Can you lose weight on Wellbutrin and Seroquel? (3 tips can help)
In this blog post, we are going to answer the question, “Can you lose weight on Wellbutrin and Seroquel?”. Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic medication, whereas Wellbutrin is an antidepressant. Both of these meds are used for the treatment of a variety of mental health-related problems.
However, the two can also be used together. This blog will cover the impact of this combination on your weight and will discuss some weight loss tips that may help you lose some extra pounds on these meds.
Can you lose weight on Wellbutrin and Seroquel?
You may or may not lose any weight while being on Wellbutrin and Seroquel. If we specifically talk about Wellbutrin, it is the best-known antidepressant for weight loss. There are a number of research studies that can confirm the fat-burning qualities of Wellbutrin.
However, Seroquel is not known for weight loss. In fact, this atypical antidepressant can actually make you gain weight, especially when it is used continuously for a long period of time.
Make sure you don’t take these meds together for the purpose of weight loss, as they are no weight loss pills. Always talk to your healthcare provider regarding the use of medications. Only take those meds that are prescribed or approved by your doctor.
What does research suggest?
There are a number of research studies that investigated weight loss associated with Wellbutrin. In 2001, researchers designed a clinical trial solely to study the effects of Wellbutrin on the weight of 50 obese women.
The trial was comparative in nature and it was a double-blind study. Half of the women unknowingly received a placebo, while the remaining half received Wellbutrin. All test participants were kept in a similar environment and they were given a similar diet.
After 8 weeks of study, it was clearly observed that the women who received Wellbutrin showed more weight loss as compared to those who received a placebo. However, not all women showed a similar rate of weight loss. Some lost much more than others.
Another study was based on the exact same thing. They again gathered volunteers, but this time the doses were determined accurately and the incidence of weight loss in every woman was monitored. In a recent study, the effects of Wellbutrin for smoking cessation were monitored.
When the trial proceeded, researchers started to notice the difference in weight. Some volunteers lost more than 5 lbs in the course of 2 weeks, which was quite prominent. That’s when it was confirmed that Wellbutrin can help you lose weight, some more than others.
It totally depends on how your body reacts to the med. If we talk about Seroquel, this atypical antipsychotic is associated with weight gain. Several studies can confirm this claim as it was seen as a major side effect in some people.
Research studies have indicated that Seroquel can increase your appetite and can make you eat much more than your body’s usual requirement. If we talk about the combination of Wellbutrin and Seroquel, there are few points that we can discuss.
In this combination, one drug is associated with weight gain and the other one is associated with weight loss. Imagine, if they both do their work accordingly or ideally, one will make you gain weight and the other will make you lose it.
This may cancel out the entire net effect and you may not gain or lose any weight. Even if you do, it would be insignificant. This is why we can’t say that you will lose or gain any weight while being treated with Wellbutrin and Seroquel.

What is the difference between Wellbutrin and Seroquel?
Seroquel (Generic name: Quetiapine), on the other hand, is an atypical antipsychotic medication. It is primarily used for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The drug can be used for other conditions as well, including autism, irritability and major depressive disorders.
Its exact mechanism of action is still unknown. However, experts believe that the drug acts as an agonist of some of the dopamine receptors including D2 receptors and some of the serotonin receptors including 5HT1A receptors.
The experts have also added that Seroquel can inhibit serotonin 5HT2A receptors actively. As Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic, it is considered safer than typical antipsychotics which possess a higher risk of causing extrapyramidal side effects.
Wellbutrin, on the other hand, is an atypical antidepressant. It is also known as a dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
It works by actively inhibiting the reuptake of two excitatory monoamine neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine by blocking their transporters which are supposed to send the chemicals back to the presynaptic neuron.
This way more dopamine and norepinephrine are available in the synaptic cleft to bind to their respective receptors. The excess excitatory chemicals compensate for the deficiencies of such chemicals which are mainly associated with depression.
This is how Wellbutrin actively counteracts the symptoms associated with depression and other mental health conditions.
How can you lose weight while being treated with Wellbutrin and Seroquel?
There are some tips that may help you lose some weight while being on Wellbutrin and Seroquel. These include:
Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape, no matter what medication you are taking. When you’re mentally depressed, you do feel like you have no energy to even move, but if you do some exercise while feeling that way, you will notice a surge in your energy levels.
It not only helps you lose weight but working out also helps you out with your depression symptoms by releasing happy chemicals in your brain. Several studies have indicated that the use of Wellbutrin as an antidepressant can help increase your energy levels.
As Seroquel can augment Wellbutrin, the combination can be used to increase your energy levels and fight against lethargy that may stop you from working out. You don’t have to spend hours doing so.
If you are not a beginner, you can simply engage in a 10-minutes high-intensity interval training session, which will help you burn calories for the next 48 hours.
Even if you are a beginner, you can search online for beginner-friendly workouts and do them for 15 to 20 minutes. Just make sure you move enough during the day. Sedentarism can make you gain a tremendous amount of weight.
Eat the right foods.
“You are what you eat”, there’s a reason why they say that. If you don’t take good care of your diet and continue to consume unhealthy food, it doesn’t even matter which meds you’re taking as you sure as hell will gain weight. This is why you need to eat the right kinds of food.
This doesn’t necessarily mean to stop eating what you love. You can still enjoy eating fast or junk food, but only if you know how to maintain a balance. If you continue to intake unhealthy kinds of food, you will continue to gain weight, irrespective of your prescription.
Make sure you add lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water to your diet.
Try Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is a kind of irregular fasting where you can eat whatever you want to, but just during a specific time window. This can help balance the number of calories you intake and can also help you lose weight.
Several research studies have indicated that IF can make you lose weight much earlier than conventional weight loss methods, without even changing much in your diet.
In this blog post, we have discussed weight loss on Wellbutrin and Seroquel. You may or may not lose weight on Wellbutrin and Seroquel. Both of these meds are somewhat linked to weight gain and they do not interact with your fat-burning process.
However, some people may still lose some weight, but as a side effect. Make sure you don’t take these meds together for the purpose of weight loss, as they are no weight loss pills.
Always talk to your healthcare provider regarding the use of medications. Only take those meds that are prescribed or approved by your doctor.
FAQs: Wellbutrin and Seroquel weight loss
What happens when you mix Seroquel and Wellbutrin?
Seroquel and Wellbutrin together can be used, but the combination can cause a number of side effects. The concomitant use can increase the risk of seizures and is not a good choice to be used in people with active epilepsy or related problems. Always talk to your healthcare provider regarding the use of medications. Only take those meds that are prescribed or approved by your doctor.
Can you lose weight while taking Seroquel?
Seroquel is associated with weight gain as a side effect and not weight loss. Research studies have indicated that Seroquel can increase your appetite and can make you eat much more than your body’s usual requirement. It is a known fact that when you eat more than your body’s requirements, you will end up gaining weight. Always talk to your healthcare provider regarding the use of medications. Only take those meds that are prescribed or approved by your doctor.
How do you stop weight gain on Seroquel?
Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape, no matter what medication you are taking. When you’re mentally depressed, you do feel like you have no energy to even move, but if you do some exercise while feeling that way, you will notice a surge in your energy levels. It not only helps you lose weight but working out also helps you out with your depression symptoms by releasing happy chemicals in your brain.
What medication is used with Wellbutrin for weight loss?
Wellbutrin may be paired with Naltrexone for the purpose of weight loss. However, make sure you only use these meds in combination when prescribed by your healthcare provider. Self-medication should be avoided at all costs. They might help you lose weight, but only a doctor can determine if your body can bear this combination.
Can Wellbutrin and Seroquel be taken together?
Yes, Wellbutrin and Seroquel can be taken together, but only if prescribed by your healthcare provider. Wellbutrin is well known for causing seizures and it is considered one of the major complications that could possibly arise from Wellbutrin use. Seroquel, on the other hand, can also cause this side effect.
The combination therapy may increase the risk of seizures in normal and healthy individuals. This possible complication is the reason why the use of this combination is limited to people who do not have epilepsy.
- Ella J Daly and Madhukar H Trivedi – A review of quetiapine in combination with antidepressant therapy in patients with depression
- J M Goldstein. Drugs Today (Barc). (1999) – Quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel): a new atypical antipsychotic