Cover letter for a radio jockey (5 samples)

This blog post will show samples of “cover letters for a radio jockey.”

Cover letter examples for a radio jockey

An engaging Radio Jockey cover letter can help you grab an employer’s attention, which can lead to landing an interview for a job. When writing a radio jockey cover letter, these are some of the important things to include in your letter:

  • Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the name of the recipient, you can refer to them as the hiring manager.
  • The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening. 
  • Make a brief statement about why you’re interested in the position.
  • State your skills and work experience. Ensure your skills and experiences are similar to the job position. When highlighting skills, provide the accomplishment you have achieved. 
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement. For example, “I look forward to discussing the position with you further.”

Sample 1:

“Dear Mr. Ivory,

I am submitting this packet in order to be considered for the Radio Jockey position that was listed on your website. My resume will reflect my skills and abilities that go hand in hand with what you are seeking. I have a great personality and have particular skills at interviewing those guests who would be visiting the show.

My background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Broadcasting and I have been working in the industry for over fifteen years with the last five co-hosting a show at a small radio station. Because of all of the internet competition, the radio station could no longer sustain itself and I now find myself looking for a new situation. Obviously, communication skills are required for this opening and I can provide plenty of examples of my on-air work at your request.

It is important that any radio station has a great team of employees who can bring in more listeners and advertising dollars. I know that my enthusiasm and sense of humor would be appreciated by your audience and that I would increase the listening audience. I would love to talk to you further in order to better illustrate my talents. I can be reached at any time to set up this meeting by calling (555)-555-5555.


Matthew Winkler

Matthew Winkler

Resume Attached as MS Word Document”

Sample 2:

“Shayna Booker

City, State, Zip Code

Home : 000-000-0000 Cell: 000-000-0000

Dear Mr. Hall,

I am writing to apply for the Radio jockey position with WKSS Radio Network. I am a broadcasting professional with over 12 years of on-air radio experience. In my current position as News Director/Radio Announcer with WBLR Radio, I gather and write daily news stories read the news each hour on the morning show and act as weekday morning co-host.

I have strong organizational skills with great attention to detail. My writing skills are above par and I am able to write engaging commercial spots and voice-overs. I have a very engaging personality quick wit and a pleasant clear voice. Listeners often call in to compliment me on something humorous I’ve said and supervisors appreciate my ability to think on my feet. I would love to bring these assets to the team at WKSS as your new Radio Announcer.

I have no doubt you will find me to be a well-qualified candidate. I hope to hear from you soon so that we can schedule an interview; please find my demo tape enclosed. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Shayna Booker”

Sample 3:


Christopher Mallory

1309, Forest Avenue

Fort Washington

NY 19034

United States


Date: November 21, 2011


Evelyn C. Williams

Recruitment Executive

City Spice FM

2145, Taylor Street

Fort Washington

NY 19032

United States


Dear Ms. Williams,

While reading the Sound Magazine, I came across the advertisement which states the requirement of radio announcer for your radio station. My experience as a radio announcer in the community and private FM channels enables me to continue this profession with ease.

I used to work as a radio announcer for the morning and afternoon news program in Angelo Community Radio from 2003 to 2005. I always had an inclination to work for private FM channels as it provides a fast paced work environment and interactive programs to work for. I completed a course in radio programming and voice modulation from Xavier’s Media and Arts School and joined Freedom Radio in 2006. My ability to speak fluently in local dialect helps me to connect with the audiences and ensure listenership that in turn is beneficial for the station to earn popularity and commercial success.

Feel free to contact me by telephone or e-mail as per your convenience. I would like to thank you and I will be eagerly waiting for a positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Mallory




Samples of recordings”

Sample 4:


Gloria G. Rogers

2881, Peaceful Lane

Fort Washington

NY 19037

United States


Date: November 24, 2011


Jennifer B. Newsome

Rock Fists FM

1272, Khale Street

Fort Washington

NY 19037

United States


Reference: James Fosse, Sales Manager, Rock Fists FM

Dear Ms. Newsome,

I talked to James Fosse who works as a Sales Manager in your organization. He told me that there is an opening for the position of a radio announcer. I hold experience working in this position and hence would like to apply for the opening in your organization.

I am a radio jockey at Musicology FM and currently, I work for the late-night show “Ride Long”. This is an interactive show where I not only play songs but also invite the listeners to participate in the trivia quiz during the show. This show alone accounts for the maximum listenership according to the Listenership Survey 2011. I can connect with audiences very easily and my in-depth knowledge and passion for rock and metal music will help me to script the show for your station as it specializes in broadcasting rock music.

Given a chance to serve your organization, I will contribute my wholehearted efforts to ensure maximum listenership. I am available for an interview as and when scheduled. I thank you for considering my application and await a positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Gloria G. Rogers




Samples of recordings”

Sample 5:

“<Ad-dresser’s Address>

<addressee’s address>


I hereby submit my application to your office. My name is <NAME> Intern seeker and I am looking for a non-paid intern freelancing Radio Jockey position with <Radio>.

I have a great interest in and passion for Radio Profession and I could be very helpful at <RADIO>. I am dependable, bright, eager to learn and very trustworthy with excellent communication skills and calm under pressure.

I could be of service to your programming department on a flexible, part-time basis. All I ask in return is the privilege of working with and learning from your staff.

I have enclosed my resume which will give you an idea of my background. If there is anything else you need, please do not hesitate to call. I am ready for an air check/demo recording at any time.

I would gladly make time to meet with you personally. Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.




Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I write a simple cover letter?

Cover Letter Basics

  • Address your cover letter to a specific contact person. 
  • Describe your accomplishments and experiences in a way that focuses on the needs of the employer and position. 
  • Research the employer.

What should not be included in a cover letter?

Things You Shouldn’t Include

  • Spelling or Grammar Errors. 
  • The wrong company name or name of the contact person.
  • False information
  • Long paragraphs
  • Your salary requirements or expectations. 
  • Negative comments about a current or past employer.
  • Information not related to the job.

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