Can anxiety cause high levels of D-dimer?
This article will explain if anxiety can be related to high levels of D-dimer. It will show what it means to have a high D-dimer, and how anxiety connects to it.
Can anxiety cause high levels of D-dimer?
It is yet to be determined if there is a connection between anxiety and high levels of the protein D-dimer. Although there has been much research done on the matter, it is still not conclusive if there is a connection between the two.
Let’s show some studies that have tried to assess the connection between the two, and what they have found.
Factors Associated With Positive D-dimer Results in Patients Evaluated for Pulmonary Embolism
This study was made with a large number of people and focused on investigating what were the most common factors that would predict high levels of D-dimer protein in patients with pulmonary embolism.
The research tested 2500 people with a D-dimer test, and 1903 of them came out positive.
Through the crossing of the data, they discovered that there is no relationship between D-dimer and anxiety, but they found that the use of drugs, the older the person is, their gender, or if the participant had arthritis or had gone through surgery were all matters that could lead to a high level of D-dimer.
Association between anxiety and factors of coagulation and fibrinolysis
In this study that was published in 2008, it was found, to some extent, that there is a relationship between anxiety and high levels of the D-dimer protein. They evaluated two groups, of 29 people each. One was made of people that were being treated for anxiety, and the other was a control group.
Both groups had to fill out some questionnaires that would assess the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression. They would also have their blood drawn, and it was analyzed to understand its ability to clot.
In the end, the research found out that patients that had anxiety were more prone to clot. But they also discovered that they broke some parts of the blood clot a lot faster than the participants that were from the control group. But through it all, the results showed that there is a brief period of high D-dimer levels in people that have anxiety.
Hypercoagulability in working men and women with high levels of panic-like anxiety
This last study, which was published in 2004, tried to determine the connection between anxiety, and over coagulation in men, and women. During the process, it investigated 700 people that had to fill out a form grading their anxiety levels.
After that, each participant had their blood drawn, and it was checked, in each of the samples the levels of D-dimer, and fibrinogen, which is another factor that is present in the clotting of the blood.
Analyzing the results the researchers found, they discovered that a group of people, about 100 participants, that had high levels of anxiety, which would be treated as panic, also had high levels of D-dimer, but low levels of fibrinogen.
The research seemed to observe another pattern between anxiety and the levels of D-dimer. The other 600 participants described not having panic-like anxiety and had lower levels of D-Dimer, and fibrinogen. This leaves the matter open if anxiety can lead to higher levels of D-dimer.

Effects of depressive symptoms and anxiety on hemostatic responses to acute mental stress and recovery in the elderly
This research which was published also in 2004, seems to have found a connection between hypercoagulation, and the person’s emotional state. The research evaluated 48 elderly people that had gone through a stressor event.
After they had finished this stressor activity, many markers, including the D-dimer were assessed. And it was discovered that they could be higher once the person has dealt with a situation that has made them anxious.
And even though there is a lot of medicine involved in this matter, and there is still a lot that needs to be studied, knowing if certain conditions can lead to other more dangerous ones is important so you can care for yourself.
But in case you need more clarification, let’s understand a little more of what is the role of the D-dimer in your life and on your health.
What is a D-dimer?
D-dimer is one of the many proteins that are present as your body is creating a blood clot that is caring for a wound that has happened to your body. But in common, superficial wounds, it is expected that the D-dimer protein will dissipate.
But when a person has a situation that leads to the creation of more dangerous clots, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or pulmonary embolism (PE), the D-dimer protein will not dissipate. And they can put you in danger, as they can travel to your leg, or lungs, causing more serious issues.
Aside from that, when the person is experiencing many injuries at once, or if their blood seems to be clotting more than it is supposed to, the person may have a high level of the D-dimer protein in their body, which can be dangerous.
When the doctors are considering that a patient can be in trouble from a DVT or a PE, they can ask for a D-dimer exam that will assess if there is a presence of a clot. When it comes negative, it is a sign that there is no clot in the system.
On the other hand, if it comes positive, it is not a sure sign that a clot is present, but rather that there is a high level of the D-dimer in the person’s body. Which should make doctors look at the condition more closely.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Can anxiety cause high levels of D-dimer?
What are the types of anxiety?
There are many types of anxiety disorders, and those are often named, and related to the matter that causes the person to become anxious. There is generalized anxiety, which means that the person can become anxious just by doing everyday activities.
There is also panic disorder, which leads to panic attacks. It is a condition that causes the person to experience a sudden and intense state of anxiety. Separation anxiety is a form of anxiety that is common in children, and it happens when they feel that, once their loved ones are away from them, bad things can happen.
There are phobias, which are anxiety directed to one specific matter, for example, heights, and social anxiety, which is an anxiety that is caused by the idea or the fact that the person will be in a social situation, and fears how others will perceive them.
Is there a cure for anxiety?
No, there is no cure for anxiety. That is because there is a genetic factor that can lead the person to become anxious, and since those can’t be changed, even after treatment, it is impossible to affirm that a person will never be anxious again.
What you need to keep in mind is that anxiety is a common human condition, it is what protects us when we face a dangerous situation, but it can turn into a problem when the person is unable to regulate their reactions.
So when you have an anxiety disorder, even though it won’t be cured, the treatment will help you cope, and understand it better.
How can I cope with anxiety?
Anxiety can be treated with the help of professionals, but also through changes in your everyday life. If you are struggling with anxiety, the first thing you should do is look for a therapist.
With them, you will be able to talk about your emotions and understand the roots, and triggers of your anxiety. It may also be a great way to help you develop more positive strategies to deal with it.
In some cases, people with anxiety can also need medication, and for that, they can go to a psychiatrist. Aside from that, to cope with anxiety you should prevent having too much sugar, caffeine, or alcohol since those can make your anxiety worse.
You should also try to exercise because it can lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Taking time to do things that bring you joy can also be extremely positive, and help you deal with your tension.
Meditation is also useful when you deal with anxiety since through its practice you can focus more on your breathing, and in the present than on the anxiety the racing thoughts usually cause.
What are the most common symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety can affect you physically, and emotionally. It can lead your heart to beat faster, and your breathing to become faster as well. You can begin to sweat, shake, tramble, or even experience internal vibrations.
Anxiety can also make you feel weak, or more fatigued, and can lead you to have trouble sleeping, or even gastrointestinal problems. As for the emotional impacts of anxiety, it can make you constantly tense, and feel like you are unable to relax.
You can feel like there is an impending doom about to happen to you, and this can lead you to panic. Anxiety can also make it harder for you to concentrate on other things since you are constantly thinking about what is worrying you.
With time, as your anxiety becomes more intense, and uncomfortable, it can lead you to begin to avoid places or situations that can trigger your anxiety.
Can anxiety kill me?
No, anxiety in itself is not able to kill you. But anxiety can be detrimental to your health. Prolonged exposure to stress and anxiety can cause you to have heart problems, it can also lead to high blood pressure, and those, with time, and without the proper care, can be fatal.
Anxiety can also be something that will make you avoid caring for your health. Some people can be so scared that by going to a doctor they will discover a disease, that this anxiety prevents them from getting the proper treatment for whatever condition they have.
When a person has this intense anxiety and develops a serious condition, such as cancer, the lack of treatment for it can be sometimes fatal.
This article showed if it is possible to surely determine if anxiety is connected to high levels of the protein D-dimer. The article also explained what D-dimer means, and the risks that come with having a high level of the D-dimer protein.
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