Does Daredevil have BPD? (+7 Signs of BPD)

In this interesting article, we will be answering if Daredevil has BPD by listing out the various signs and symptoms of this mental health disorder which he portrays. In addition to this, we will also be checking out the other mental health disorders that Daredevil could be suffering from.

Does Daredevil have BPD?

Yes, Daredevil has BPD. Although this has not been confirmed in the Daredevil comics, movies or series, the character also known as Matt Murdock definitely shows a number of signs of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Matt Murdock essentially comes across as a depressed character who simply wants to help others. However, in looking closely at his actions and his behaviors, it can be understood that Matt/Daredevil suffers from BPD. Some of the signs of BPD that Daredevil shows are:

He does not have stable relationships

In both his appearances as Matt Murdock and Daredevil, the character never really shows many stable relationships. This can be hard to figure out and understand since Matt is basically surrounded by people most of the time.

Those who are closest to Daredevil are Foggy, Karen and Elektra as portrayed in the movies and the series. However, even with them, Matt/Daredevil does not exactly share a stable relationship. The relationships are mostly hanging by a thread, and are divided between his two identities.

He shows a high fear of abandonment

Matt Murdock also shows a very high fear of abandonment. Despite his instability in relationships with others, Matt is still very insecure and afraid that others might leave him at any point of time.

This fear of abandonment is quite common in Borderline Personality Disorder. In Daredevil, this particular fear seems to come from his own father abandoning him as a child which has stuck strongly with Matt throughout his life.

Matt Murdock also shows this particular fear of abandonment through a number of ways. For example, even though Foggy is his oldest friend and confidante, Matt still does not tell him about his Daredevil identity for fear that this might result in Foggy abandoning him.

In another instance, Matt understands well that Elektra is a bad influence on him. However, he is very deeply afraid of her abandoning him, and therefore decides to lose his autonomy in their relationship.

He exhibits a lot of self-harming traits

In the Daredevil story arc, the main character can be seen exhibiting a number of self-harming behaviors and traits. This can be actually seen much more in the Daredevil comics than the movies and series.

The self-harming behaviors in Daredevil are not exactly direct, but more indirect in nature. Daredevil knowingly takes part in very dangerous activities, even though he knows his physical limits and disadvantages.

This type of self-harming behavior is pretty common in a number of mental health disorders, and very much characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder. Daredevil has even been said to be suicidal at many pints in his story arc.

Daredevil is surely impulsive in nature

Apart from taking part in reckless activities due to his self-harming behavior, Daredevil also takes part in dangerous activities as a result of his impulsivity. In fact, Matt Murdock’s entire identity as Daredevil comes as a result of these high levels of impulsivity.

While he tries to justify his actions mainly based on his need to save others, in many instances, his impulsivity is seen in him throwing more punches than necessary and going on to actually kill people.

He has a distorted self-image

Matt Murdock also seems to suffer from a distorted self-image. At times, he is this very confident lawyer/vigilante. At many other times, he is this sad and whiny person who is cowering in fear.

This distortion in his self-image also tends to change depending on the person whom he is with. Mostly, Matt Murdock seems to easily absorb the energies of the person whom he is interacting with, and piggy-backs on their self-image.

When he is with Foggy, he is a very human character showing lots of empathy to others. When he is with Karen, he acts like the perfect gentleman since he knows well that this is what she needs and expects from him.

When he is with Elektra, Daredevil acts very sharp and arrogant and easily takes on the leadership role as much as he can. Those who have Borderline Personality Disorder often go through distortions in their self-image just like this.

He often changes his perception of others

Not only does Daredevil go through changes in his self-image, but he can also be seen constantly changing his perceptions of others. He sometimes idealizes someone to the highest extent, but then immediately crashes this perception of them.

This can be seen in his relationship with Elektra, whom he considers perfect and the center of his universe at one point, and then changes his understanding of her, calling her evil at another point in time.

These changes in perception can also be seen in Daredevil’s approach to his other enemies and villains who threaten those who are close to him. Sudden changes in perception are also characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder.

His emotional responses are intense

Daredevil’s emotional responses to others and their actions are also quite intense in nature. This basically gives birth to his identity of Daredevil from Matt Murdock, who is just a lawyer. Due to these intense emotional swings, Daredevil takes matters into his own hands.

Even after he completely transforms into Daredevil, these intense emotional swings still live with Matt. His enemies also know well of this. And during many fights, Daredevil can be seen easily losing his cool after hearing or seeing something very hurtful.

Daredevil’s mental health disorders

Daredevil, from the comics, movies and series, is often touted to have a number of mental health issues. Most fans and viewers assume that he might actually have Borderline Personality Disorder due to a number of characteristic signs of this PD that he shows.

Some other diagnoses which have been discussed in relation to Daredevil are listed as follows,

  • Depression: Most commonly, Daredevil is thought to have Depression. He has had a tough childhood and this has mostly led to his struggles with depression as an adult. In several instances, Daredevil refers to his depression as a ‘demon’.

While he may seem tough on the outside, Matt Murdock actually struggles with depression throughout his life, mainly triggered by the death of his father. It is highly possible that Daredevil struggles with depression and some other personality disorder.

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Another possible diagnosis for Daredevil is actually Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is also pretty likely since the character has actually gone through a number of severe tragedies and traumas in his life.

His biggest loss was his own eyesight which he suffered as a young child when he was trying to save an elderly man. He then goes on to lose his own father at a very young age, further bringing him trauma.

Later, Daredevil goes on to lose Elektra, the love of his life, who is killed by Bullseye. Still later, he loses Karen Page, his long-time friend and confidante. As a result of several traumas like these, it can be assumed that Daredevil might be having complex-PTSD


In this interesting article, we have answered if Daredevil has BPD by listing out the various signs and symptoms of this mental health disorder which he portrays. In addition to this, we have also checked out the other mental health disorders that Daredevil could be suffering from.

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