CBT Triangle Worksheet (5+)

This page provides you with CBT triangle worksheets.

CBT triangle worksheets help individuals reshape their cognitions to modify their behaviours.

These worksheets help individuals adopt desirable behaviours and replace undesirable behaviours with the help of CBD Triangle. 

Some of these worksheets have been created by us while some of them have been curated from reputable third-party websites after reviewing the relevant content in detail.

CBT Triangle Worksheet- CBT Triangle

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, abbreviated as CBT, is a type of psychotherapy in which the behavior of an individual is altered by reshaping his cognitions.

Unlike DBT, the CBT aims to reshape the behavior of an individual while focusing on changing his thought patterns and cognitions.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to help individuals learn problem-solving strategies by dealing with their own thoughts, emotions, and cognitions.

It helps improve the thought patterns of the individual to enable him to deal with unpleasant situations efficiently.

A CBT triangle show the relationship between cognitions, thoughts, and behaviors.

The CBT triangle is a diagram that shows how an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are connected to each other and affect each other.

Changing even one of these things can help produce a visible effect. If an individual changes his cognitions or thoughts, his behavior is changed.

This CBT triangle helps individuals to reshape their cognitions to modify their behaviors.

CBT Triangle Worksheet- Cognitive Triangle Worksheet

Cognitive triangle worksheets help individuals modify their behavior by reshaping their cognitions.

This worksheet allows individuals to practice dealing with the unpleasant events by visualizing the event prior to its occurrence, identifying their thoughts on the event, their feelings, and the leading behavior. 

This worksheet allows individuals to reshape their cognitions on the event to produce a different feeling and modified behavior.

The worksheet also enables individuals to figure out their mistakes in their thinking patterns to modify their behavior effectively and adopt desirable behavior. 

This is a very effective worksheet that can help individuals reshape their cognitions for shaping their behavior.

This worksheet is easily accessible on the internet. You can download it in the form of pdf from here.

CBT Triangle Worksheet- CBT Triangle Worksheets

CBT triangle worksheet is very effective and easy to use worksheet specifically designed for the kids.

This worksheet allows kids to highlight their mistakes in thinking patterns to modify their behavior.

This worksheet allows children to recall past unpleasant and uncomfortable events, track their thoughts, feelings and leading behavior in response to that event.

Then the children are asked to challenge their thoughts to renew the cycle and modify their thoughts, feelings and ultimately behavior.

This behavior is a very good and detailed worksheet that helps children reshape their cognition to provide desirable, healthy reactions towards unpleasant events. 

This worksheet is easily accessible on the internet. You can get this worksheet from here

 CBT Triangle Worksheet- The ABC of CBT

The ABC of CBT worksheet is a very detailed worksheet that explains the CBT model of behavioral modification.

This worksheet consists of five pages and is a great source of knowledge about cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals.

This worksheet explains the ABC model of CBT. the ABC refers to the activating event, belief/ thought, and emotional/ behavioral consequence.

The worksheet enables individuals to modify their behavior by altering their cognition.

The worksheet also mentioned various examples to help individuals understand how to use the CBT model for reshaping cognitions. 

This worksheet is very effective and helpful for teaching individuals how to restructure their thoughts and beliefs to change their behavior.

This worksheet is easily accessible on the internet.

You can download it in the form of pdf from here.

CBT Triangle Worksheet- CBT for Kids: Thoughts, Feelings, & Actions 

Researches have unveiled that cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective for kids as young as seven years old.

CBt helps kids reshape their cognitions to deal with unpleasant, stressful situations effectively.

CBT for kids: thoughts, feelings and actions worksheet is an attractive, colorful worksheet designed especially for kids, to help them reshape their cognitions and replace them with more rational, positive and logical thoughts. 

This worksheet consists of a total of four pages.

The first page aims to help kids understand the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions and how to challenge these thoughts to produce a pleasant feeling and new behavior. 

The next three pages aim to help kids reshape their cognitions by exploring the event in detail and thinking of other possible reasons being the occurrence of the event.

This colorful, effective worksheet can be downloaded in the form of pdf from this page. 

CBT Triangle Worksheet- Diamond Connection CBT Worksheet

An individual’s actions are influenced by his thoughts and emotions.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps individuals reshape their cognitions to produce modified behavior. 

Diamond connection CBT worksheet is a very effective worksheet for enabling individuals to restructure their cognitions related to an event to produce a different response. 

This worksheet allows individuals to mention their core-beliefs and body sensations in response to an event, the leading emotion and the feelings produced by that emotion, the thought about that event and the behavior produced in response to this all. 

This exercise helps individuals learn how their beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and feelings affected their behavior.

This can help individuals to figure out how they can break this chain and change their cognitions, thought patterns and beliefs to produce a modified behavior.

This worksheet is very helpful for enabling individuals to find the mistakes in their thinking patterns and cognitions so they can correct the mistake and enhance desirable behavior by reshaping their cognitions.

You can access this worksheet from here. 

CBT Triangle Worksheet- ABC Belief Monitoring

ABC belief monitoring worksheet is very simple and easy to use a worksheet that help individual explore the event in detail.

The individuals are directed to mention the activating event, their beliefs and thoughts on that event, and the behavior in response to that event.

This worksheet is very effective for helping the individual identify the mistakes in their thinking pattern and core beliefs to modify their behaviors.

This worksheet is easily accessible on the intenret.you can download it in the form of pdf form here

This page provided you with some of the most effective and top-rated CBT triangle worksheets.

These CBT triangle worksheets help individuals recognize their faulty thought patterns and cognitions so they can alter them to modify their behaviors. 

Some of these worksheets were created by us while some of them were curated from reputable third-party websites, after reviewing relevant content in detail.

If you have any questions or queries regarding these worksheets, let us know through your comments.

We will be glad to assist you in this regard.

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