Cover letter for Schengen visa(5 samples)

This article will list samples of “cover letters for Schengen Visa.”

Samples of cover letters for Schengen Visa

When applying for a Schengen visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

  • Address the recipient with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can refer to them as sir/madam.
  • The next step is to state why you are writing the letter. 
  • Make a brief statement about your personal life. I.e, your status, and work-life among others.
  • List the documents you have attached.
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement. For example, “Kindly do a favor, and approve my application for an Irish passport. I shall be thankful to you for your kindness.”

Sample 1:


Immigration Officer

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Cover Letter for tourism to [Schengen Country] of [applicant name] with Passport No. __________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for a Schengen Visa to travel to [country name] from [enter date DD/MM/YY] to [enter date DD/MM/YY]

The purpose of my trip to [country name] is for tourism. I am excited to visit numerous tourist destinations such as [add places you plan to see] as well as experience [country name] unique cuisines and culture. Furthermore, I plan to visit the [city name(s)] to ensure I have the ultimate tourist experience.

[Feel free to add your schedule/itinerary and elaborate more on what you plan to do]

While visiting [country name], I plan to stay at the following hotels:

[hotel name and address] – [date DD/MM/YY]

[hotel name and address] – [date DD/MM/YY]

I am currently employed at [company name] with the title of [position] and have received approval for vacation days for the dates specified above. Furthermore, I will be supporting myself financially for my trip using [provide means of finances].

Please find attached all the required documents for my Schengen Visa application.

I trust that you will find everything is in order. However, if you have any questions or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.


[Your Complete Name] [Your Address]”

Sample 2:

“[Current Date]

[Name of Referring Hospital]

[Address and Phone]

[Patient Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [patient Name here], to document the medical need of [medication/treatment/equipment in question] for the treatment of [the exact diagnosis]. Please, find in this letter the information regarding the patient’s medical diagnosis and history and a summary of my treatment motive.

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [name], to confirm the medical necessity of [treatment/medication] for [the treatment in question]. This visa letter will contain information regarding [name (‘s)] medical diagnosis, history, and a summary of my treatment motivation.

Patient’s Diagnosis and History:

(Add applicable information of the patient’s diagnosis and medical history)


(Add applicable information about the patient’s treatment, the reason thereof, and how it will benefit the health of the patient)

Treatment Duration:

(Add the expected duration of the treatment)


As highlighted, the [medication/treatment] is truly necessary for my patient’s medical condition. I am confident that with the correct treatment and care, my patient would be able to successfully recover/improve.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further information is required to guarantee the approval of my patient’s medical treatment.


[name and signature of physician]”

Sample 3:


[Embassy name]

[Embassy address]

Dear Consul General:

I’m writing this letter to confirm that Mr./Mrs.[Name and last name] is an employee at [company name], as [job title/position].

During the last [number of years you’ve been working at the company], Mr./Mrs. [name] has been a key part of improving relationships with our investors abroad. As such, Mr./Mrs. [name] will be traveling to [name of city], [country] from [date of entry] until [date of exit] for a total of [number of days] to attend to the following work-related activities: [Write in as much detail as possible about the business that will be conducted abroad]

Furthermore, during this time, Mr./Mrs. [name] will be attending an important business meeting in (city name) to improve corporate relations with our partners abroad.

Mr./Mrs. [name] will be staying at [hotel name, address, phone number] and will return back to [country of origin] on the dates specified above.

I kindly ask for the [visa type] to be issued to Mr./Mrs. [name and surname] at your earliest convenience.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information.

Kind regards,

[Supervisor signature]

[Name and last name]


[Phone number]

[Address of employer]”

Sample 4:


Immigration Officer

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Sponsorship Letter for [Wifes name] with Passport No. __________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your full name], currently residing at [address] and a [country] citizen, am writing in support of my wife, [Wife’s full Name], visa application.

[Wife’s Name] will be traveling with me to [Destination name] for tourism and vacationing purposes. My wife and I will depart on [enter date DD/MM/YY] and return to [enter home country/other country] on [enter date DD/MM/YY].

During the dates specified above, my wife and I plan to visit [places you plan to visit] [add more details if applicable – a schedule, tours, etc.]. In addition, [Wife’s name] will be staying with me at [hotel name(s)]. Furthermore, I will cover all expenses through [provide means of funding].

Please find all the required documents attached to this letter to support the given statements.

Kind regards

[applicant name]

[Your home address]

[Your phone number]

[Your occupation]

[Your signature]”

Sample 5:

“April 03, 2017


No. 6/50G Shanti Path,

Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021


Subject: Anjali XXXXXXX, Indian Passport No: XXXXXX, Schengen Visa for Visit Friend/Famliy

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for a Schengen visa upon my intention to travel to Germany from June 2 to June 28, 2017.

The main purpose of my travel is to visit my German friends. However, I look very forward to also visit the magnificent sights throughout Germany, as well as experience the famous German food and learn the German culture and way of life. During my stay, me and my friends wish to spend a holiday in the Netherlands and France to celebrate my upcoming graduation.

I am employed at <name of employer> in <address of employer> since April 2014, currently holding the position of Marketing Executive. My employer has already approved my vacation from work for the duration of this trip.

Please, find the following documents to support my visa application:

 Visa application form, duly dated and signed with attached passport-size pictures

Passport, showing my travel experience

Travel Insurance, coverage of €30,000

E-ticket reservation for my flight via LH for New Delhi  – Frankfurt – New Delhi [June 2-June 28, 2017]

Hotel reservations for our holidays in the Netherlands and France

Employment and leave certificates showing approved leaves as well as the date I am expected to return to work

ITR, Payslips, and Savings Account as proof of my income

Also, the additional documents required for Medical Purposes Schengen Visa Application:

Enclosed copies of medical records about your condition

Bank statements and health insurance coverage to cover for medical expenses in [name of country]

Planned Itinerary:

June 2, 2017 – Flight from New Delhi to Frankfurt via LH-761

June 7, 2017 – Sightseeing in Germany

June 10, 2017 – Travel from Frankfurt to Amsterdam Schiphol; Arrive in Amsterdam and stay at Clemens Hotel

June 11, 2017 – Sightseeing in the Netherlands

June 14, 2017 – Travel from Amsterdam Schiphol to Paris Gard du Nord and stay at Ibis Hotel – Sacré Coeur

June 15, 2017 – Sacré Coeur, Opera, Tour Eiffel, Musee du Lourve

June 17, 2017 – Chateau de Versailles

June 20, 2017 – Travel from Paris Gard du Nord to Frankfurt via Air France

June 28, 2017 – Flight back to New Delhi from Frankfurt via  Lufthansa

I trust that you will find everything is in order. For any questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.


<Your Complete Name>

<Your Address>, India’

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Are The Types Of Schengen Visa Cover Letters?

There are mainly 3 types of cover letters:

  • A cover letter for tourism purposes 
  • A cover letter for business purposes 
  • A cover letter for medical purposes 

What should your cover letter include?

This Is What to Include in a Cover Letter

  • Proof That You’ve Done Your Homework. 
  • An Explanation of How Your Skills Relate to the Job. 
  • Your Excitement About the Position.

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