Can anxiety cause a pulse in the stomach? (Yes or No?)

Many people suffer from an upset stomach and symptoms such as cramps, aches and even diarrhoea for no apparent reason. Sometimes years go by until they find out why. In this blog post, we are answering the question: “Can anxiety cause a pulse in the stomach?” We also talk about other anxiety symptoms and natural remedies for anxiety attacks and managing anxiety symptoms. 

Can anxiety cause a pulse in the stomach?

Anxiety is oftentimes felt as a pulse in the stomach and can greatly complicate the lives of people who suffer from it. But how can you know if your stomach pains are a symptom of anxiety?

Anxiety and stress can manifest in infinite ways: from insomnia to a general state of nerves, through psychological symptoms such as depersonalization or negative thoughts.

Each person is a world and each one develops in a different way. But it is true that there are some guidelines that are repeated in many people. One of them is the different discomforts that occur in the digestive system. What we could call anxiety in the stomach.

Although it is not just the stomach: from the mouth to the intestines, through the colon, anxiety can be located in each part of the digestive system. And also in the head, causing more appetite or a total absence of it.

Feeling a Heartbeat in your Stomach due to Anxiety?

Feeling your heartbeat in the stomach can be a sign of anxiety, as anxiety causes autonomic arousal, which can manifest in cardiovascular symptoms. Apart from feeling like one has a heartbeat in the stomach, anxiety can also cause palpitations, rapid breathing, a sense of impending doom and dizziness.

How do I identify anxiety in the stomach?

If you wonder if you have any of those symptoms with which anxiety manifests itself in the stomach, continue reading:

Dry mouth – Many times, people complain of having a dry mouth. This can be caused by nerves and anxiety, by a poor diet and also by medication. There are certain antidepressants and anxiolytics that cause dry mouth and dry tongue.

Gagging and nausea – That feeling of disgust and the desire to throw up can be frequent if a person is very nervous, with an anxiety that is not being able to channel. To avoid this, we recommend that you follow a balanced diet, with fruits included, and breathe deeply and consciously.

Nerves in the stomach and gut pains – When a person is nervous, the stomach area is one of the first places where they notice it. This can cause pain, cramps, or pricks.

Heavy digestions: heartburn  – Yes, as strange as it may seem, stress and anxiety can cause your digestions to be heavier. And that can be accentuated by discomforts like heartburn and heartburn.

To avoid this, we recommend you keep order in your meals, always making them at approximately the same time. You can also eat lightly, avoiding little digestive foods like white flour, fat and fried, etc.

Constipation or diarrhoea – The frequency of bowel movements may also be an indication that something is not quite right. If you have constant constipation or diarrhoea in moments of vertigo, it is possible that anxiety is causing it.

Lack of appetite – Conversely, there are other people whose stomach is closed. In other words, anxiety gets in their stomach and prevents them from eating with desire and regularity. They fill up right away and they’re never really very hungry.

This can pose a problem at the nutritional level since it is possible that after a long time, there is a lack of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body. Don’t let this happen, find out which are the best minerals for anxiety. Check the Best vitamin B complex brand for anxiety.

Check our extensive list of 10 Vitamins for Anxiety.

Both in the case of excess appetite and the absence of it, we recommend consulting with your doctor to give you adequate eating guidelines.

How do I know if it is anxiety and not another health problem?

When a person suffers from nerves in the stomach, it is common to wonder if it is due to anxiety or other causes: an ulcer, irritable colon, etc. To find out, it is important, first of all, to go to the doctor so that he can take the appropriate exams.

In addition, there are certain indicators that you can look at. The first thing is to know if there is something that may be affecting you on a psychological level even if you are not very aware of it. Sometimes anxiety manifests itself only with diarrhoea or a binge and does not give other symptoms such as nerves or insomnia.

In addition, you can try to see how you can improve your diet: if you eat unhealthy foods, it may increase your stomach discomfort. So it is important to follow certain guidelines. You can add mushroom to your diet, check the best Mushrooms supplements for anxiety.

What can I do if anxiety causes a pulse in my stomach?

To start, you must understand that your diet is vital when it comes to feeling good. So make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) and adequate hydration throughout the day.

In addition, it would be recommended that for the moment you reduce your consumption of dairy and spicy foods. Try to eat fewer times a day. This way you will not always be left feeling like you have a full stomach. Try to stay 80%, so the digestion will be lighter, less heavy.

These are temporary tips since the nerves in the stomach are not an ailment in itself, but a symptom of anxiety. That is why we recommend you try to reduce those stress levels that cause it. The first thing would be to visit a therapist to help you understand and channel your emotions.

You can also identify your level of anxiety, the type of anxiety you suffer and what strategies are most effective for reducing it. As you know, each person is different and just as the symptoms are different, so is the way to solve it.

 What else can I do to reduce anxiety symptoms?

Anxiety has many faces and many ways to manifest itself. It can appear with physical symptoms, like trembling of hands, difficulties to breathe or insomnia. It can also have psychological manifestations, such as bad thoughts, derealization, or unwarranted fears.

Too often, the remedy for reducing anxiety symptoms is anti-anxiety medications. And although they seem like an easy solution, the truth is that their prolonged use can have consequences and numerous side effects. For example, they can create dependency if your intake continues over time.

In addition, anxiolytics lose efficacy over time. Finally, they can cause changes in behaviour such as drowsiness, muscle weakness or dizziness.

Are there natural ways to overcome anxiety?

Yes, they exist, but you should know that they require a little effort on your part. And also a certain level of commitment and perseverance.

And it is that contrary to anxiolytics, nature takes its time to help you feel better. The good thing is that once you are better, you will feel part of the improvement. And that’s the best reward you could have.

More and more people are looking for natural and healthy alternatives to mental disorders that can appear in complicated stages. There are methods that have always been there and that helps us feel better and reconnect with ourselves.

Choose your infusions well and drink them every day – There are a number of teas that help calm complex moods. If you feel a moment of nerves, confusion, anxiety, etc. Its prolonged intake helps you feel good. If you’ve decided to have a good hot tea for your anxiety, you can find Pukka tea, black tea, loose leaf tea, kava tea, turmeric tea, holy basil, ginseng tea, jasmine. Check the Yogi Tea site where they sell the best teas. You can find this and other products at Holland & Barrett.

Nature is very wise and contains many substances that calm us down and make us feel better. That is why we recommend making infusions of lime, valerian, kava, liquorice, passionflower or chamomile. You can also combine them with each other to get a more complete improvement.

Of course, keep in mind that its effect is not specific. That is, it is not enough to take a linden tree one day to feel better. You should drink one or two infusions daily every day for as long as you consider necessary. In this way, you help your nervous system to function properly and improve your mood.

Practice meditation regularly – Yes, meditation is an ancient technique that consists of leaving your mind blank. To empty yourself. In this way, you achieve a peace of mind that transports you to a new state of mind. With meditation, you learn to breathe, which oxygenates your entire body.

In addition, free your mind so that negative thoughts gradually disappear. And with them, most anxiety symptoms also disappear.

A healthy life is the best life: move your body – It happens to all of us: when you are anxious, you eat fatally and you don’t feel like doing anything, let alone sport. But you should know that one of the activities that will best suit you is to practice physical activity frequently.

Exercise helps you release tension and increases serotonin levels in your brain. It also releases endorphins, hormones that make you feel good. What exercise? Anyone, but better if it amuses you: dance, go running, take the bike. The important thing is that you don’t stay on the couch in front of the TV all day.

In fact, even if you only go for an hour’s walk each afternoon, that can already improve your mood. Walking for more than 30 minutes has been shown to help you think easily. This will help you unblock those emotions that cause you anxiety and distress.

In addition, doing sports and different physical activities will help you improve your self-esteem since you will look better and share time with other people.

FAQ on Can anxiety cause pulse in stomach

Is it normal to feel a pulse in your stomach?

It is normal to feel a pulse in your stomach from time to time, for example, when you are worried, or if you ate something that wasn’t so good for your stomach. However, if a pulse in your stomach is something you feel daily, it may be a sign that you need to see a doctor. 

What causes pulsating abdomen?

Pulsating abdomen – feeling a constant pulse in the stomach, may have many causes. On it’s own it may be a sign of anxiety or bad digestion. Accompanied by other symptoms may represent something more worrying, such as an abdominal aortic aneurysm. 

Can IBS cause pulsing in the stomach?

Yes, chronic pain due to IBS can cause a feeling of pulsing in the stomach, although it is most often reported in the lower part of the abdomen. 

Can gas cause a pulsating stomach?

In some cases, gas may cause a pulsating stomach, by leading to spasms as the muscles in the intestines strain to let out the gas. 


In this blog post, we answered the question: “Can anxiety cause a pulse in the stomach?” We also talked about other anxiety symptoms and natural remedies for anxiety attacks and managing anxiety symptoms. 

Anxiety is oftentimes felt as a pulse in the stomach and can greatly complicate the lives of people who suffer from it. When a person suffers from nerves in the stomach, it is common to wonder if it is due to anxiety or other causes: an ulcer, irritable colon, etc. To find out, it is important, first of all, to go to the doctor so that he can take the appropriate exams.

If you have any questions or comments on the content, please let us know!


Medical News Today – Why do I have muscle spasms in my stomach?

UWhealth – Aortic Aneurysm Causes, Symptoms and Concerns

AADA – Managing Stress and Anxiety

AADA – Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress

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