce vomiting increase their risk of sudden death and heart attacks due to the imbalance of electrolytes.
Excessive exercise increases the amount of stress on the body and this also increases the risk of death.
Since I do not see a loved one engaging in disordered eating anymore, I do not need to worry
Fact: many people with eating disorders hide their symptoms due to shame or fear that someone will stop them. Many people recovering from eating disorders have opened up about hiding their symptoms from their loved ones.
It is therefore important to keep expressing your concern to a loved one who is suffering from an eating disorder and gain their trust so that they are able to open up when they are struggling.
If my loved one insists they are fine, I should believe them
Fact: sometimes, people suffering from eating disorders are not aware that they are sick or some might deny the presence of an illness so as not to be stopped. Many have no self-awareness of the adverse effects the illness is having on their is, therefore, your duty as a loved one to express concern and insist on the treatment of the illness.
Having strict rules about eating and restrictive diets are not a problem
Fact: what appears to be a strict diet on the surface can be the beginning of an eating disorder. Disordered eating can have adverse medical effects on an individual, such as bone loss and anaemia.
Chronic dieting has been associated with the development of eating disorders. Addressing these concerns right away can help in the prevention and mitigation of an eating disorder before it becomes full-blown.
We hope this blog post has helped you understand who Natalia Dyer is and whether she has an eating disorder. We have also looked at what eating disorders are, the common types of eating disorders and the warning signs of eating disorders. Finally, we have discussed the common myths and misconceptions surrounding eating disorders and demystified them by giving you facts.
If you have questions or comments, please let us know in the comment section below.
Frequently asked questions: Does Natalia Dyer have an eating disorder?
Is Bulimia a coping mechanism?
For individuals who are at risk of developing bulimia nervosa, trauma can lead to the development of bulimia out of the need for a coping mechanism.
Can bulimia cause PTSD?
Research shows that approximately 37-40% of people with bulimia experience co-occurring PTSD. The rate of PTSD is higher in those with purging behaviours than those with other disordered eating behaviours.
How old is Natalia Dyer?
As of 2022, the actress is 27 years old
What size is Natalia Dyer?
She is 1.63M in height
William K. (May 30, 2022). Does Natalia Dyer Suffering From Eating Disorder? Retrieved from
Harvey (May 29, 2022). Natalia Dyer’s Weight Loss: Is the Stranger Things Cast Affected by Anorexia? Learn More About Her Eating Disorder! Retrieved from
Feetway (June 1, 2022). Natalia Dyer Weight Loss. Nancy Wheeler’s Diet & After Before Photos. Retrieved from