Can Prozac cause joint pain? (3 research studies reveal)

In this blog post, we are going to talk about prozac induced joint pain. Prozac, an antidepressant, is associated with a lot of side effects, one of which include joint and muscle pain. This is why we’re going to learn everything there is to know about prozac induced joint pain. 

Can prozac cause joint pain? 

Yes, prozac can cause joint and bone pain, ranging from mild to severe. It can also cause stiffness and inflammation in various joints of the body, including shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints and finger joints. 

Make sure you report this side effect to your healthcare provider to ensure the safety of prozac in long-term use. 

What does research suggest? 

A 2020 research study indicated that prozac can increase bone fragility by multiple mechanisms. However, more study is required to be sure about the exact cause of this long-term side effect of prozac. 

The study also indicated that prozac may cause some changes in the bone marrow which can increase the process of bone loss in people who have been taking this antidepressant for quite a while now. 

A 2017 study indicated that prozac can decrease the healing rate of a fractured bone. It disrupts the accumulation of new bone cells and bone mineralization, which causes much more time for a broken bone to get fixed. 

Moreover, the study also indicated that long-term use of prozac can make you more susceptible to fractures and may cause conditions like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis in women. 

This effect is much more common in post-menopausal women who have been using prozac for a long period of time. 

A recent 2021 study indicated the same effect of prozac on bone and joint health. The study was based on both men and women and it concluded that SSRIs can indeed decrease bone mass and can weaken joints over time. 

Some studies have also indicated that long term use of prozac can increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in some people. It is extremely important to inform your doctor if you’re suffering from severe joint pain. 

If you’re a new user, it could indicate that prozac is not the right choice of antidepressant or your dose might be too high for you. 

Researchers have suggested that prozac induced side effects could be dose dependent. This can result in much pronounced side effects on higher doses, especially for a new user. 

How to get rid of prozac induced joint pain? 

In order to get rid of prozac induced joint pain, you need to talk to your doctor first. You should be certain that the continuation of prozac is safe for you in the long run. 

This antidepressant may cause irreversible damage to your bones, which can make this treatment less effective and much more painful. However, there are some tips that will not cure your joint pain but may provide some pain relief for a while. These include:

Warm or cold compress 

Warm compress can help reduce your joint pain and swelling. You can either buy a warm pad or can simply iron your towel until it becomes warm. Apply it on your joints and press a little. 

Experts revealed that some people benefit more from cold press rather than hot compress. So, you can use whatever works best for you. 

Do not strain your joints 

Make sure you don’t strain your joints. It is not recommended to use affected joints excessively. Avoid doing high intensity exercises like running or jogging. Don’t stand too long if you suffer from prozac induced knee joint pain. 


You can try massaging your affected joint with warm oil. It really helps reduce the swelling by increasing the blood flow, which also helps in healing broken tissues. You can try peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil to massage your sore joints. 

Stretch your joints 

Where high intensity exercises are harmful in such a condition, stretching or yoga can really help relax your joints and muscles. 

It can help release the energy from your muscles and really strengthen them. Make sure you stretch those joints but not too much. A little goes a long way. 

Wear a tight elastic wrap

Tight elastic wraps are widely used to support swollen and painful joints. You can wear one around your affected joint. It restricts excessive movement and the applied pressure really helps in providing constant support to the joint. 

What other medications can cause joint pain? 

There are several other medications which can cause joint pain all on their own. When such meds are taken together with prozac, the combination sometimes results in enhanced side effects. Meds that cause joint pain include:

Cholesterol-lowering agents 

Several studies indicate that statins are capable of causing joint pain in a large number of individuals, especially atorvastatin and rosuvastatin. Make sure you ask your doctor if you’re taking a prescribed statin. This might result in dose adjustment in the case of prozac. 


Steroids are well known for their anti-inflammatory effects, but their long-term use can really mess up your bone health. Several studies revealed that steroids can decrease bone density and can cause problems like osteoporosis in women. 

These symptoms become much worse when you stop taking steroids. Make sure that you’re not on any kind of steroids, either for medical or fitness purposes, while you’re on prozac. 


Antibiotics are known for a number of side effects, one of which include joint pain. This side effect is more common in people taking fluoroquinolones, including ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin etc.

These antibiotics can cause mild to severe pain in hip, knee and shoulder joints. Elderly people and people with underlying joint problems are more susceptible to this side effect but it is capable of causing joint pain in healthy young individuals as well. 

Chemotherapeutic or anticancer drugs 

Is there any part of the body that is not affected by anticancer drugs? I don’t think so! Chemotherapeutic agents are designed to kill cancer cells, but these meds attack normal cells as well. 

You probably know that every human part is made up of cells, including our organs, skin, hair and bones. Some anticancer agents attack mature bone cells, called osteocytes, which result in bone health deterioration. It gives rise to a number of conditions, some of which cause severe joint pain. 

Antihypertensive agents

Blood pressure lowering drugs can also cause a number of problems related to your bones and joints. Several studies have indicated that beta blockers, including propranolol, atenolol, esmolol etc can cause joint pain in 6-7% of people taking them. 

They can also increase the risk of osteoarthritis in post-menopausal women. Make sure you discuss the concomitant use of Antihypertensive and prozac with your healthcare provider. 

Antidiabetic agents

Experts have revealed that antidiabetic agents, especially those which belong to the class dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, can cause severe joint pain. Several studies have backed up its incidence. 

These drugs include Januvia (sitagliptin), Onglyza (saxagliptin), Vipidia (alogliptin) etc. If you’re diabetic and your doctor has prescribed this medication, make sure you weigh out pros and cons before taking it. 

These agents with prozac  can cause disturbing drug interactions. Make sure you talk to your doctor about this. 

Do not start taking any medication without your doctor’s approval. Do change the timing or dose without discussing it with your doctor first.

When to call your doctor 

Immediately reach out to your healthcare provider if you:

  • Experience nerve-racking joint pain that hinders your daily routine activities and cause serious discomfort 
  • Start noticing swelling, tenderness or redness around your joints. 
  • Find it difficult to walk, bone or bend your knees, fingers, wrist or any other joint
  • Start feeling burning or tingling sensation in your joints 
  • Notice significant loss of your appetite and you start losing weight rapidly 
  • Start showing signs of allergy or hypersensitivity reaction right after taking prozac. 

Make sure you consult your healthcare provider if you suffer from above mentioned side effects. They are not usually considered normal and often require immediate medical attention. 


In this blog, we discussed prozac induced joint pain. Experts suggest that in some people, prozac is indeed associated with stiffness, inflammation and pain in various joints of the body, including shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints and finger joints. 

Prozac can increase bone fragility by multiple mechanisms. However, more study is required to be sure about the exact cause of this long-term side effect of this antidepressant. 

It can also cause some changes in the bone marrow which can increase the process of bone loss in people who have been taking this antidepressant for quite a while now. prozac can decrease the healing rate of a fractured bone. 

It disrupts the accumulation of new bone cells and bone mineralization, which causes much more time for a broken bone to get fixed. It can also increase the risk of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. 

FAQs: prozac joint pain 

Can fluoxetine affect joints?

Yes, fluoxetine can affect joints and cause joint and bone pain, ranging from mild to severe. It can also cause stiffness and inflammation in various joints of the body, including shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints and finger joints. Make sure you report this side effect to your healthcare provider to ensure the safety of fluoxetine in long-term use. 

Is Prozac inflammatory?

Prozac may cause inflammation of muscles and joints. This side effect is rare and can only be seen in people who are already suffering from some underlying conditions. However, several studies suggest that prozac can produce anti-inflammatory effects of muscles. 

Can fluoxetine cause body aches?

Fluoxetine is associated with body ache by causing pressure in your muscles and bones. Many people have reported pain just after a few hours of starting this antidepressant. Fluoxetine induced body aches should go away on their own within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. 

This time duration varies from person to person. Some people stop experiencing body aches after a few weeks, while others take much longer to recover. Make sure you discuss your side effects with your doctor. 

What antiinflammatory can I take with prozac?

Some experts suggest that it is okay to take Advil but only if absolutely necessary. These two drugs should be used cautiously and only when there is no other way around. The use of sertraline with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can increase the risk of bleeding. 

Can fluoxetine affect rheumatoid arthritis?

Some studies have shown a positive relationship between prozac and the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It was observed that treatment with various fluoxetine can decrease swelling in such patients. 

What should I avoid while taking Prozac?

  • Monoaminoxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The combination use can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome. 
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The combination use can increase the risk of bleeding. 
  • Pimozide. The concomitant use can increase the plasma concentration(availability of a drug in the blood) of pimozide to much higher levels. It can result in life-threatening arrhythmia.
  • Controlled substances, including all narcotic analgesics. The concomitant use can cause severe psychological side effects. 
  • Mood stabilisers 
  • Alcohol 


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