Did undressed skeleton have an eating disorder? (+9 symptoms of anorexia nervosa)
In this blog post, we shall answer the question “did undressed skeleton have an eating disorder?” and look at what eating disorders are, the prevalence of eating disorders and the warning signs of eating disorders. We shall also look at different eating disorders and their symptoms. Finally, we shall look at treatment options available for eating disorders.
Did undressed skeleton have an eating disorder?
Yes, undressed skeleton had an eating disorder. She opened up and discussed her struggle with anorexia nervosa. She also talked about her struggles with weight, fitness and food.
She talked about how she got obsessed with losing weight and this triggered anorexia. This made her purchase and wear clothes from the kids’ section as those in the women’s section would not fit her anymore. She also struggled with maintaining a balance between being overweight and underweight.
Before delving deep into eating disorders and their types, let us look at who the undressed skeleton is.
Who is undressed skeleton?
Taralynn Mcnitt is a full-time lifestyle blogger who has a lifestyle blog called Simply Taralynn. With twelve years of blogging, she has gotten a huge following for her blogs where she talks about travelling, healthy living, gardening, home decor and cooking new recipes.
She started sharing her health journey twelve years ago and her story has been inspiring many people, especially those struggling with eating disorders. In one of her blogs, she talks about her journey of recovery from anorexia nervosa. She even shared her before and after pictures when she was sick.
Undressed skeleton journey of recovery
Back in 2011, Taralynn was famous for her website called undressed skeleton. She talked about and made 1000-ish calorie meals and recipes that were healthy and made people lose weight. Her weight loss journey became popular, but people did not know that she struggled to maintain a balance between being overweight and underweight.
When she started, she was overweight. When she started losing weight, she did everything right such as working out and eating healthily. After losing 60lbs, it became difficult to lose more weight, and this started her obsession with losing weight. She started focusing on the numbers on the scale, working out all day, avoiding fatty foods, avoiding carbs, counting calories and avoiding anything with sugars.
From this point, her journey became unhealthy and addictive. She became very skinny and started withdrawing from family and friends so as to focus on her weight loss journey. In her mind, she thought she was doing the right thing.
One time, when her mother saw her before she went into the bathroom and started crying, she knew she had a problem. The more people told her she looked skinny and beautiful, the more she sank deeper into her eating disorder. Exposed bones and ribs satisfied her.
She started getting clothes from the kids’ section, stayed in the room more often because of feeling too cold and her liver started shutting down from overusing diuretics. Before we look at other symptoms of anorexia that undressed skeleton had, let us look at what anorexia nervosa is.
Which eating disorder did undressed skeleton suffer from?
Undressed skeleton suffered from anorexia nervosa. It is a severe eating disorder characterized by abnormal body weight, distorted body image, and unwarranted fear of gaining weight. In order to prevent weight gain, anorexic people try to control their body weight by vomiting food, using laxatives, diet aids, and excessive exercise.

Common symptoms of anorexia that undressed skeleton had include;
- Thin appearance
- Extremely low body weight
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- dry skin
- hair that easily falls off
- preoccupation with food
- skipping meals
- refusing to eat
- denying hunger
- complaints of being overweight
- measuring weight often
- lying about the quantity of food taken.
- Excessive exercising
- Social withdrawal
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Reduced interest in sex
- Dehydration
- Swelling of arms and legs
- Dry or yellowish skin
- Low blood pressure
- Irregular heart rhythm
- Abnormal blood count
- Absence of menstruation
- Bluish colouring on finger
- Constipation
- Eroded teeth
Causes include; biological factors such as genes, psychological factors such as temperaments and environmental factors such as societal demands.
It usually begins during the teenage and early adulthood years. It is more common in women than in men.
Anorexia is the most deadly mental illness. One study found that people with anorexia are 56 times more likely to commit suicide than people without an eating disorder. (Eating Disorders Coalition, 2016).
How does undressed skeleton describe anorexia nervosa?
From her blog she says, “No one will ever understand until they have the disease. I didn’t choose to have it, I didn’t want to be in so much pain, and I didn’t know how to “just stop”. She said that her hair started to fall off, had pale skin, and could not walk half a mile without wanting to faint. She also said that her behaviour was off and she started doing things that were not normal.
The also reports that she felt like someone else was driving her body and she was just there.
What help did undressed skeleton seek for her eating disorder?
Taralynn’s story is very helpful for anyone going through an eating disorder and who wants to recover from it. She is very candid and honest about her experience and this can help people struggling with the same relation to her symptoms and take a step toward recovery. Her story will encourage you to:
- Accept that you are sick and your life has become unmanageable. The journey to recovery started when Taralynn accepted that she was sick. Through a family intervention, she agreed to seek therapy.
- Go for therapy. Taralynn joined outpatient therapy for months which helped her identify her compulsive behaviours and change her negative thinking patterns to more positive ones.
- Give up unhealthy diets. For undressed skeleton to heal fully, she had to give up the artificial sweeteners, and fat-free foods and focus on her health instead of focusing on losing weight. She started eating a healthy diet with protein, vegetables, complex carbs, fresh fruits, and tons of water.
- Follow the doctor and therapist’s instructions to the end. Doctor appointments and therapy sessions are structured for a certain time to ensure a full and complete recovery. The reason why many people relapse and do not heal completely is the discontinuation of treatment without a go-ahead from their health professional. Undressed skeleton stuck with her reviews until her doctor cleared her.
- Have a healthy exercise regime. She was given an exercise regime and began to exercise as a way to be healthy instead of counting calories and focussing on a scale. She now says that she loves the strong muscles in her legs, eating healthy foods, and being friends with her body.
- Share your story and talk openly about it. This should only be done when one feels ready. It took Taralynn four years to share her recovery journey. Sharing your journey not only encourages others going through the same, but it also helps you see the strength in you beating an eating disorder. You can choose to share it with close family and friends, in support groups or with the public.
Treatment of eating disorders
Some antidepressants like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors help in reducing episodes of binging and vomiting. They are also effective in treating depression and anxiety which are common co-occurring disorders among people with eating disorders.
The undressed skeleton advised her followers and fans to go to therapy. She joined outpatient therapy for months which helped her identify her compulsive behaviours. Cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of therapy which helps a person with eating disorders change their negative thinking patterns about their self-image to more positive ones.
Therapy also helps them deal with the underlying causes and triggers of their eating disorders. Finally, therapists can help them develop positive coping mechanisms for their life stressors.
Support groups
The undressed skeleton advises people to talk openly about their eating disorders. These will not only help you feel like you are not alone in the journey of recovering from eating disorders but will also give you a platform for free association where you can openly discuss the struggles of the illness without being ashamed or feeling guilty. Support groups also help in encouraging each other and keep one accountable.
Nutritive counselling
This involves having sessions with a registered dietitian or counsellor on healthy eating habits to help you get back on track and avoid relapses.
Healthy coping skills for eating disorders
- Talk with friends and family. Do not isolate yourself!
- Become involved in activities you enjoy doing. They will boost your self-esteem
- Make a list of positive affirmations, choose one and use it for the next 21 days. The affirmation will be a part of you
- Get an emotional support animal
- Practice mindfulness, i.e. yoga
- Make a gratitude list
- Journal your feelings throughout the day
- Choose a hobby or pick new skills
- Grow your support system
We have looked at who undressed skeleton is and her struggle with an eating disorder. We have also looked at how she overcame her eating disorder. We have discussed what anorexia nervosa is, its symptoms and its causes.
Finally, we have looked at treatment options for anorexia and the healthy coping skills for managing anorexia. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know in the comment section below.
Frequently asked questions: undressed skeleton eating disorder
What are three examples of disordered eating?
- Feeling guilty and shame about eating habits
- Dieting
- Having anxiety about food and skipping meals
- Rigid exercise and eating routines
- Excessive counting of calories
What is the death rate from eating disorders?
Without treatment, 20% of those with serious eating disorders die, while with treatment, the mortality rate falls to 2-3%
What is the age that is more likely to suffer from an eating disorder?
Ages of 12-25. Eating disorders are more common in females than men.
Who has the highest rate of disordered eating?
Gay men are 7 times more likely to report binge eating and 12 times more likely to report purging than heterosexual men. Research shows that bisexual and gay men are more likely to use laxatives, diet pills and vomit to control their weight.
Simply Taralynn, (May 21, 2014). Journey to recovery. Retrieved from https://simplytaralynn.com/2014/05/21/hello-my-name-is-taralynn-i-am-a-recovering/
Health above all else, (February 17, 2015). Undressed skeleton. Retrieved from https://healthaboveallelse.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/undressed-skeleton/
Mayo Clinic, Anorexia Nervosa. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anorexia-nervosa/symptoms-causes/syc-20353591