Depression suddenly gone (+ what it means)

This article will explain what it means when a person has a feeling their depression is suddenly gone. The article will explain what depression is, what are its types, the best treatments, and ways of coping with it.

Why do I feel like my depression is suddenly gone?

It might be that when a person is feeling depressed and it is gone all of a sudden they are experiencing a type of depression called Atypical depression. 

This one, the same as other types of depression, is based on the intense presence of sadness, but in Atypical depression, a person may feel a sudden improvement of their condition based on some positive experience, events, or news.

Atypical depression comes with all the same symptoms that other depressive disorders do, but some important signs can show a person has Atypical depression. It might be that the person has a sudden lift in their humor caused by some positive events, and it might impact their appetite. 

They might start eating more and notice some weight gain. People with Atypical depression can also start sleeping more, and even when they are awake, they might still not feel rested or still feel sleepy. 

This type of depression can also make a person highly sensitive to criticism and rejection which can impact their social relationships.

As a physical symptom, they tend to feel heaviness on their limbs, feeling that arms and legs are heavy. This can go on for hours or even days. 

The Atypical disorder is mostly developed during younger age, being common for teenagers to have it, it can also go on for longer, assuming a chronic course. People might develop Atypical depression because of several factors, it can be because of brain chemical imbalance, or genetic factors, meaning when a person has blood relatives that also experienced depression.

Another factor that may impact a person developing Atypical depression is having Bipolar Disorder, which can cause them to have moments of feeling less depressed, and when a person abuses or misuses drugs and alcohol. 

They might also experience it if they went through a traumatic childhood experience, or environmental stress, that can be caused by the loss of someone or other types of stress.

The main complications of this type of depression are the weight gain that can come from eating more, the interpersonal problems caused by the difficulty to deal with criticism, they may also develop anxiety as a response to this mood swing, it can make them anxious not knowing when they will get better or worse. This all can lead to thoughts of death and suicide.

There are some ways one can cope with Atypical depression. It might be good to discover ways to deal with stressful situations, once you can do that, those won’t feel as heavy as they might feel at the moment.

Looking for social support, whether it is from family or friends can be a way to feel connected, supported, and maybe more hopeful when dealing with a negative situation.

Another great way to deal with Atypical depression is to look for professional help on the long hall. Since this type of depression comes and goes, it might be important to have support from a professional not only in the crisis moments, but also when your mood is better, it can help you deal with the frustration of the mood swings, and create strategies to what to do when you are up and when you are down.

What is depression?

There are many types of depression, but it can be generally described as a mental illness that causes the person to live with an intense sense of sadness, it also makes them feel less hopeful about life and the future, lose interest in things and purpose in life, along with a deep feeling of emptiness and a diminished sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Depression affects about 5% of the world’s population, and a person can be considered depressed when they experience its symptoms intensely for a period greater than two weeks. The main symptoms of depression are:

  • Change in appetite pattern
  • Change in sleeping pattern
  • Excessive crying or inability to cry even when they want to
  • Irritability
  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of ability to focus
  • Isolation
  • Pains that don’t have an organic origin and headache
  • Thoughts of death and suicide

What are other types of depression?

There are many types of depression, and there can be some particular symptoms to each of them, so let’s look at what other types of depression there are.

Major depression

It is when a person experiences depressive symptoms in an intense manner, all day, and every day. It mostly doesn’t relate to what is going on around the person. The symptoms are the main depressive symptoms, what changes is the intensity of it.

People with major depression tend to have difficulty doing basic activities such as getting out of bed. And their episodes can last from weeks to months. Being that a person can experience more than one episode of major depression in their life.

Persistent depression

It is called Persistent depression, one that lasts longer than two years. It might not be as intense as Major Depression, it can even happen that, in some periods the person’s symptoms feel less intense, but because of how long it goes on it can also cause a great deal of damage to the person’s life.

Bipolar disorder or Manic Depression

In Bipolar disorder the person swings between moments of depression and mania or hypomania. In those periods the person tends to be more impulsive, usually has less need for sleep, feels more energetic, and can have some grandiose thinking or put themselves in risky situations or do things like overspend money.

Depressive Psychosis

People with Major Depression can develop Depressive Psychosis, in it, the person can develop hallucinations and delusions. It can also cause a person to also have some physical symptoms such as slowed physical movements.

Perinatal Depression

It is a depression that a woman develops before giving birth or up to 4 weeks after birth. It can cause the woman to have trouble bonding with the baby, and it can be caused by the hormonal changes women experience while pregnant and after delivering the baby. 

Aside from the regular depression symptoms, that woman can also have increased worry about the baby.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

It is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in which not only the physical symptoms are felt, but there are psychological symptoms that can be intense. 

Instead of the regular angst that might happen in PMS, some women might feel it so intense that they have difficulty doing basic activities. This form of the disorder is also associated with hormonal changes.

Seasonal depression

It is a depression that is related to the season. People usually feel less energy, are more isolated and have an increased need for sleep.

Situational depression

It is also called an adjustment disorder. It is an emotional reaction the person might experience because of a specific situation, such as the loss of a job. Its symptoms are similar to the ones of major depression but they tend to go on for a smaller period.

What are ways to treat and cope with depression?

Depending on the intensity of the depression, it might be important to look for professional help, and even start medication treatment. Those will help diminish your depressive symptoms and also create a space where you can talk about your feelings.

It might also be helpful, to help you cope with depression, to have social support, that can make you feel more connected. Find activities that can help you focus on the right here and right now, like meditation and breathing exercises, as well as working out.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ): What does it mean when my depression is suddenly gone?

Is it possible for depression to just end?

No, it is highly impossible for depression to just go away. If a person doesn’t look for treatment, it can go on for years. But with adequate treatment, a person can start to feel its symptoms decrease little by little. 

Can a person be depressed their whole life?

Each person works differently when it comes to depression. Depending on the type of depression the person has, it can mean that it will be a short or longer episode. 

Another thing that can impact how long depression lasts is if they seek treatment or not. It can also sometimes feel like a person has been depressed forever, but it is important to highlight that it can be that a person has multiple depressive episodes throughout their life. 

How can I know what kind of depression I have?

A great way to know what type of depression you have is through symptom observation. One can do that by making an emotional journal, where they write how they feel every day. Professional help can also help you identify what kind of depression you have by observing the patterns a person has when depressed.

Can a person be born depressed?

No, a person isn’t born with depression, but they can be born with the depression gene. And even when they are born with the gene, they might not develop depression throughout their life. But if they go through a life event that triggers them, they might develop depression. 

Having the depression gene can make it about 40% easier for a person to develop depression, but it won’t be the only cause why a person gets depressed. But the environmental factors tend to contribute 60% to a person developing depression.

Can a person with depression live alone?

Yes, a person with depression can live alone. Mental illness is not something that would prevent a person from taking care of themselves, in fact, in some cases, having to take care of yourself and the responsibilities that come with it can help a person to cope with depression.

But, once again, that is not true for everyone. Some people might feel overwhelmed dealing with the responsibilities of living alone. And if a person is having death thoughts or suicidal ideations, they must have people around to keep them safe. So observe how you feel, and in what moment of your depression, you are in before deciding to live alone.


In this article, it was explained why people might feel that their depression is suddenly gone, what it can mean, and how to deal with that. To make it clear, the article highlighted what are the types of depression and how one can look for treatment and cope with it.

If you have any questions or comments about this article, feel free to write it in the space below.


Singh T, Willians K. Atypical Depression.Psychiatry (Edgmont). 2006 Apr; 3(4): 33–39.

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