Can anxiety cause the right bundle branch block?

This article will explain if anxiety can cause the right bundle branch block. It will also explain what is this condition, and its possible causes, before explaining how to cope with anxiety.

Can anxiety cause the right bundle branch block?

Yes, anxiety may cause you to experience the right bundle branch block. Any kind of stressful situation can have that effect. But when you get anxious, you will be in a state of extreme excitement. It doesn’t matter what has triggered your anxiety, as soon as you feel like that, your heart will quickly feel it.

That is because anxiety will cause your heart rate to go up, so it will likely beat more than it normally would. At some point, this can create pressure on your heart, and if you have ever experienced heart problems before, you can have a branch block, which can be in the first, or second degree.

If it is not something that is cared for, this can lead to even more dangerous things such as heart attacks, or even heart failure. That is why, if you have any heart condition, you should care to not expose yourself to any situation that will trigger extreme emotions.

What is the right bundle branch block? 

The right bundle branch block is a block that will affect the right bundle branch, which can create problems for the heart to keep beating at a steady pace. The right part of the heart will have delayed signals, which will cause an irregular heartbeat.

As the person experiences the right bundle branch block, there will be a limited supply of blood to the right ventricle, which can make it function less, and in some cases even fail. This can cause the person to experience a syncope, and the blockage can often lead the person to feel constantly dizzy.

But, as mentioned before, it is not only anxiety that can cause the right bundle branch block, it can also happen when the person is dealing with stress or has myocarditis.

Other conditions such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, right heart catheterization, and external trauma can also lead to the blockage. Having some diseases like Lev’s disease and Lenegre’s disease can also make it easier to develop them.

As people get older, they are also more susceptible to it, in the same way as babies that were born with congenital anomalies. Knowing, it makes it clear that you should be mindful of your heart’s health. 

But not only that, being aware of how the conditions you are living in are affecting your heart, can help you to live better. So if you are a constantly anxious person, instead of waiting for it to cause you a right bundle branch block, you should try to manage your anxiety. So let’s discuss what you can do.

How can I cope with anxiety?

As shown before, being anxious can be something that will not only be detrimental to your emotional health. It can also affect your body, and most importantly your heart. So here are the best ways for you to cope with anxiety.

Do things that bring you joy 

Nowadays we all seem to be living an extremely fast life. We are constantly under stress and seem to be running from one place to the next. In this process, it is extremely common that we will all become anxious, and lose track of the really important things.

So you are not this overwhelmed, you need to step out of this cycle, every once in a while, and give yourself time to do things you enjoy. It will quickly relax you and give you new motivation to face the problem ahead. 

Some people may often say that they don’t have the time to take to do something they love, what they fail to understand is that this is not a time that will be lost, rather than that, it will be a time that will surely help you get back to your routine even better.

Have an active life 

Every day more and more research comes out proving just how effective exercising is in improving your quality of life. When talking about stress, and anxiety, there is a direct connection. As you exercise, you will receive a boost of endorphins, which will quickly improve your mood.

But that is not the only benefit. As you exercise, you will help lower the levels of the hormone that is connected to stress, called cortisol. Which can be a relief for people that suffer from anxiety. And you may think you need a long workout for that, but the truth is that even going for a walk a few times a week can help you.

Learn more about meditation 

Meditation and breathing exercises have been used frequently to help people that are going through anxiety. In those, you will be able to focus more on yourself, center on the moment, and step away from those racing thoughts anxiety brings you.

With time, you will feel that the benefits of meditation and the breathing exercises will extend throughout your day, making you feel less and less anxious, which will ultimately reduce the risk of you having the right bundle branch block.

Work on having a healthy lifestyle 

Aside from exercising, eating, and sleeping, it can help you have a healthier life. Try to not take too much caffeine, or eat too many processed foods, since those can make your symptoms of anxiety worse.

Having a routine to prepare for bed, that makes you sleep better, can also help you feel calmer during the day ahead.

Look for support

And if you ever realize that it has been hard to deal with your anxiety all by yourself, it may be time to look for help. You can look for a therapist or a psychiatrist. With the first, you will have a safe space to share your thoughts or concerns, and they can help you create new strategies to deal with your anxiety, and maybe even understand the root of it.

Psychiatrists are doctors that have specialized in mental health. And they will be able to prescribe you medication that will help you manage the physical symptoms of anxiety. Making your quality of life better.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Can anxiety cause the right bundle branch block? 

What are the main causes of anxiety? 

Anxiety can happen for several reasons. It can be a reaction when you are dealing with a medical condition, since when you are ill you may feel constantly worried. It can also happen as a side effect of some medications.

Anxiety can also be developed as a reaction to a traumatic situation, or because you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life. It can also be related to genetics, so if your family has a history of anxiety, it can be that you will develop it as well. 

The condition can also happen as a reaction to other mental health issues, for example, depression. You can also become anxious if you have a personality that has a higher chance to develop it, or if you abuse alcohol or drugs.

What are the types of anxiety? 

There are many types of anxiety disorders, and each of them speaks about what causes the person to become anxious. There is social anxiety, which leads the person to experience anxiety symptoms whenever they are faced with a social gathering.

There is also generalized anxiety disorder, in which the person gets anxious even about routine, and everyday activities. Panic disorder is what leads to panic attacks, a sudden feeling of intense anxiety, often triggered by something that relates to the person’s life story.

Separation anxiety is one that often happens to children because they fear bad things will happen to their loved ones if they are apart. There are also phobias, which is the anxiety directed to some specific situation, such as heights.

Can one die from anxiety? 

No, one won’t die of anxiety per se. But what is known is that anxiety, and the high levels of stress that comes with it can be extremely detrimental to a person’s health. It can lead to heart problems, and even high blood pressure, and those, with time, can even become fatal.

Anxiety can also lead to a bad outcome whenever the person fears and becomes anxious about going to the doctor. This leads them to not care for their health properly, which can prevent them from getting treated if they are going through a serious condition that can be fatal. 

What are the common symptoms of anxiety?

Anxiety can lead to many physical and emotional symptoms. Physically it will lead the person to experience a fast heartbeat, rapid breathing, sweating, trembling, shaking, or even internal vibrations. It can also lead you to feel weak, or more fatigued.

Anxiety can make you have trouble sleeping, and even have gastrointestinal problems. As for the emotional symptoms of anxiety, it can lead you to feel tense, like you are unable to relax. You may get a feeling there is an impending doom your way, which can make you panic.

When you are anxious, it may be harder to focus on other things, and you may be thinking constantly about what is worrying you, and controlling those thoughts can be hard. And because feeling anxious can be extremely uncomfortable, with time you may begin to try to avoid situations that trigger your anxiety.

Does anxiety have a cure?

No, there is no cure for anxiety, that is because it is something that can have a genetic factor to it, so even after you begin to feel better, you may still have the chance of getting anxious at some other moment in your life.

But it is possible that through the appropriate treatment you will discover more and more about your anxiety triggers, and will develop better strategies to cope with it, so whenever it happens, you don’t feel so consumed by it.

In this, it is important to highlight that anxiety is something all of us have. It is what helps us deal with dangerous situations, but it can become a problem when it turns detrimental, and you feel like you are unable to control it.


This article showed that anxiety can cause the right bundle branch block. It also explained what this condition is, and its other possible causes. Finally, the article highlighted some of the best ways to cope with anxiety.

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Can Anxiety Cause Right Bundle Branch Block?

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